30 ° OlTl"l january 2002 HIV/AIDS SERVICES Hotlines Vermont 800882-2437 NH 800-752-2437 NY State 800541-2437 MA 617-522-4090 ME 800-851-2437 National 800342-2437 National TIY 800-243-7889 Teen Hotline 80o234—1‘EEN AIDS Community Awareness Project (ACAP) POB 608, St. Iohnsbury VT 05819 * 748-1149 AIDS Commurgy Resource Network (ACO ) River Mill Commercial Center 85 Mechanic St., Ste. 240 Lebanon NH 03766 ac0rn@valley.net 603448-8887 * Fax: 603-4488885 AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region 800639-7903 AIDS Project of Southern Vermont Brattleboro POB 1486, 67 Main St., 4th floor, 05302 ' 2548263 or 2544444 baap@sover.net Bennington 108 Union St. #3, VT 05201 Alice Mazur 4478007 Bennington Area AIDS Project POB 1066, Bennington VT 05201 442_448l»_or (800) 845-2437 Compreh~e"r‘1sive»C;hr-'1-:1Clirrit‘.<'> (800) 963-2460 r’ - 1 = Bratfleborcx 257-88601:‘? Buriington:8474594 Rutiand; 747-1831?!” ‘T? " A St. Iohnsburyt 751-7603 ' Isle AIDS Task Kara at 800649-2437 » National for People (-202) 898-0484 ; x " NH/VT HIV Infomiation Network on W 0 " ’* - www.dartrnouth.edu/ "hivnetl Vermont I Contact oflicein your a_rea_’for HIV+ support group-infornration. Anonymous’ '1‘-{IV Counseling-and Testing Sites. Oral HIV testing 7‘ www.vtcares.0rg * 800649-2437 Burlington POB 5248, 05402 8632437 or 800-649-2437 Montpelier 39 Barre St., 05602 2294560 Rutland PO Box 6033, 05601 775-5884 St. Johnsbury PO Box 503, 05819 748-9061 Vermont Deaf AIDS Project POB 172, Brattleboro VT 05302 800-257-1123 * fax 257-2013 (TTY) 800-253-0195 Vermont Department of Health AIDS Program 108 Cherry St. POB 70, Burlington 05402 . 863-7245 Vermont HIV/AIDS Education Network POB 1784, Burlington VT 05402 862-1668 * lonathon Radigan Vermont People with AIDS Coalition POB 11, Montpelier VT 05601 229-5754 or 7770235 vtpwac@sover.net www.vtpwac.org Washin CountyAIDS Networfimn ‘ Allison at 2294560 LEGAL 3 3 American Civil liberties Union 110 E. State St, Montpelier VT 05602 . . _ 223-6304 ‘F acluvt@aoI.com men;-_ 11:7: bers.aol.com/acluvt/home.html Office of the Attorney General Kate Hayes Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights 109 State Street Montpelier VT 05609-1001 82803189 828-3665 (TTY) 828-3187 (FAX) khayes@atg.state.vt.us wvvw.state.vt.us/atg/civil%20right s.htm Ga & Lesbian Advocates & D enders (GLAD) Legal Information, Hotline & Lawyer Referral Service available 1:30-4:30 Mon—Fn' in English & Spanish ' 800455-GLAD "ITY 6174266156 www.glad.org * gladlaw@glad.org 294 Washington St. Ste. 740, Boston MA 02108 627-426-1350 Vermont Human Rights Commission 135 State St. Montpelier VT 05633-6301 828-2480 or 8004162010 (voice/IT Y) www.hrc.state.vt.us/ MEDIA Guys Like Us Newsletter C/0 Brian Dougherty, NH AIDS Foundation , 3 . 1 — 1087 Elm St. #501, POB 5 Manchester -NH 03105 I - 800639-1122 briannhaf_@aol.com Hear Us OUT _ 3 _ - POB 28, Brattleboro VT 05302 , 257-0332 , - H.O.'l'. Hashes H.O.T. Flashes ,. .. Newsletter of THE. Merib Program PQB 1486,-Brattleboro,:_ VT 05302 * 254-8263 ‘ men@sover.net ._ , A. .. Mountain Pride Media, Inc, Publisher of Out in the Mountains POB 1078 * Richmond 05477 . wvvw.mountainpriderfie,dialOrg . mPm@motintaiht5fideme§ia§ors GLTB Yellow pages for New England. 66 Charles Street, #283 Boston MA 02114 _ 6174231515 * kpmedia@aol.com www.linkpink.com The Prism Newsletter POB 807, Potsdam, NY 13676 315-265-3605 wwwnorthnetorg/prism Reaching Out (Youth Zine) POB 5235, Burlington VT 05402 8659677 * OutrightVT@aol.com Vermont Rainbow Connection TV program c/o lavender visions productions POB 307, St. Albans VT 05478 lavender@together.net Bennington Pride Project 447-8007 www.geocities.com/vtbeai21 Berkshire Bears geocities.com/westholly— wood/2081 Gay & Bisexual Men's Group Bennington County and area Iustin 447-8007 iusn'ns@sover.net Gay Fathers Support Group 50 Mechanic St., Pittsford VT 05763-9317 * Bob, 483-6739 Gay Men's Ritual Group 862-8646 “ MenAlive! » ‘ POB423, Burlingtori_;.VT 05402"- sos-2247 , 2141 MinotaurBC@aol.com 603-753-9059 Monadnock Gay Men (MGM) POB 1124, Keene NH 03431 603-357-5544 MonadGay@aol.com www.monadnockgaymen.com One in Ten Project , Discussion/social group Claremont NH Brian 800-639-7903 The Men's program Social & educational events for gay and bisexual men Glenn 2548263 men@sover.net MULTICULTURAL Kwanzaa POB 583 * Burlington VT 05402-0583 Sister to Sister/Hermana y I-Iemran _ ALANA Community Organization 47 Williston St., Brattleboro VT 05301 254-2972 * acs@together.net www.alanacommunity.org Women of Color Alliance POB 1534 * Burlington VT 05402 6600606 PI-HIANTHROPIES Samara Foundation of VI‘ Bill Lippert, Executive Director POB 1263, 90 Main St., Burlingon VT 05402 , . 860-6236 * 8606315 fax info@samarafoundation.org www.samarafoundation.org P0LmcAL Gay Info Line of NH 7 ” V V 26 South Main St * ‘ Boil ._ 8 * _ConcQrd NH 03301 603-224-1686 ’ " ' ‘ it gayinfonh@aol.com www.RainbowResources,-NI-I.org' I-iN+ Public Policy Project,,lnc POB 5811 . _ 1. _ Burlington,VT’05402 ' 800649-2437 (day) 657-3803 (evening) Fax 864-7730 V’ ‘ HIVp3vt@adelphia.net ‘ Logcabin Republicans , A lames Campbell, Grass Roots Field Director jcambell@lcr.org 888-840-2930 www.lcr.org Nashua Pride 423-3 Amherst St., Ste 113 Nashua NH 03063 Gil 603881-9522 Freedom to Marry Coalition ' (0NElNHl POB 3605, Concord NH 03302 603-224-1686 ONEofNH@aol.com Peace and Iustice Center 21 Church St, Burlington VT 05401 863-8326 Pride Vermont Committee POB 1433, Burlington VT 05402- 5113 * 864-3455 Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights POB 1125, Montpelier VT 05602 Virginia Renfrew, 4964333 Keith Goslant, 454-8552 Vermonters for Civil Unions legislative Defense Fund POB 1038 Middlebury, VT 05753 899-2930 wwwvtmarriageactionorg Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force POB 1312, Middlebury VT 05753 388-2633 coord@vtfreetomarry.org www.vttreetomarry.org -‘- 4°“ 7 ctr .: ..-ea-‘..-~.-..:~‘..»r's.- - Development Program Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle Counties 860-1417 * 800287-7971 www.vtmicrobusiness.org EAGLE (IBM Employees) Roseanne Prestipino, 7694034‘ prestipi@us.ibm.com ]im Leavens, 7694413 ]leavens@us.ibm.com eaglebtv@us.ibm.com pdcareypokibm.com/EAGLE/eagl e.html Gay & Lesbian Employees at Middlebury (GLEAM) Carrie Rampp * 443-2451 rampp@middlebury.edu www.middlebury.edu/ "gleam National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association New England Chapter Barbara Dozetos, President 28 Pinewood Road Middlebury, VT 05753 388-2735 Barbara@abovefold.com www.nlg]'a.org Women's Small Business Pr ermont Women's Business Center Trinity College, 208 Colcliester Ave., Burlington VT 05401 8467338 * 877-770VWBC Vermont-NEA GLB Educators and Their Allies Bill Cavanaugh, 645-9630 POB 156 * West Pawlet VT 05775 RECREATION Burlington 110.12? Community Center POB 5883 * Burlington VT 05402- 5883 86_0RU12 (-7812) thecenter@ru12.org www.'ru12.org ‘ - - - Cham Vall Frcntrutiners Fran ‘jHa'ddleto' “43‘¢6o6‘2""’]‘ David Steinberg 5185634307 d_m_steinberg@yahoo.com Chiltem Mountain Club , Hiking, biking kayalcingvskiing, camping white water rafting , Bob‘Bland,888831-3100’ ‘ l0land@sover.net Cindy Clemence 429-2308 www.chiltern.org/chiltern Green Mountain Freedom Band Mail: c/0 Peter Thomas POB 1024, St. Albans, VT 05478 Telephone: 878-1123 email: greenmountainfreedom band@yahoo.com Lavender Visions Productions, - Inc POB 307, St. Albans VT 05478 849-2739 ' - www.together.net/"lavender Out North Ski Club POB 687, Londonderry VT 05148 outnorthskiclub@hotmail.com Poetry Workshops David Weinstock * 388-7523 The Samadhi Singers: A Sacred Music Chorale Burlington * 864-5327 TOWANDA VI"—NY-NH outdoor club for women Terry or Sally at 878-DYKE(3953) Towanda@t0gether.net Theatre on a Shoestring POB 1012 * Burlington V1" 05402 888-212-5884 info@theatreshoe.com www.theatreshoe.com Vermont Gay Men's Chorus 800-750-8434 * fax: 633-2389 robnyves@together.net Visible-invvermont Arts (VIVA) POB,-812’* Burlington VT 05402 865-0385 FMI: Tatiana, 387-2781 - - .- .taIiana§@:s9szt:r;r1.§t, _, _, ’ 4264111 or 533-2527 SOCIAL Barony of All Vermont POB 1351 Norwich, VT 05055 baronyofallvermont@yahoo.com Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Social Group Drug and alcohol free Saturdays 8 pm-midnight B] * 603-272-5815 out in the Valley WR] VT, Hanover & Lebanon NH Daniel Guertin dan@outinthevalley.org http://www.0utinthevalley.org Pride and Ioy GLBT parenting Group meets monthly for social and support groups Hometown.aol.com/vtprideand—’ joy/vtprideandjoyhtml Vtprideandjoy@aol.com Vermont Gay Social Alternatives VGSA POB 237 Burlington, VT 054020237 www.vgsa.com V vtvgsa@hotmail.com SPIRITUAL/RELIGIOUS All Souls Church Unitarian Universalist A Welcoming Congregation 29 South St, Brattleboro 254-9377 Barre Universalist Church — A Welcoming Congregation Services at 10 am Sundays Richard Forcier, minister _ 19 Church St. , Barre, VT 05641 _4790114 , _ " Central Vermont Sangha (Tibetan Buddhist) ,5 POB 517, Montpelier VTi0S‘60;1 Champlain Valley »Uriita1’ian I -:5-tn‘) An official welcoming congrega- tion 6 POB 857, Middleb'iiry,'VT'0_5753i 3888080 " _ M Christ, urch Pres A ' 7 “ore Lflglt ( R. University of Vermont Burlington VT 05401 *'862-1898 Coll Street Co iional o.u;°§i . - “9’‘’g‘‘‘ Open and affirming Across from the YMCA in Burlington 864-7704 Dignity Vermont - POB 61, Winooski VT 05404 655-6706 Dignity New Hampshire POB 7, Manchester NH 03105- 0007 6036470206 DignityNH@aol.com Faerie Camp Destiny POB 531, Winooski, VT 054040531 Gabriel 295-7105 www.faeriecampdestiny.org First Unitanan' Universal1st' Society An official welcoming congregation 152 Pearl St., Burlington VT 05401 Services Sunday 11 am Interweave Monthly GLBT Potluck ]ohn Byer * 644-2080 First Universalist Parish (UU) Derby Line VT 873-3563 or 754-8780 First Univermlist Parish of Chester ‘ Nick Boke 263-5487 FirstUriiversalistSocietyof Hartiand ' Beverly Boke 263-5487 Buddhist Center Brattleboro and Wilmington, VT, . POB 733 . . Brattleboro, VT 05301