- disorr Count . ‘*at{ Mr. .A1-Ins“, Lane. iEveVrVyone"iwelco'me._— We’r'e usually * -soVciai1fG nov sun man . downstairs. ingthe bar-section. TVhis»is.Va nV’o- » « V. structure _iVnAf_orrnal;v gath " V (social. 8 pm until we " Barbi — ’dozetos@sover.' — PROVlNCVETOWN,,MA—— thAAnnualV Single 7 V V 7 IMen’s Weekend. November 1-4. The week; _. end is organized _around workshVops,; V . social events, parties and activities. It’s a‘ V weekend .wher.e'Aeveryorie gets to have VV A fun, make new'friends,V1earn Vsometh" ' . new, and enjoy theoff season. charm Provincetown- It’s time to partake in ‘ thoughtful and interesting conversation. with hundreds ofother. single men. You 1' might meet anew friend, Vcatchvup with V some old pals, meet the rnanof your dreams, or all. three! FMI: Call (508) 487- V 9601 V ‘ or visit ‘ vvww.singlemensweekend.com or write: PO Box 1947 ProvirV1ce.town,V MA 02657 FRI DAY 2 BURLINGTON — Outright Vermont — Youth Planning Committee Meeting. 5:30-6:45 pm. All those who are 22 or under are invited to plan upcoming Outright activi- I ties and events. Also please bring any sub- missions for the ‘zine Reaching Out, Free Pizza 2nd & 4th Fridays of theimonth. Location: XandO (Outright Vermont’s Youth Space) 1109 S. Winooski Ave,’ Suite ‘ 207. Please use Center St. Entrance. BURLINGTON — Outright Vermont — Peer Social/Support. Meeting. Friday Night Group. 7-8:30 pm. Free and confidential & . or. :he ‘Chu Street, I~Ioosicl