letters Reconstructing Marriage bandon the fight for gay mar- riage, but do not abandon the idea. Marriage is a concept that was historically created in the church and then attached certain legal rights by governments. The word "marriage" has a strong emotional attachment for peo- ple with strong religious beliefs because it is a holy,,therefore reli- gious, union between men and women. So when we fight for gay marriage, we are attacking their reli- gious belief system. This is clearly a fight we will lose. Look at the Defense of Marriage Act as an exam- ple and all of the other proposed leg- islation. We are giving conservative religious groups a way to openly attack us. But are we truly fighting for marriage in the eyes of the church? If we are, we should be going through the church and not through the government. There should be a separation of church and state. We are fighting for legal rights and the recognition of aisame sex partnership by our government not the church. So why not use language that reflects our true goal and that will not offend our opponents. Call it "legal union" instead of "marriage." And have them ,be equal in the law and allow the religious opposition to feel they have defended the religious institution of marriage. Everybody wins. A fight for "legal union" is a fight we can win. Even deeply con- servative, religious people can under- stand that same-sex partners who have been living together in a com- mitted relationship reserve certain legal, human, rights. Some of us may find this a compromise they are not willing to make. They may want to feel that a gay union is equal to a marriage. The church is not ready for that leap, but the state may be. Let's win a battle and not lose the war. William George ‘Rough’ Draft t is time to lock up the children. Once again, to keep them safe and at home, we must look them up. I didn’t think the time would come so soon again, but here is it. There is a bill before congress to reinstate the draft. Every late teenage boy will be in danger of war. And like so many other times in history, the results will be certain — obscene waste of human life and outrageous cash profits. Our president’s main enterprise has been policies and laws to make wealthy people richer. War is the best moneymaker for the lucky few our country has ever had. If you love your sons, nephews, and grandsons, now is the time to stop this madness. The new law would also make con- scientious objectors receive basic military training. lfa young man really believes in the teachings of Jesus and cannot take up arms, he will be out of luck. George Bush’s church believes in war and to hell with the others. The worse the eco- nomic downturn, the longer and more senseless our wars are. Raise your voices on behalf of democracy, justice, and peace. Don’t let this country club brat, this un-elected president, this pretzel- choking impostor send a whole gen- eration to war God-knows-where or for how long. Do nothing andylose, thousands of teenageimen or defeat this law and keep our children safe. John Calvi Putney, VT Right-Wing Arrogance President Bush and right-wing congressional Republicans are V arrogantly trying any trick or scheme that they can get away with to rapidly deplete the federal budget surplus by the 2004 elections. They want a use- less unnecessary missile defense shield, tax rebates and many other wasteful spending ideasithat only benefit the rich and powerful. They really don’t want to see any of the budget surplus used to help the poor, elderly, homeless, emigrants or minorities. Bush and congressional Republicans are arrogantly pushing and forcing education vouchers, Independent Retirement Accounts (IRAs), the privatization of federal government services, less workplace, product, environmental safety regula- tions and etc. upon us. They really want to cripple or destroy public edu- cation, Social Security. affirmative action, government services, vital safety regulations and etc. This is part of their‘ overall economic and political agenda that is clearly designed to hurt and get even with the poor, elderly, homeless, emigrants and minorities. Bush and Republicans are pushing a hateful prejudiced agenda that is being candy-coated with patri- otic fiag_ waving, God, family values, morality and decency arguments. Since the presidential election of Ronald Reagan, Americans have slowly become more accepting of this Jerry Falwell/Pat Robertson false Christianity that really is only mock- ery, blasphemy and heresy. A real Christian movement is not rife with hate, prejudice, (scary conspiracy theory) lies, devilish behavior and arrogant hypocrisy. Recently, the Christian Coalition settled a class action “Jim Crow-style racial discrimination” and harassment lawsuit with fourteen (former) black employees. Robertson supposedly resigned from the Christian Coalition and politics three weeks before this settlement to devote more time to his Virginia Beach-based broadcast ministry and university. Robertson and those of his ilk remain silent about this settle- ment because they really don’t want to do or say anything controversial in their defense that might wake up and anger most Americans and minori- ties. They desperately need to keep those token black and other minority faces sitting and involved in white evangelical fundamentalist churches and vice versa for now. They don't want to hurt their chances of getting a pro-Bush/right-wing/Republican majority in the next congressional elections in Novembers of this year. David Raffield ma~y,».n.-».--u,......-/...,.... .._. .. _..