FL’ rhé Ben... lin The Boy Scouts of America: rani< The Controversy Continues BY JUANITA L. LERCH OITM Staff Writer F oieafife’ e"“€5 <&°fi’aimI"‘@ I Monday-Saturday 9-9 Sunday 11-5 513 Shelliurne Road Next to Mall 189 862-0646 www.henirankIin.baweb.cnm To be honest with you, this‘ reporter is confused. Keep in mind, for a _moment if you will, that I am new to Vermont, a recent resident of Michigan. I am also new to cover- ing hard news, having spent the better part of the past five years writing human interest and current events issues for a multitude of mediums. So when my Editor—In-Chief, Jason Whipple, throws the lead for this story in my lap, I really didn’t realize what he was doing. ' So, being as I was totally ignorant on this issue, I began my research. First, I pulled up the Boy Scouts of America on the web and read over their policies and standards. ' 0 Get discounts join our craft club! VIEWS november 2001 OITN ° 13 S :7» They seem pretty clear cut to me. Then, I contacted Mr. Jerry Lupien, Executive Director of the Green Mountain BSA Council. Mr. Lupien promptly forwarded to me the Green Mountain Council, Boy Scouts of America ‘Non-Discrimination Policy Statement’ and an article titled ‘Vermont Scouting Promotes Tolerance, Leadership.’ which ran_in the Rutland Herald, September 26, 2001. Having read the national standing on this issue, which clearly states that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with their values, I found myself confused by the Green Mountain Council’s material. Specifically, ‘BSA does not inquire «into the sexual orientation of existing or prospective members,’ and ‘Promoting sexual behavior or orientation within the confines of the Scouting program is inappropriate.’ Also, ‘The Green Mountain Council reserves the right to review the membership status of a member if his or her behavior becomes inappropriate.’ . In reference to these and other questions concerning the Green Mountain Council’s non—discrimination policy statement, Lupien stated that, “We don’t see it as a conflict with C/ipper‘ Cuts business CALL RICK 1 SCALE AVENUE OGGI DESIGN Specializing in: Color & Highlighting — Over 22 years in the 802.775.7709 HO\/VE CENTER, BUILDING #3 RUTLAND. VERMONT D5701 national policy. Local councils are free to determine behavior that is acceptable, it always has been.” Mr. Lupien also stated that, “We ask if you judge...Number one, base it on past actions and number two, by what we say our policy is and not what someone else says.” . ' From here, my research led me to Mr. Mark Noel, founder of the New England Coalition for Inclusive Scouting. Mr. Noel sees things somewhat differently. These quotes are taken from an editorial he wrote for the Burlington Free Press: “The BSA claims it doesn’t discriminate against homosexuals because it doesn’t ask people about their sex- ual «orientation when they join. They only kick out “avowed” homosexuals—that is, someone who lets it become publicly known that he is gay. Essentially, this policy boils down to one of not discriminating against people as long as they can hide the fact that they’re a member of an unwanted group.” . At this point I went back to the BSA website, which I might add, reminds visitors that r, ‘fun ,4 , n‘ ‘:u 9 In The BSA has the legal right, given them by the U._ S. Supreme Court, to set its own membership and leadership standards. last year the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed the BSA’s s_tanding as a private organization that had the right to set its own membership and leadership standards. From the BSA website: “We believe an avowed homosexual is not a role model for the traditional moral values espoused in the Scout Oath and Law and homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the values we wish to instill.” This is how this reporter sees this issue... The BSA has the legal right, given them by the U. S. ‘Supreme Court, to set its own membership and leadership standards. This is a fact! From their website set of standards: “We respect other people’s rights to hold dif- fering opinions and ask that they respect ours.” This is their ‘national’ policy. It is a pol- icy that is quite clear and unambiguous to anyone who reads ‘it. We as individuals, mem- bers of organizations, and more importantly as citizens, will indeed be held accountable for our values and beliefs. The BSA has a very clear legal right to hold and implement’ these types of policies and they can rest assured, that ultimately in the end, they will be judged by it. I . Their policy also states that, “Adversaries of BSA feel that everyone should be allowed to participate in Scouting activities. The BSA is a values-based education organization.” In direct reference to values, the kind of values our nation was founded on, Mr. Mark Noel of the New England Coalition for Inclusive Scouting asked me a very thought pro- voking question. It is a question that you may very well want to askyourself. Itcon— cerned what I considered ‘true’ citizenship to be. His answer to this question was, “The NATIONALLY CERTIFI NA T'L CERT III We Buy and Sell Real Antiques 603-585-6688 Auctioneer’s License No. 2410 Middlebury, VT "‘ P.0. Box 17 I-‘itgzwiliam, NH 03447 on Route 12, 3 miles south ofjunction of 12& 119 Open seven days a week 10 am to 5pm Gary Taylor Robert Camara Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage ILEON D. "LEE" RAMEY, LMT, NCTMB ED IN THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE & BODYWORK . # 15-5067-OO 0 MEMBER FSMTA 802-388-9760 ability to accept all people, regardless of race, color, creed or sexual.orientation.” It is a belief, I feel, America was founded on... and a concept that challenges all. of us to re—_ evaluate our own views on what the difference between legally right and morally just really are. I For more information on theNew England Coalition for Inclusive Scouting, log on at: www.necis.org. For the Boy Scouts of America: www.bsa.scouting.org. For the Green Mountain Council, Boy Scouts ‘of America: http://users.aol.com/ gmcbsa. To read ‘Vermont Scouting Promotes Tolerance, Leadership’: http://rutlandherald.nybor.com. Juanita Lerch is a freelance writer and photographer who has covered everything from hard news to haunted houses. Her realpassion is romanticfiction and a novel explor- ing the trials of a love beyond reason is in the worles. A recent resident. of Michigan, she ' now lives in East Bur/ee, and can he reached at nell@bluemoo.net. AVEDA (mi in full service salon 1508 Church St: 802.364.2088 - _ i 4 » . ..