g 24 ° OITM december 2001 4 -Vox. the I To announce an event for our monthly Cf.-‘ilendar. -mail it to calendar@mountaInDr|d€m€d|a.Of2. Or write us at: PO Box1078, Richmond, VT 05477. sun mon rues wed ll'lUl'S Fri Sat . V j Association, Inc. ~*4:O0pm at the — A Nostalgic Ho iday Manchester Unit irian E Universalist Chu See Sunday 2 §§I..tiori. . MONTPELIER - 5 Chorus — Concert. 6pm at thdi UU Church. This is 2 with about between six and eightiarea _ V groups singing. FMI: Please call 633- MONDAY. 10 . "V BURLINGTON Outright" Vermont — r TrVansgender— Night; AllV youth 22}: and ' - under * interested=‘in"“tra'nsgei‘ii:ler:: iss ues“ B Society, ’ Cosrrietic, = -To.ile_try . .,i.;s.u.r.- - 'a‘d'ii‘-1i:s; 23 I "and Zgu ch, 669 Union S reet. listing for more infc r_ma- portive heilfilth professionalssgand peers. FMI:(802):r860-RU12 or email thecen- ter@rui2.org MIDDLEBQRY - Addison Coiinty GLBT i \X/lEDNESDA%Y 19 - Lodk Good Feel Better Program. 1pm Vermont Gay I\iien’s group choral concert, ’ '5Ut.ldl Group At Mr ‘ups, Bakery‘Lane. Everyone welcome. We're usually down- stairs in the bar section. This is a no- structure informal gathering. Purely social. 8pm until we all go home. FMI at tlic University Heaigri L.eI*‘ltei"",'""".=»’\":l’Y"‘i:l’)’l(:l ‘V’ 2' gurlmgtcm‘ Sponsored. by the facilitated by supportive health profes—' American Cancer 50i.=ietVi Cosme“? sionals and peers. FMI:(802) soo—Rui2: Toiletry and Fragrancei,jAssociation, and National Cosmetology Afssociation. Third —Wedr-iesday of each moifith. Please regis- are welcome to this on going discussion, peer support and activities night at 0utright’sV Burlington Office. This group is led by transgendered youth. Location: 187 St. Paulstreet (between Kingand V Maple). in -Burlington. =-Vrrifo:-I ‘r’-800-‘GLE- CHAT, wvirw.outr_ightvt.org?V WINOOSKI - American Vcancer Society — '.;...V..:.J.< Good Feel " Better Program. 5:30pm at VAppearan'ces“i_n Winooski. Sponsored ‘by . the“ American Cancer and Fragrance ‘AssociaVtion,[_'and National Cosmetology Association._ “ Second ‘ Monday" of each‘ month. ‘Please register in advanceby calling 8‘o'2-o5s_.2ooo._ TUESDAY 1-1 MONTPELIERV — rriej .ourr>os‘n Outright ‘ Vermont an_d Washington County Youth Service’ Bureau Péer Social‘/Support Group 7~8:30pm. Free" 8; Confidential, open to all GLBTQ youth 22 and under. Call us at V1-800-GLB-CHAT or see ‘us on the web atwww.outrightvt.org for more information or directions.’ , WEST LEBANON, NH - . BLGT Reading Group. 7pm at Borders" Books and Music. Decernber’s_ book‘ selection is Hood by Emma Donoghue. The book is available at'Borders for a 20% discount. WEDNESDAY 12 BURLINGTON - HIV+~Support Group Ongoinggconfidential, open to ‘anyone living with HIV/A/IDS.~5.:30pm at 361 Pearl St. (Vermont ‘CARES office). Please ‘edit before attending" first time, or to arrange transportation or childcare. FMI , Kara at (800) 649-2437 or (802)863-2437. BURLINGTON -'Outrightl‘Vermont - Drop- In Center 6-8pm. See Wednesday 5 list- ing for more information. . _ V ‘ BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2? ' Community V Book Club - Sister Outsider by Audre. Lorde We are an inforrnalsand fungroup » of folks interested in reading a variety of _ books, both fiction and -non-fiction. If you”re;iVnterested in joining us, but don't happento like ‘thelnext fevifibooks, con- tact. us’ anyway -- we're open to: sugges- tions and change! Meetings are 6pm at ,.t17§_§_ 'R’.U.1._2?V '1'-leadquarters. FMI: Vcontact Iill Hoppenians. . at jhoppVeni@zoo.uVvm.edu V _ort893-188~1.~. -.VV: _ , rriur2soArt13 “VBURLING.'I'ON.,-. R.U.-12, 2,V_'.-‘puestioning ’ and ‘Coming gout Supp;oft- Group (for iVes-V ‘ , bian, gay, bi, traVn$ §Yid~V~~..,VV “IV .. 1'01}! ' BURLINGTON’ -' The Samadhi singers. Q Winter Concert Don. We Now’ Our Gay» Community 2 Center’ , Barb - dozVe:tos@Vsover.net or§V88—8298V._V_ FRIDAY 14 BURLINGTON - Outright \l,/germont — Action Committee for Developing, our Communit “(AC/DC)__ information. . V V . BURLINGTQN—- VGSA —. sip and Dine. 6:30pm at 135 Pearl. See Friday 7: listing for more information. i _ V ’ ~ ’ V BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Peer Social/Support ’Meeting Friday Night. for more information.- A V.Soci‘a1 Group. 7-8:3V0p_rn.- See Friday 7 ‘listing ADIRONDACKS - Vermont Gay Alternatives (VGSA) -7Cr_oss CVountry»Sl tar’-rri§‘adva‘ri'c'é’by'&aIIing"802"65542"ooo ' - BURIJNGTON ~ Outrightiivermont - Drop- In Center 6-8pm. See Wednesday 5 list- ing for more information. V ,MON'l;PELIER - American Cancer Society »- Man; to Man Prostateiancer‘ Support ‘eGro‘upV *‘5'p‘rri a’t’““’t'hie“‘ Ce;ntrailii’V’‘Vé‘frrion‘t ‘ Medical Center, Room #3 every third V- Wednesday of the month. FMI: call 802- 223-234s. Open to public’.’ V - rHui2soAr no MIDDLEBURY Addison County GLBT V Social Group. 8pm atVMr Ups; Bakery" V Lane. . Everyonegwelclome’. ‘We're i usually downstairs in the bar. section. This isa. 3no-structure iriforrnal gathering.V?Purely social. 8pm" untilflwe’ all go home.‘ FMI V = B_arb_’-I dozet"os@s_over.net’VOI 388-8298. ‘ Action 5 Committee’ for" Developing our ‘ Cornrnunityy (ACIDC) Meeting 5:30- in’foVr,rr1a,tionV. , V _ 'V‘BURLINGTON — VGS-A - Sip and Dine.’ ‘—”6_:30prri at _135 Pearl. See Friday 7 listing" for more inforn1a_tion.'. , V V V BURLINGTON - Outrightverrnont - Peer :_=_r:'°,':-‘._i-' ’ I-‘f 6:45pm. see ;Fric_la_y V7 - listing for more . .. _. V adults 23 and up! BURLINGTON - American Cancer Society, bian, gay, bi, trans, and questioningl 2nd and 4th; Thursdays of the month, 6:30—8pm atl R.U.1.2? Headquarters. The group isl open, ongoing, free-of-charge and col ;'\ or email thecenter@ru12.org f_MIDDLEBURY - Addison County GLBT: Social Group. 8pm at Mr Ups, Bakery| " Lane. Everyone welcome. We’re usuallyl idownstairs in the bar section. This is al . Dino-structure informal gathering. Purely' jsocial. 8pm until we all go home. FM!‘ "Barb - dozetos@sover.net or 388-8298. ....RICl-IMOND — Out in the Mountains —I Monthly Stuffing.5:30-8:30pm. Come. join MPM.‘ board members, staff, and| other volunteers at the monthly Out ml The Mountains Stuffing at the OITMI office above the ‘Daily Bread in‘ _ Richmond. Help get the paper ready for‘ mailing" out to our community while vis-| itirig with old friends or making new. ones! The stuffing starts at 5:30pm and.‘ lasts until we are finished (usually 3| hours). We provide pizza so please joinl us! FMI 8. Directions: circulation@moun-l tainpridemedia.org or 802-434-6486. . : FRIDAY 28 l BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont -I Action Committee for Developing our! Community (AC/DC) Meeting 5:30—' V6’:45pm.VSee Friday 7 listing for more' information. ' ‘*.Ar31. :r VBURLINGTONA VGSA - New Year's Evel Party. VGSA annual New Years’Eve Partyl at the Radisson. FMI: www.vgsa.com BURLINGTON 4 VGSA - Volleyball. 4-épml Volleyball at Edmunds Middle School.| V I \X/EDNESDAY 2 , T BURLINGTON -Outright Vermont — Drop.-| In C,e’nter_.6-8pm. See Wednesday 5 Vlist—I ' -ing formore information; » I MIDIVJLEBURY - American Cancer Society‘ - Manrto Man Prostate Cancer Support‘ ‘Group. 4pm in the Ilsley Library onl ' 'V.VI,iVxgir_i‘g“‘,,‘:ViViq_iVt__ri’ iiiv/Aro's.~“.’s':3op‘rri ‘ at _ 361 i. . .:‘Pearl St‘. '.(VeV'rmont CARES. office)".“Please‘ ' ' call bjef_orVe attending first timeV,"or..to- ‘ —'ari_fangej.trans'portationor chiVldcarej.FMI I ‘Kara at (soo)fo49~2‘437; or (802)863-2437. ‘ RUTLAND .: American. Cancer Society’ - ’ ‘ Man t‘o"‘Man" Prostate .V Cancer -‘Support V j :V‘ {"ero_up..5:3_opm at-the“Rutland;lRegional V .BURUNGT°N.I cienders R; Us suppbrt V. f" Group sur'5poVrr group ‘ Ifor ‘transge.nderVi’j.. £1 ' folksil-at':’Ver_rn'ont,'CARES, 361 Pearl-' St. ‘ . . “V Medical Center-every fourth’ Wednesday ‘.V‘?P.én.‘:-td'PU..b“l¢:i‘ FM]: call_ 8oo—_oV3'9-1'8V88. Open to public.. Fl2| DAY'4rp every first Wednesday of the month.. BVURVLINGTVON - Outriglit Vermont — Action rCom'mitteef‘for Developing ourl V Community j (AC6/DC) A Meeting" 5:305. 6:45pm. See‘ ,Friday'7i listing for moreg _ VV V _V ‘V information._ . | of the ‘month. FMVI: call» s02-223-2343., ; . BURLINGTON —_ vosn. - .Sip_and .Dine_I ,. V A V.6=30pmVV._atV.i-V1.35Pearl. See Friday':7 listing‘ Tiffor-‘more ir_rfo_rn1ation. ‘ ‘ . V. ' V‘ ‘ " ' - Outright Vermont - Peer' . V1:.S.o”cial/S.upV.portV ‘ Meeting, Friday‘ 1N-igh.t' Group. V 8j:3o_p_rVn; see, Friday ~75VV_lisVting| for-.Vrr1Vo_reV‘in‘formation; .. ‘ l V .