january 2002 OITH - 27 To announce an event for our monthly calendar e-mail it to calendar@mountainpridemedia.org or write us at: PO Box 1076, I2ichmond,VT o547'7. iues wed iliurx Fri sat ' _ BENWNGTON . 7 -can Look Good- "Féé.l. ‘ene'ri’r5:o§ra at the Southwe§t,."M»e‘d' ‘ .AABerAixAr1_ir1gtA_dr_Ai’.A»AI-A‘i Pléaseifresisier 447—14o3“ofao attending .or863A~2437A.‘A=. —BURI-INGTONFVGSA on __4_op ‘VoHeyball.'atAA1A-ZclmLm’d$ ‘id schoo _ , _ . T i5‘Aa,Y10r51TuC- QITY3, : V Saithefiflé-‘1?W?1V$¢Ci31~-3P¥¥?'A¥i¥“i1 .¢.:a11.so,. 1 1 - . d"A;A h°¥.¥1.°f FM,/" B.a-';b. d°“°‘°§,@§°V°’-" -‘3-‘F-.’Ai.'=‘»“_?i. AABURIJNAG‘l'Ol5{—’A—_'A*ivRiU.1.2? ;Commi1nAity.;.BoGk[ AA A AA ‘ A A AA Club¢Marga1§ét-MeadAMadeAMeGaYbY=ESter" . AA A 6pAr‘n,A;;We are:an}.informa1z.'Aand .funA ——=gm’upIa£~fp1ivM,aple)AAiE v. ' ’ Info:v1'—A8O0GLBCHAAT; ~j ‘ ‘ M1901‘-EBURYFA:hericah?:‘Cénéét:SodetY< Man to Man. Prostate "eCanoer_): support A Group. 4pm in the Iislev 5Li1¢>.ra"rv'e. ‘firstwednesdayafthe"rnonih..EMi;ca11Aaoo~A A ‘ ' “ i2iAi11 » us W?‘re*'0peh tdisugsesticins-.arid1.i - ~‘ : _chaAi‘A1'ge!'“. AMé'et_ings A\Aare::i at -the ."1i;A.AlAJA.1.-2? a 539-1388, OpenAtoApubiio; A ;_ A 1. IA 1 ,:'cofrAmjn Centef Hgaiaquaitersz» ~FMIA: A — fl;-'7 Co_a|itionv"'-Meetirig._A~at:'i;iKé¢zie:.;State ~ ’ 9p’Arii;v /t4.EMI§contact bert@monad;net ‘ or ; NHFfMC@mediaone.nét or camps) 222+‘ ' Me, i.=;o',ia'Aox.-4064, A AMIDDLAEBURY-AddiSO1‘i3_;C£)AI1: Grfoup-..‘At "Mr UPS; Ba1s¢fY3.‘A_ welcome: We’re;.tusué11Y‘:d9Wnstaiis barAsection.__ThAis is A A gathering. PurelyAAso(:AiAAa_l,'8prAxAI'_Ai;1Anti _ A’ A home. FMAI Barb -‘do_zetos@§oveif;iieAtA’or‘388rA ’ 8298. .1 V s 'o3o9,or Write to NH V "‘A"C°Y1C9r.di"1‘§H.Q330?'4°54a‘ W 2 AdisbnACountyAGLBTA$ocial’ * FRIDAY '. BURHNGTAON‘/iAAAAQuAU'iSHtAVé on CorAr,|init?tee.ifo1nADeve1o*pf1_r;g.oiir ormn (Ac/DLC) Meeting 5:3¢6‘*45p'r‘n VV . 1 -A22 and._under.are;invite .tAAoApAag; A‘ ”OAutrAight events-A.and IAaAAc_t:i\AIA1|;1AiA A A » A sAubfr_r1is'sions.for7 theA,‘zine Reac pizza‘ on ‘(the ;fizAst H . V Loc,ation:~1’87,-isrg; Paul St]? At A(betweeAn :Ki’Ang._ , . ar‘ajd,.j.Map1e)';nI:Bur1ington:‘jfs I-'1—8OQ-C§LB-> '' ; mA FfiaaAY;j i Wo en gaff an -A ’ ¥fiS.h1f9'=‘¥‘dA‘f!éé of-: co1_mA;ja:... the_ A AA_Builington:.I§Aé%=f._A A decideonwheret ‘.0u.tri9ht... Soda1l5uPP¢rt‘3M¢é$ih35'Frid Fieé’_&;Co_nfAidf Atia1;;'A‘A6pe AG‘-ewes friends. Ca1lA'BArad Ir.’ A 272-581 A; -: W!-ll'IE‘RlVERIC1'~Gi;_.,;. 8.. A , lacks. 8pm. Loi5ated;ir'1Athe' Upper'AVallAey Bowling Lanes Acomplex. off Sykes Ave. ~WA0Afl