28 - OITN january 2002 . ' To announce an event for our monthly calendar, I t _ an e-mail it to calendar@mountainprldemedia.or9. or , I - write us at: PO. Box 1078; Richmond, VT 05477. sun man We! wed llwrslli la‘ kc . _ g. ’ g ” L 8pm“at R.U .2? Headquarters. Ne group is Loca§'Ic:n:. 18'/'_St.‘ Paul S eet (between King ‘ ones! The stuffing starts at 5:30pm and lasts I \> — i _» , — ‘ open;ongoi§zg,‘free-of+:harge an‘ cogfacilitat-. ‘Hand & aple) in7_Bu'rlingto\§ . Info: »1g‘-800-GLB-i until we are finished (usually 3 hours). We | « , ";.‘°“;:m3h_t" VeVm°“t?’\_*Y}’“_"3 ed bysup rtive healthprofe 'ona1s_ and Cl-llA'l_’§wwvv.ot_.1trightvl;or§‘ g ' * ‘ A * provide pizza so please join us! PM &I W°me1’1$ G.r°u.P-‘6§P;m- .599 M.°_’?df3Y. 1ist- peers. FMli(02) 860rRU12.or ergiail 'thecén- 7”’ Amencaiiigmggwggggg Directions: circu1ation_@mountainprideme I Look '§Good Feel Bette1*§3,Program&T“3$%r»r“1; A _ dia.o_rg or 802-434-6486. County Social “coniri3unity based, free ‘fiservice, ’provide_s - I y y ' . I ‘A l -y l_ Group.=.»8pr:ri" at. ‘ill}lr»_»j’Ups,,:.Bal§ery‘ Lane. group cosmetology constilts with__makeup,1 .. ,e__ ' _ T ’_ = g 5 ._ " IEVe1*y0Y1:‘€": yielcyome. ..We7re»,»usa{al'ly clown-; . and scin care tips-iforcanizer patients at the "-_ Tlge ht?‘ stairs in ‘tl'I&$"‘baI. section. This_is"‘ “ ' — ‘ll Verr"nontHospitai.v=ourth Monday of ,_ vennonrca d:tl1e»=“=élaShi"8*9n?°U= ~ a i a arm gathering.’ Purely ._ B-Wear, _ , _ li:vgoi"ii‘ome..,,i?" -éa'rb . -— ._calling,;802 229-0366. _ - t t ‘ ; .$0Ciall51*PP0rt‘'.‘-.C5_§0UP .'dozétos@so\§er;netor,388%8298.. ~ " . ' . 4 f-'Q'DAY1 -_Co,nfidential,»op"entoallGLBTQ » I A1 ‘ ~ r .. _ , _ — . O . . . e_ ":g;1dex;.‘ca]},:us1—iat -.800GL .. l _ 1 ~ fI§)ut1;1ght Verrnoéit - Act1on| 1-on théf eb‘au’,,WW_o“,,“,;g .3 — y - . A V ' eommi ee or. eveoping our ommunityl ; mf5Hfiayt:¢n.'6r‘direc{—iUib‘—y ’ ‘ ‘ ~ -'-"-.G~e.“d"’5 /DC) Meeting 5:30-6:45pm. see’ Friday 4| I ” i Gm“ misupport‘ ’ listing for more information.-1 . ‘ " ' — Q Womengof Color Alliance -' _ - . ?=Vl{orné_n_ oflcolor Alliance -Movie Night Movie I i and: .fre’e;jpi_zza foryoung women of I '_ pcolorl ‘at:-’l'.l’1B.‘ Women of Color‘ Alliance | _ , gs-VGSA--sip and Dine-,6:30Pm' \ ja_t_ ]135:‘Pear See Friday _listi_nglfor[more' ' rinformatiom-. . . . _ I _BURLING'l'0NV - Outright Vermont 4 Peer: vsocial/‘Support Meeting Friday Night Group.‘ I . j;7~8:30pm._ See‘_Frid3Y4 ligting formore-infor4| ';,.mafian.‘ .' . ' ‘ I ‘Gay, Lesl_oian,‘Trans‘gender~' Mwvtfigvkr Ups Su1ppor,t"_G',r_oup=; ‘Meeting. held the. first. Saturday of everymonth, 3»5pr'n?._Non alcou lciolicgdrugl. free‘ social; lx<;o'me...~ and make I grneaas. Callisrad ‘)r;—ff58»m‘oré frifé 4303- I -~.,~272gss15,..;»;_;; j -_ I V ICI‘ --AGLBT Nightat Panama l.acl