10 ° Cl-l'l"l november 2001 VlE\X/S _, peace - ’ s . 863-8326 - zi Chu justice store 3 20 Charming Rooms Peace & Privacy ‘Q? 6111 100 Acres-Pool Hot Tub-Trails A LESBIAN PARADISE elandg ‘Inn P.O. Box 118 Bethlehem. NH 03574 603-869-3978 1-877-LE5-B-INN (537-2466) wwwnhighlandsinn-nh.com vacation@highlandsinn-nh.corn. N MEDICAL CENTER Dr. Mara Vijups Dr. Erin Rhoades NMC RURAL HEALTH SERVICES Specializing in Family Practice Caring for patients of all ages 5 W A N T o N 868-2454 A L B U R G 797-4414 ENOSBURG 933-5831 MVT modular . COIII BURLINGTON. VERMONT Events . Activities Advocacy Education _ Networking Buyer's CO-Op Vermont People With AIDS Coalition _ P.O. Box 11 Montpelier, VT 05601-0011 in Vermont 800-698-8792 or 802-229-5754 info@VTmodu1ar.com 2 VERMONT MODULAR HOMES . DAVID E. CURTIS eO2.9_51 "‘_ what’: happening in you're neighborhood? www.mountainpfidemediaorg (3crz’b6/es\_/\ and civil union invitations an social announcements. Our lznowleilgeable and triendly statt is ready to assist you with eve aspect ot your wefling ensemble. Scrilolales talze you trom engagement announcements to V thanle you notes with no detail left unattended. 96 C/Jurc/J direct %ur/ingfon, (Uermorzl (509) 666-9004 ~ ‘Tax (609) 663-9006 e-mail scrbb/.sof@eo/. com We otter a line selection ot wedding». We’re Not Foolin’ - We Need Your Help! BY CARRIE RAMPP President, Mountain Pride Media You’ve probably heard it all‘ before, and regularly: GLBT organizations in Vermont reg- ularly publicize volunteer opportunities. Sometimes, the sheer number of requests can be so overwhelming that people are too over- whelmed to respond. M But we aren't foolin’ around! We need your help. As the President of Mountain Pride Media, 1 am appealing to you directly to Con- sider making a comrIIitment of time to the publisher of Out in tbe Mountains. Mountain Pride Media is actively recruiting volunteers to fill a number of essential roles. As an organization run exclusively by volun- teers, we need community involvement to keep our programs running and successful. We need you to put your expertise to work for our community, assuring that we can con- tinue to deliver all that our community has come to expect from us. To accomplish all that we .do, we need to find people commit- ted to Mountain Pride Media who are willing to ‘put in the time and energy to help us suc- ceed. Rather than simply ask you to “volunteer today,” I'd like to take this opportunity to specifically outline some of the areas in which we are anxious to ‘find additional help- ing hands. PUBLISHING Each month, Mountain Pride Media man- ages to get more than 6000 copies of OITM to the community through an incredible net- work of volunteers. Volunteers also get copies to more than 500 subscribers. Our Publishing Committee keeps this process and our advertising objectives on track. Andright now, the Publishing Committee needs more committee members. Community volunteers would attend the monthly committee meet- ings and our “stuffing” (the mailing party) the last Thursday of each month. If you would be willing to step up and learn how to coordi- nate these monthly “stuffings,” or learn how to coordinate our volunteer network for dis- tributing the paper, or perhaps assist with our advertising sales process, than this committee could put you to work immediately! TECHNOLOGY We are aggressively seeking individuals willing to get involved with our Technology Committee. The committee directs the devel- opment of our website, evaluates new servic- es, and assists our Web Editor with numerous technology—related initiatives. Members take time to review our web page — vvww.moun— tainpridemedia.org — regularly and get active- ly involved in making sure it remains current. We also provide support for our general tech- nology infrastructure, including making rec- ommendations and assisting with computer upgrades (primarily Macs). Also, we desper- ately need individuals with database experi- ence to serve on our committee and perhaps eventually to serve as our database manager. Experience with Filemaker Pro would be very useful in this role. If you are unable to serve on our committee, perhaps you could get involved with our archive project, the objec- tive being to get the entire collection of OITM back issues online. , The basics: Do you have a computer and a word processing application? Would you be willing to type articles from our archives to assist in the creation of a complete Out in the Mountains online archive? Articles need to be "‘\-v»v.'~4rl£n..v.‘b.‘I4« typed from hard copy and then prepared for posting on the web. This is a very easy way to get involved and requires little technical know-how. A few hours a month could helps us make considerable progress towards our goal of a complete online archive of OITM. More advanced: Do you have experience creating web pages? Do you have access to a A computer, a scanner, and/or Macromedia Dreamweaver? Would you be willing to take text files and create web pages for our archive project? Even a few hours a month could get us much closer to our goal. FINANCE & PERSONNEL Do you have experience in Financial and/or Personnel issues? We’d love to fill some currently vacant committee slots on our Finance/Personnel Committee. The commit- tee meets monthly and reviews our budget I and income statements, prepares our taxes, and handles personnel matters like coordinat- ing our annual staff evaluations, compiling and revising job descriptions, and advertising open positions. FUNDRAISING Do you have fundraising experience? Have you coordinated fundraising events, written grant proposals, planned and Carried out fundraising mailings? We could use immedi- ate assistanCe- in all these areas. Advertising pays for just a little over half of the publish- ing expenses for Out in tbe Mountains. Mountain Pride Media also relies on grants and direct Contributions from individuals, thus this is an area where we must remain strong. OUTREACH Mountain Pride Media is Committed to reaching out to our community, If helping our community connect is something that appeals to you, we’d love to talk to you about joining our Outreach Committee, which meets monthly. The committee plans and executes all of our Outreach events and is particularly eager to involve people from areas of the state that we are not reaching as effectively as we would like. If you have experience with event planning or are generally a great “peo- ple person,” we'd love to have you! OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS I Out in tbe Mountains is always looking for new volunteers to help out in a variety of ways. If you are interested in journalism, fea- ture writing, or photography, OITM is a great _ place to gain more experience and share your thoughts and talents with Vermont’s GLBT community. Now that OITM has regular office