“Oliver BLAH-on Is‘ at Si-our” Pvewxi On Sunday, November 18, the AIDS Project of Southern Vermont will host the area premiere of Oliver Button isA Star, an hour-long video ‘docu- performance’ that explores bullying, tolerance and positive alternatives for expressing children’s gender differences. , Filmmaker’s john Scagliotti (Before <9 After Stonewall, In the Life) and Dan Hunt (After Stonewall) use the Twin Cities Gay Men’s Chorus Production of Tomie dePaola’s children’s classic book, Oliver Button Is A Sissy, as their narrative structure, interweaving a mix of animation, archival film, news stories, home movies and personal interviews with such well known figures as arctic explorer Ann Bancroft, dancer/choreographer Bill T. Jones, makeup artist Kevyn Aucoin and Tomie dePaola, who offer mov- ing accounts of the defining moment in their childhood when they were forced to confront conventional constructions of “masculine” and “femi- nine” (Tomie dePaola “actinglike Shirley Temple or Mae West”, Ann Bancroft playing Tarzan, Kevyn Aucoin being subjected to endless beatings in school because of his “effeminate” behavior, Bill T. Jones “sitting—like-a- girl”). Also sprinkled throughout this production is documentary footage of ele- mentary school teacher, Mary Cowhey, reading dePaola’s book to her first grade class as well as conducting engaging “tolerance” exer- cises. . Oliver Button is a Star is being released at an impor- tant time in America as its theme strikes a deep chord that is currently resonating throughout our society. The almost daily headlines about young boys, alienated and neglected, causing violence, hate crimes and needless suffering confront us with the question — What does it take to pass into manhood? In its whimsically powerful way Oliver Button’s story presents a positively trans- forming answer. CHERIE AND YOLANDA Beach and Roger Bart. 1 Broadway's hottest couple in the Channel 15 musical, The Producers. Ronald Walker is featured in Griot Stories, as ITL looks in on The Griot Circle, an organization responding to the needs of eld- .ers of color. In the Life, America's Emmy award-nominat- ed monthly gay and lesbian pub- lic affairs newsmagazine, airs on 130 public television stations nationwide and in Canada. Tuesdays and Sundays at 10 pm, Saturdays at 12 am Adelphia IN THE LIFE Vermont Public Television Movers & Shakers Check Localiistings for Dates , and Times NEWS AND VIEWS FROM . st. lohnsbury WVTB Channel 20 THE V1‘ STATE HQUSE Rutland WVER Channel 28 Burlington WETK Channel 533 Windsor WVTA Channel 41 Manchester W36AX Channel 36 Bennington W53AS Channel 53 Barre Channel 7 _ Wednesday 7 pm and Thursday 9 am & 12 pm Burlington Channel 15 and 17 Check local listings Colchester Channel 15 Monday 10:30 am, Wednesday 10 pm, and Thursday 7:30 pm Manchester Channel 15 Check local listings . This month, Anatomy ofa Colorado Murder profides in- depth coverage of the largely ignored murder of Fred . Martinez, Jr. A new segment, Out Takes features writer Paul Rudnick whose comentary addresses remarks made by ‘ Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. Out & About reports on Gary Middlebury Channel 15 Monday 11:30 am, and Thursday 11:30 am & 9:30 pm Montpelier Channel 15 Wednesday 7 pm, and Thursday 1pm Newport Channel 14 Monday through Friday 2 p and 7 pm ' Norwich Check local listings Richmond Channel 3 Monday 8 pm Rutland Channel 15 ' Check local listings St. Albans Channel 10 Check local listings St. lohnsbury Channel 7 Check local listings Waitsfield Channel 44 Monday through Friday 12 pm & 5 pm THE VERMONT RAINBOW CONNECTION Burlington Channel 15 Friday 9 pm Adelphia ARTS november 2001 CIT" ° 29 eves in \l€vw\oWl' Barre Channel 7 2nd and 4th'Mondays of the month at 8:30 pm Hel1'conj1 Bennington, Pownal, Shaftsbury, Woodford, Hoosick Falls, NY Call 802-442-8868 for air days/times CA-TV Brattleboro Channel 8 Call 802-257-0888 for air days/ times BCTV Enosburg, Berkshire, Richford Channel 15 ' 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 8 pm WENO Middlebury, East Middlebury, Weybridge Call 802-388-3062 for air days/ times MC TV Montpelier, Waterbury, Randolph Channel 15 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 7:30 pm Adelphia Richmond, lericho, Underhill Channel 3 -' Call 802- 434-2550 for air days/times MMCTV Woodstock, Plymouth, Ludlow Channel 13' Friday 9 pm Adelphia ,,... .1 ~‘