38 - OlTl"l november 2001 Help continued from page ten hours ,(Monday through Thursday from 10 to 5), we need volunteers who are interested in helping out with organization, production, and general office duties. Contact the editor—in—chief, Jason Whipple, at editor@mountainprideme- dia.org, or call 454-6486. Getting involved with MPM (Mountain Pride Media) is a great way to help the Vermont GLBT community. Our mission is simple: to develop and strengthen the community of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning Vermonters through the development and maintenance of commu- nication vehicles. Although the mission isn't complicated, implementing it can be chal- lenging. It requires volun- teers with particular skills who are willing to put their abilities to work for us in serving the community. If you have energy and expert- ise, please consider contact- ing us immediately to learn more about our organization and the needs I have out- lined. You can Contact us at mpm@mountainprideme— dia.org, or you can Contact me directly at rampp@rnid- dlebury.edu. And I'm serious — we're not foolin’! We need your help to keep our organiza- tion viable! Carrie Rampp has served on the Mountain Pride Media Board of Directors since 1999 and has been the President since June 200]. When she's not thinking about Mountain Pride Media, she and her partner, jenn, are regularly found picking away at the slow renovation of their 1790’: federal—style home, known by most as “the big white shack, ” in Leicester, Vermont. Carrie is also the Manager of Web Communications at Middlebury College. . swans R£$8€T—T!.i'~* ms ‘ \. ..wn=a~ 2: ne‘srMsv am 3 smo m m~rs£ur_,~'m:s gov Ms assvgis HAD A E Nfxilfi Lifie’. "1' by Robert Kirby 31 WAS TEN ‘I"Imi>$\’f€D AN!) 6-Ava" Hm No - mrzus Bu?’ A-1-rvrwoa. . , ’ 5-‘tux! nuwfififlnfi » sr wigii b'§EvTi)pl$§!-1‘! E’ Li't"'f"L€ _8rr Fuc.KEv l ‘storm-mus. M» A ' l U9... ‘ , Y$A”?%l€s..v,’»3ii&’t’‘(Ou’V( ’ »JZe“«;2"’.i“.*£"i‘..‘f.Za% £~«’?"“"“'* .1>mn mm t‘l":,'AS.'t. 1? on at an ' s strive asses ‘am i an unit 1“ $965370 A\.!...‘{,, 3. WV "I'D J"\‘i'§€%..F" His: was 3. mean cmfi , ,1'~W-‘1.___- M093 Ni’ LEAST. So NE-55:1: ma Fxwaa; G<>o9« SVES, NATHAN A949’ 32, Anna? ‘Fur L.x.¥€.—A $009 Tits:-.86 , 130% ‘(£18, I'M oovziéa , .. ?nga‘¢1>.. no -mne. i it To; 9 H M I rxicvvmkién THO$€ - ‘mm:-: re-woes wo~;u7s.. rwns. MAD Aeuurmm AM? use .5'ei~:N, it V-‘Rom we eat» 60. 301“ NA:mAM- MY tit- Rx-:5 X51": sue DP.€.fi«.Mt5-DY~ w it-I- NEVEX €\1EF- fiepofltw 11> Anyone £-3'xct..tJ‘$Nét.‘(, $\t>M!T - VHAT Wok? » 3 am. swear“ we mam , “ Mu: wcqD“t'AL\..EEN MWIE 2 ‘ ‘rw\1'A;K.s,“ is A Mama»: P .$oM€1§~‘\w6 You alive, 01%. . ..SoM6mw{a Ywvs Lost?” ma mu C556,‘ 1‘tHma< , IT’: Bum. - 1 (‘E3 201%! 3? min: riser»- by Robert Kirby , 3:1‘-‘ ‘!“H;5.w£e.€ Amomt-: “me (newts V wanna ea Roxane fixes-rr New ANO ft‘? wave :.€AM3€$> Tb Go fiofim wnmfia Maia: in-¥lSt0!~lS' awn ‘1‘-5-ixr uauw 3%? ‘mm: in Rem. u~¥=£ i-\owEs1€K;"£'HtQ.£ is Atwfltx ‘mi; Near Mcnmtfi. 9A1; wacx, $11. 7*‘. -‘ 1?o‘rou Rerxcmecfl. ‘THE ‘Fan-km. same, 3143 ’ ‘mm’ Mow:-,,n£Mb sum‘: somcw ? 3-.~tow~ "1"!-«IE srooeoavs Swap 9? on ‘mew. vesifis Tb PM raiaore ‘to were Nsflliaflofiflub ”!‘€J\<:\-\£ll., wt-to swzous-r seam t-wsv? ‘tweak. nztrwns wafers. no outset D£F:ANc€. f or we ems. azaomasxvzn AND mesa omens: Pasteur: -“mam smtoo use l Exec}? Afiiil wows “l“!"c<>.S€. boys wane ‘ wen: we us: 59 now; 11-‘gfiace ~~ Norr on): waste ‘twin’ ‘TOT/\LLY G°l§3G To 135'!’ exeetwo, not -t'mi‘r Hcmpmasrsa. was noaaour GMMI: ’T1:> 35 wAu.u~¥C, out were Mosul ‘to, M6 Asses wm-t THAT 316 S Mi?A9oa.£ 0? mi THAT wvo 3:614 £M>.u£9.. 5"" /‘P \ .$au3¢do, Pa”lJlu’lJuauuu1 Deaw Puzzled, San!-at :1 was Lmzamnue-1'0. ‘tea. MAmw ‘mhfw Wk: Bit? Tc Avast? Co(J1"h€.T F5041. ’- -manna sews.‘ 2£’M {segue ,_ To vector R»a€« caste»: A1’ -rsM£$- Yotftsw ., W&'fl{3N ma MEX‘! 1l.'NMm- w-~ 01¢‘! - am’ AT wasriasam New 1 Ig:9\“I‘H£ aafirlmxl oi’ My s=A%.:~iq1’ NATHA94. :....¢.1.u;...../..u.A..,...,;.;..a 1....::.,.m'...:/.a.,'...;.L Don'i- waisl-e ainol-lner minud-e Hiinking Abdul’ 1+. The pev~Pe<.+ 3i¥i- youw llvienais is ca subscvirl-ion l-o “oud- In The Mounl-aiins". li- is always Pull oil news and inl-evs+in3 inliovwwd-ion HAa\l- oi{3Pecl-s i-he lives all ’ GLBTGIA V€YW\OV|l’€YS. You <:ain'i- go wrong aino\ ii- helps supper? We P0\9€vl See you soon! ’ fee 'fH€.££‘5 'Ooom'u:$5 Man: To Camfi ms ‘nu: l-¢‘TT‘l-£ SAGA Ii c..—Au. Mv U?-‘E, fivf FOR. New; comnxzre. mm am: 51163‘ ow-I6 » vgwmg ow mrrcnnl: Swarm‘, . 1.61": P 9 "mange CAN. C70 Afltfiv MD J