ceIebrates15yea,5 U T IN THE-MOUNTAIN 8 Volume XVI, Number 12 January 2002 V www.mountainpridemedia.org HAPPY FERST Bi[RiTHl)AY OITM! -1”” $1 . by ‘AL: ( ' — V Jigs February 1989 and that means ‘OlTM is beginning our fourth year of publication and our third annual fundrais- ing drive. As in any small business at this age, we are expanding rapidly and suffer- ing growing pains.We have ambitious dreams and hopes for the future. Vermont may seem to be a small and rural state but there is much here to cover. Wewould like to be able to print news from every group of lesbians and gay men meeting in Vermont, many of whom are doing some wonderful things. We would like to have done more analysis of the local elections from a gay and lesbian perspec- tive (as at least one reader suggested). We'd like to see Out in the Mountains distributed to every rural comer of this Site. Our dreams go on and on. When we _step back and take an accounting of what (these dozen or so volunteers manage to produce, it’s wonderful but we’d like it to be more. This past year we took some major V steps to help make that happen, difficult steps. OITM began as a consensus organi- zation, and with much struggle at times, we have remained largely true to that begin- ning. This year we divided ourselves into two groups, long-range and short-range planning. After nearly six months of meetings, it is not clear whose task was easier or when either group’s work will be done. Short- range planning means frequent crises in getting the paper out-on time every month. The group faces constant /challenges, the most obstinate being the lack of ready ac- cess to facilities for typing and layout. This means long hours and marathon weekend sessions for the brave group who bring you the finished product month after month. The long range planning group wrote a grant to try to buy ourselves out of this predicament with desktop publishing com- puter equipment. This group put into writ- ing why this paper is important to Vennont, Happy Third Birthday oITMt and why the equipment is essential to our long-terrn success. The Ben and Jerry's Foundation expressed their welcome sup- port with a $1000 donation, for which we are very grateful. Unfortunately we need over $10,000 and plan to continue submit- ting applications to other foundations. In the meantime, we come to you, our loyal readers. You know why it is impor- tant that OITM continue to print. You understand that we reach out to a Vermont community that is not served by any other paper. No other paper in the state will tell you how to do business with fellow gay and lesbian Vermonters. We need your help. We would love to have additional reporters and photographers to call upon. Don’t be intimidated by the titles. None of us are professional newspaper people. All of us have other jobs, and manage to find time to give to the paper. We need you. Come to our meetings and brainstonn ideas for articles, help get (Continued on page 3) B-Dayfrompage I _ . r » ,. new ads or chase down a lastminute article. Maybe you’d like to learn desktop publish- ing (we'll train you) and work on layout. If you’ve got some time, we've got a job for you (did you ever wonder who licks all those stamps on the plain manilla enve- lopes?). And another very important way you can help: February is the kick-off month for OITM’s annual fundraising drive. Money helps get this paper out each month. Money buys the stamps, envelopes, computer disks. Money pays the printer and post office for our box. Please give what you can to help us continue improving. Thanks, you make all the effort worthwhile. All donations can be made payable to OITM, Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. j C ears ol Happy Birthday OITM!