'55-.,' 30 ° OITP1 november 2001 Organizations from around the state are encouraged to provide descriptions of recent or upcoming activities and events. E-maii your submission to editor@mountainpridemedia.org MOUNTAIN PRIDE MEDIA‘ Mountain Pride Media would like to thankretiring board member, Pam Kinniburgh, for all her hard work. Pam will continue on the MPM Outreach Committee as a community member. Congratulations to our Out In The A/fountains’ editor, «Jason Whipple, who will be published in the December issue of Genre magazine. 4 Mountain Pride Media would like to thank everyone who pur— chased tickets to the special benefit performance of Moises Kaufman’s The Laramie Project in early October. Special thanks to Jeremy Thompson at UVM for helping make this benefit possible. Mountain Pride Media would like to ask you to “Remember [to ~ give] In November” as you begin receiving year-end appeals. Our appeal will be mailed in November along with many others. We know that many of us have adjusted our giving plans this year due to the September 11th tragedies. We ask that you still support your local’ organizations if possible and weihope that Mountain Pride Media is on your list this year. If you are not currently on our mail- ing list and would like to be, please e-mail your name, address, and phone number to mpm@mountainpridemedia.org. Each month, Mountain Pride Media acknowledges the individuals who help get Out In The Mountains out into the community, This month we send out our thanks to Marsh, Dan, Dustin, Denny, Susan, Elizabeth, David, James, Michael, Euan, Matthew, Stephen, Fred, Bennett, Esther, Roland, Patrick, Anthony, and Daryl who came to the September “Stuffing” Night. The November “Stuffing” will be on Thursday, November 29th starting at 5:30 pm.‘ at our offices above The Daily Bread in Richmond, Vermont. Please feel free to stop by and say hello and help out. NATIONAL LESBIAN Arftp GAY JouRNALIsTs ASSOCIATION C P The Vermont chapter of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association was represented at the organization’s national conven- tion in Dallas in September by twostudent interns, Joel Nichols and Pat Robinson, and two other members, John Scagliotti and Barbara Dozetos. . Nichols and Robinson participated in the convention’s student project providing daily print, Web, radio, and television coverage of ‘convention news. Examples of their work can be viewed online at www.nlgja.org. Click on the Digital Reporter, national convention news coverage. . Scagliotti sat on a panel entitled “Don’t Quit Your Day Job: Work for Daily Journalists in Documentary Production." Dozetos moderat- ed another panel, “Out of the Closet; Into the Pigeon Hole?” She also introduced Pulitzer Prize winning Rutland Herald editorial writer David Moats who was a special guest speaker at the annual Excellence in Journalism awards ceremony. Outgoing president of the Vermont chapter, Barbara Dozetos, was elected by the full membership to the national organization’s board of directors for a two—year term. Members of NLGJA—VT will meet on Sunday, November 18, to elect new officers and continue, planning for upcoming events. Email Barbara@abovefold.com or call 388-2735 for location and details. The NLGJA is an organization of professionals who are involved in the creation and production of the news media. Membership is open to GLBT journalists, editors, production professionals and anyone, gay or straight, that supports our mission: to work from'within the news industry to foster fair and accurate coverage of LGBT issues and opposes newsroom bias against ‘LGBT people and all other minorities. co muniiv iv‘! Wars . PRIDE VERMONT Fall is in full swing, the mountains are capped with white and there’s a definite chill in the air. But we’re working hard to make sure this year’s Pride is the biggest and greatest Pride celebration in A history. Being the 20th Pride celebration in Vermont, we intend to mark'this historic moment throughout the next year with events that highlight our historical importance, as well as provide unique social, educational and visibility opportunities for the community. On October 21, we held a Harvest Lights Gathering at Shelburne camp- ing area, and we would like to thank all who attended. We built a great big bonfire, drank apple cider and enjoyed good company. We look forward to our next big event on Friday, November 30th at the _ St. John’s Club in Burlington. The Spirit of Giving Auction and Sing- A a-Long will incorporate ‘the holiday spirit into a fun evening where ‘ everyone can go home a winner. We hope to see“all of you there and look forward it‘: ‘providing y‘au“w'i'th many more a'"c't‘i-V‘r3itfi[‘es“‘Ii‘I“th’e 'c"‘or"rI"— ; ' ing months. For more information check out our Web site at ‘I www.pridevermont.org or e-mail us at pridevermont@pridever- mont . org. SAMARA FOUNDATION The Samara Foundation of Vermont will be holding Grants ~ Information Sessions in Burlington and Brattleboro early next year. The Burlington session will take place on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at the Fletcher Free Library from 6:30 — 8:30 pm. The Brattleboro session will be held on January 17, 2002 at a location to be determined. This session will provide basic information on writ- ing letters of intent and full proposals for Samara and other funders. Attendance at this session is offered to potential grantees but not ' required, and pre—registration is appreciated. Also on the technical assistance front there will be Grant Writing Sessions in February next year in Burlington and Brattleboro. Both 1 locations will hold their sessions .on Wednesday February 13, 2002‘ from 6:30 — 8:30 pm. The Burlington session will take place at the Fletcher Free Library while a location in Brattleboro is to be deter- mined. A The Samara Foundation, with offices in Burlington, is one of a net- work of gay and lesbian, community foundations across the county." Samara is a charitable foundation whose mission is “to support and strengthen Vermont’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered com— > munities today and build an endowment for tomorrow.” For further information about giving or granting opportunities 4 Contact Bill Lippert, Executive Director, Samara Foundation of Vermont, P.O. Box 1263, Burlington, Vermont 05402. Call 802-860- 6236 or e-mail at bill@samarafoundation.org DoI»\'t- le_t- i-he hoitaays i-alce you by suwpvise! Metlce plans {-0 shop eawly AP Mount-min Pvia\e Media’: ovtlivte otlll-"Ilia\+—es. A Pevcevni-age’ all evevy pwrclmse is a\oué\i-eat i-o MPM. Final ouw m°Pil‘tai-es o\i— www.Moumi-ot‘mpvia\ew\eo\ia.o»-3