26 ’-~OlTI“1t janua-ry 2.1.002. . Organizations, f provide descriptions of recent or upcoming activitiesand events.” Email your submission to editor@mountainpridemediagorg . ; AIDS Paonacr or Sou1nERN V:I=.IvIoNr if The AIDS Project of Southern Vermont, a non—profit organization whose mission is to provide services for people who are, infected and/or effected by the HIV/AIDS virus, would like to thank the following‘,p._eople_,and organ? izations for their efforts in making our first annual Craft Fair the success it was: Volunteers: Anna Krawczyk, Bert L., Joanne Bowser.,»_Barb Baker, Dani Tifft, Hilda Outwater, Micah Dubreuil, Marybeth Merriam, Amanda Davis, and Hope Krawczyk. Advisory Board Members: Heather Babcock, Bill Perry, Kim Coryat, Greg Winterhalter, and Jim Cormier. Staff ‘members: Alice Mazur and Justin Schwarz. Thanks also go to The Sacred Heart’ Saint Francis Church for the wonderful location and the very giving people of the church; S.A.D.D. (Students Against Destructive Decisions) who held a bake sale and donated half their proceeds to our organization; graphic artist Gypsy Jones; our local McDonald's Restaurant for their donation of cookies and juice; the Apple Bar for their donation of apple cider, apples and doughnuts; radio stations WBTN and WZEC; and local and surrounding—area newspapers. Last, ‘but not least, our deeply felt thanks go to our vendors whom without them this event would never have happened. Thank you everyone for your help and caring hearts. ‘ \ MOUNTAIN PRIDE MEDIA Mountain.-Pride Media isexcited to have been awarded a $2,000 challenge grant from The .Vermont Community Foundation in support of the Out In The Mountains electronic archive project. If you are interested in making a contribution to ‘this campaign please Contact us at mpm@mountainprideme- dia.org for more details. 0 Mountain Pride Media would like to welcome our newest committee members. Judy Thompson and Bill Avery have joined? oufl-‘Technology’; Committee. Fran Moravcisk has joined our Outreach Committee and'Vicky Phillips has: joined our Strategic Planning Committee. We are always looking for community members -who would like to put their skills, time and ener-' gy to work for a local non-profit. ‘Please check ‘out our Volunteers‘page_‘on our web; site (www.mountainpridemedia.org) if you’d like to. learnfmore about serving,on.o_ne offour_,committees.. 1 _ . — Each month, Mountain Pride Media acknowledges; the individuals who help get Out In The Mountains out into the community. This month wesend out our ‘thanks to Judy, Dani B.,. David, Esther, Dustin, Fran, Bennett, Michael, Susan, Patrick, Matth‘ew,“Euan, James, Dan G., Aldora, Marsha,’ Daryl, Tyler, Larry, Justin, and Roland. Also an extra special thank you t'O"_'O'_uI" neighbors at NOFA who saved 2,000 copies of the paper from the rain. The January “Stuffing” will be on Thursday, January 31st starting at 5:30 pm.’ at our offices above The Daily .Bread in Richmond, Vermont. Please feel free to stop by and say hello and help out. » . Mountain Pride Media would like to thank all the organizations and busi- nesses that supported us in 2001: Samara Foundation of’Vermont, The Gill Foundation, The Walter Cerf” ‘Foundation, The Vermont Community Foundation, Ben Franklin Stores, The Daily Bread Bakery '8; Cafe, The Vermont Historical Society, New England Culinary Institute, Hunger rom around the state are encouraged to CO PASS . Mountain Co-op, ilovermont.com, O.R.C Property Management, Stone Ledge Landscaping," Nikon’ Corporation, and UVM’s Department of Theatre. Without the support of grantors and local organizations our celebzation of = the 15th anniversary of Out In The Mountains would not have been the wonderful success it was. ' RU12? COMMUNITY CENTER The RU12?.Community Center is having an open house on Thursday, January 31st, from 4:30 to 7:30 for volunteers. This event is for everyone, including those who have volunteered in the past (we want to say thank you) and those who are interested in working with us on all sorts of projects. Come and talk with us about what interests you, and find out about volunteer opportunities at the Center. This is a great chance to find out more about RU12?, find out plans and ideas for the New Year, and make new contacts. Call Volunteer Coordinator Meg Tamulonis at 860-7812 for more info, or just swing by and say hello. To get to the RU12? Community Center in Burlington, go west down Main St. or Pearl St. and make a left onto’ attery St. turn right onto King St. and head toward ferry dock. Make sharpiright onto Steele St. and park in Main St. Landing garage. Walk out of the entrance " that you drove into. HQ is located immediately to your right on the north end of the Wing Building in Suite 113. See you there! VT PRIDE As I write‘ this, snow is“ finally making its seasonal descent from the sky, and it is a welcome sight.‘We at Pride VT would like to greatly thank every— one who‘ donated items, helped organize, and attended November’s Spirit of ' Giving dinner and‘ raffle. It was a singing success as Bob Bolyard brought Karaoke Kapers to the warm and cheerful atmosphere of the St. John’s Club in Burlington. . D . » Pride will behaving 2 meetings in January: Tuesdays, the 8th and 22nd at the McClure ‘Multi-Generational Centerfrom 7—9 pm on N. Winooski Ave. W in‘Burlington. For more information please contact Brian at 859-9238. Also be sure to say “I-Ii!” and buy a raffle ticket from at Pride representative dur- ing Womyn’s'Night and Shakti, Friday evenings at ' 0 135 Pearl. For any additional information or inquiries about June events,‘ check out the online site www.pridevermont.org. Stay warm and well this season! imr>aitéd‘,YzéF¢rS'. .,srrearI1S..‘pa§Sit¥81§hi’<5ii8hiléiéxiscélrrd do ed areas),‘.v“A..‘, is al ride. aroundlthej state disclosfes—,vast forests 3nd,.:._neat".‘f3l ._ . .except"jin the growth.areas0’wherei{once bfeautiful farms are -now ~hou’ses made‘, otitoffticky-tackye, an'cl.,Athey_,all.lo_okV just; the same, or jumbo shop- pingj centers catering to the-=h'ost7of"merchandise'-that "crosses theoceans to I‘fill'fthe;shelves'Vof consumer oriented culture in’the‘ cities." . These are tn-ggrawth centers‘?/ca’, that lANR';wants- Vgolldivert, all of the jreV"olv‘ing ‘ 5' ‘state law; notwithstanding. Ogfjthe 31. states that have nuclear .$€W¢r‘..f,IiJ <1. . . _ . ._ . . . rea ro; _ nerating eljec__t7ricity,'VeriIiOnt;;leads1their1 all for nuclear_eie_c- V triC_Ilusel;lwi}th-‘aboutfone"thirdfof,our;p‘owerHcOming from Vermont Yankee .accordin‘g.,to' the Vermont1- Department of ..Public Service. An even larger .pgrcen7tag‘e.;.'_15 from hydro;,.“;jnos’tly;’ Hydro Quebec. It is interesting ,.to.{n'ote that',',Ve_'rrrio;nt; has a; :fai'f;bett_erI_ greenjmix ,'f_,or.‘—e,lectric V] _ , , _ . , are__‘:7Yét;‘jt:iie?z=;g¢:i§:3zj&$f Resou es (ANR).’éI9I51YifIg7th¢:‘VefIIié£II : Water’ Resources B<>arc1.j;ma$nc1ar;Ié s 6‘ ‘ .i¥IiI>if%iLC‘i7C3:1 oower, cleaner water V _ i , ialist. ‘“éo1lectivesv,’vrnasking as , environrnental groups.» me an e’ _ , _ ‘.more»§i_v_ teir=:—,’andi, rower. are-‘.«i;ig¢’c1eT_c1_;"fd:—;2,1s:: century,j;1ifes,tyles, Vermont faces, the A__,u.ge= pro_blern=_.of‘_ dealing "with*;ill:'considered laws, rules, regula- tions,-j.,;polic_ie_s‘ 5-procedures p,rcmu1gated_‘ by agwell meaning but H I _’ I nority‘ iV;o:f5V"Chicken»’V'Littieenthusiasts‘ that ‘a decade ‘ago Waf,ned'f,o,,,.a,n _1I,u_ din'g.“ice age and "now, aretacolytes of global warming. Removing the..bli_nc,l'ers‘ and dealing "with genuine facts is essential‘, but anyone Whodisagreeswith the extremists istattacked as if it were -a. per- sonal affront tothern. Balance is needed’ and one reasonable suggestion is the dis,-allowing of standing for ‘all special interest groups from legal proceedings and permit processes. Since that applies to both sides of issues, it: may help reduce the extremism on both sides. , »,In any case, we in Vermont need toistruggle to find more balance between rights and duties. Those who cry out for rights must be exam— ined withiregard to performance of duties. This discussion is at the core crj ly huge, ___o_f landfiithat ,bé1ongs.'to,I hiC>i't1,é’s=Land'7.busiriesSéS Eldgvprovide. jobs and