. B,urli,ngto!1... Z Festival.‘ 10am-6pm- Memorial ably-priced, Aunique, imported hand- crafts; ethnic food‘ booths; and two stages of non—stop multi—cultural music and dance. $3/day, $5/weekend pass. Children under 6 free. FMI: Vermont Performing Arts League, 802-863-6713 m BURLINGTON - VGSA — Volleyball. 4-6pm at Edmunds Middle School. FMI: John at 802 893-1795 World AIDS Day Concert. 7pm at Castleton State College. $5 Tickets only sold day of show, starting at 5pm. All proceeds go to VTA CARES. FMI:A A A C LOWELL, MA - Miracle Providers Northliast — Cabaret. The VMiracle Providers NorthEast (MP’s' NE) are hold- ing their Third Annual Cabaret benefit show to help local children be held December 1st and 2nd at The Downstairs Cafe’ 160 Merrimack St. $5 donation for admission. All proceeds from the show will go directly to help brighten the Christmas for over 100 Local Children. The cabaret show is a mix of entertainment live singers, female impersonators, and comedy 3-5pm. Non alcoholic,drug free social, . come and make friends. Call Brad Jr. for more info at 1-603-272-5815 WHITE RIVER JCT — GLBT Night at Panama lacks. 8pm. Located in the Upper Valley Bowling Lanes complex off Sykes Ave. Panama lacks is a private space and completely safe. $5 cover. Pleas.e.show your support as manage- ty supportpto keep this as an ongoing Saturday night GLBT space. Thereris a great D] who is open to dance music requestsfrom the patrons; FMI:» mari- nadelamer@yahoo.com AY B . val. — n Welcomin fus fo a '5 n at 5pm, Buffet D iday show at 7p _ BURLINGTON -"Vermont International. Auditorium.‘International marketplace . ‘ with over 40 vendors selling reason— ’ orwww.vermontinternationalfestival.co ' ‘ Lovjffell Street. Ticketsfican be ordered by CASTLETON — Castleton State College - ‘ " infected/affected by HIV. The show will A numbers. FMI: ' info@mpsnortheast.com. PIERMONT, A NI-I - Gay, Lesbian, Transgender Support]Group — Meeting . held the first Saturday of every month,- ment is doing this as an eight weeks" _ test to see if there‘ is enough communi- ' dec To announce an event for our monthly calendar, e rnall It to calendar@mountampndemediaorg, or write us at: PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477., december 2001 OITN ' 23, ! sun mqn requglred. ~ I ‘ FMI:: _ contac sisle§nay@together.ne€ for details. N H h‘ Merj’-s Chorus and Performing Arts Assfociation, Inc. - A 5 lgic Holiday. 4pm at the Nashui arian Universailist Church, 53 Ger; Mancheste . A 0 ' Vermont CARES, 361 Pearl “. Call ‘soo-649-2437§for 863-2437 preference, v to phone at (603)A66$:-4509. Tickets are $10.00 for members ‘of MPAA and - $112.00 for” ’n’aa—ih‘embei‘s‘.-’- A " limited number of tickets will be available at the door the night of the concert. SOUTH BURLINGTON — The Singers - Winter Con Don We Now Our Gay Barnes and No V songs of the seaso SPRINGFIELD, Gay Men's Ch Heart: A Celebrati Lights. 4pm at So ‘Church. The Pion C be ‘I. 6p Th.‘ fee ho ch rus Tickets Record in v rst, Northampto Square in S gfie Bookstore in Greenfi _ menschorus. "gt“""yo‘ur"="=paym§nt;*=:-='=vwith=‘="»‘=—locat*i-on the. _1Mancheste,gr A Peigforming Arts Association, PO. Bc§fx~ 6251, Manchester, 03108-6251 or .- dhi lues I wed lhu advance by c 'ng 802 447-1402 447-3587 " BURLINGTON G ‘ ‘d Group’ for tr sgendef"”“f8l‘lE§ or 802 ’6 before attending first time. FMI: call HANOVER/LEBANON, NH ~ American Maple), rs Fri Social Group. Support ‘Meetin GLBTQ youth 22 and um er. 7-8:30pm at mi I Friday Night 1 Free & Confidengial, opento all . . “”“lf87’”“St ‘“‘Paul"f"Street"'fbet vee-n-king--rand... -I in Burlington. FMI: 1—800-GLB- CHAT, in/ww.outrightvt.o g BURLINGTON -Theater a Shoestring - The Eight Reindeer Mdnologues. 8pm fragrance Association, and National ‘Cosmetolrogymssociation. First Tuesday. of I each month. Please‘ reg ster in advance by calling Doris Watson at 603 . 448-6417. ESDAY 5 Outrigh't Vermont - Drop- 6-8pm. Open for evening movie ‘nights, discussion proud rkshops, etc. n l’l n.l .1- , u rg — American Cancer to Man Prostate Cancer up. 4pm in the Ilsley on first Wednesday of the A » FMI: call 800-639-1888. Open to - Theater on a Shoestring‘ Reind_ee'r. Monologues At ter, 135 Pearl. Play "con- ‘ es and isintended for ences . Not ‘recom- r-14. Ti ' ..c;angep..,...5gc;eA;y lnnk nnnd Feel.-. at Shdebox Theater, 1335 Pearl. See A Better Prograjm. 10am at the Norris Thursday 6 listing for .rnore"'i‘nf6Tr‘r?iéT”'”; Cotton-Cancer Center, Lebanm, NH. ‘tion. I ‘ Sponsored the American Cancer Society, Coismetic, Toiletrr and SAT Ul2DAY BRATTLEBORO . «Pioneér.... . \l.a.l.ley.. .Gay_ E Men’s Chorus — A Candle‘in~Your Heart: A Celebration of the Season of Lights 7pm at Centre Congregational Church. See Sunday 2 listing for more informa- tion. ' BURLING"I'ON\— Theater on a Shoestring . -' The Eight Reindeer Monologues. 8pm at Shoebox Theater, 135 Pearl. See Thursday 6 listing for more informa-. v tion. ' ‘ BURLINGTON R.U.1,.2? - Open-Mic Coffeehouse Evening Muffin & Mocktails _.~.']:3O-11Apm_,at 242 Main. A7 R.U.1.2?‘ Community. Center hosts an open mic ‘evening for gay] lesbian] bisexual/ transgender performers ‘and their allies.. Poetry to stand—up comedy, acoustic guitar to karaoke. Guest Host Frida Siegel and her band Muffin will perform. Refreshments- and beverages served. All Ages. Open to all- $5 sug- . gested donation. ‘FMI: 802 860-RU12 (7812), Sponsored by Burlington R.U.1.»2? Community Center. “ m PORTSMOUTH, -NH The New Hampshire Gay‘ Men's Chorus and Manchester" . - Performing, A Arts ; Association, Inc. - A Nostalgic. Holiday‘ 1 - r A urch, _ .Sunday 2"list— n. « wow. 4 Tacky pin 15 ' ‘V your " ’ Your’ ‘ 4-cm/:a,A, .- - GLBT :Nigh'tlat' ' Saturdjay*1list— A" ' it's 7~..‘.‘§=‘‘:1V :