3 'SUl5l56i.i¢'5.i" Verm "*4 . .9 5 ’ ofv'in_forrnc_‘rtion,j insight, ond_dff'rmati,On§ . we 0! ct Vehicle for the celebration of theculture undgjd lesbian, gay, bisexual, and frdnsgendered- co ' IUT IN a;i,cltri_‘ag;ll¢;i: in gi'9a,é IEDITOR Iltl‘CH_IIEF»Q . f * e_ditor@molJnfdirllirlsilérjliediciorg _ : A.los’on7whi_ppleA l cr:2I]$§irz£as -’.c1assgrtagrsamountatnpridéfaaasa.o;g , célendaréirjnountatnpridernediaA.orc;== 7s‘_o1uRc£"ko1rok 3’ ’ ‘ .sourte@m0‘~?mainpridemediq.org if _ ._ . COIV,7’RiBUr0R53 .Mich_oel Alvedr, Allléba Bechdel; :H“e”idi 'r'Berkov_vltz; Joe Cabdza, Crow {‘Cohen,r-T_he. Rev;;'.'Jclne._ ell Charlie Emond, Kendra Henson, Robert Kirby, .l_uanl:tdiL. , Darin MacLeod, Mark Melchior; Joef Nichols, Eric ‘Qrner, Corrie Rdrnpp, .PutfRobinson,, Dennis Scott,-,B,ush, ‘Steve,.Stowe|l,.'Mdx ‘Stroud, Cherie Tartt,Jcfson Whipple, Jadeiwolfe, Yolanda‘ A DVERTISING MANAGER . dd_s@mountdlnpridemedia.org' - A r1o~Ajr ‘ADVERTISINGAREPRESENTA 1. Rivendellimqrketing-Compdnv. lnc. ' was , MouNtA_llN;pRtlpE;M,eptA . A BOARD.OF,DlRE_C‘,i'ORS ,.w’.t;...t V V Justin .Barion—Cuplin, tzuah, Bear,‘ _D(;tt't:‘BrVi_r“_1lc;__ _ A Ernest McLeod, Ra land , Palmer, Alverrc_rPerl&in‘s,- dim‘ Petriej ' '_ car,rierearr.pfp,,; Esther Rothblum. Richard ict'ppe" _pur,;:n the;MoUifp‘air1s;wasjtoundedzln 1.935; " moneyfforfirhelmrriarket’:Pé<:lsie