november 2001 OITH - 11 _Because it savesyftiturfe o‘ptions- W: _en_ ::ho_osing~'ai* i trefatmey V plan ’-‘_it"s i_mpor3ta'nti-_t_o‘ con'sider'y_yh4at‘opti_ons__ } you will have -in the ‘f. "tore Studiesp show?taking,,.ViRACEPT early on‘: leaves {you; \rVl’£l’1v»;Cl10lC.€5'.lUj treatment for later. r futiJfe‘yvith AVIRACEPT. v:iri§Ac£P i‘si_.'i_ndie;a = ; antiretrov' ial’ ; ‘ ammosideerrecror "-=VlRA_CEPT is diarrea W iCh7ca‘n sua.lly;_,be’' ; controlled with over—the'— ‘ V _ counter. trea.trhe‘ntS., some prescription and non-prescr tron d .ugs[ andj ‘Uppl ts. should not be ta‘ke'nIWith.~ VIRACEPT, so talk to your doctor first. ’‘For’'’ somepeople, protease inhibitors have been associated with the onset or worsening ' of diabetes mellitus and hyperglycemia, I changes in body fat, and increased bleeding in hemophiliacs. HIV drugs. do not cure HIV inf ’ ion or prevent you from spreading the virus. , Refer to the” important information ‘on i the next page. For more info rmation, ‘ ‘ l . call toll free I-888-VIRAC PT orgyispit Agouron are registered trademarks of Agouron Pha e WWW-VlTaC‘€l3t-C0m- V I l /01, Agouron Pharmaceuticals. Inc. All rights reserve H - y 3 - . _ Agrona Pharmaéeutiéals, inc. .............,....................__