6-OlTl"l november 2001 NEWS Vermont and New Hampshire Experience Slight Increase in Hepatitis A Cases Earlier in October, Vermont AIDS service organizations received informa- tion from the VT Health Department regarding a recent increase in hepatitis A cases among MSM (men who have sex with men) in the state. There has been a similar rise in NH. These cases appear -to be stemming from an MSM event held in Vermont at the end of August. . In addition, the “Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases” 2001; 28:515- .52O has issued a new study which shows that MSM are in urgent need of increased knowledge about hepatitis C virus. _ Researchers sought to identify correlates linked with hepatitis C virus test- ing among MSM. Internet communications were used to solicit and collect data, via a 31—question survey. When the study was restricted to MSM in the US, (381 subjects), 95 percent of the respondents (361 men) reported at least one risk factor for HCV transmission. However, only 39 percent (140) report- ed having been tested for the virus. Testing was linked with a history of non- sexual risk behavior, increased knowledge of the hepatitis C virus and healthcare provider communication. The authors conclude that there is a significant need to outreach to MSM about risk, need for testin and ulti- .; fS93P.3;='1,1S1¥1g . _ “gar i rushes; razors“:or 0t¥1¢r‘—vpefs0nal.9¥fi91é$ . ¥ 1:; ” I‘l' héédles and other dmg - , }D05'n0tA‘share/reuse drug equipment‘(needles,..cook . ‘ , r . , _ .__.aIigue, fever, _I,_13.L1S€Q.,yVO A ‘ ‘V , stomachpain, lossV"’of_ clay—c'olored stool, yellowAsl' foci. ot_s‘he_ for you fl S . this so m.',it'Will. nepedgtc) i A.and'B vaccinations.) ns . H ?7f1‘.ri -»'B:au1e 5%"‘¢a11'.fé2t»:tni’appoir1tment. A‘ ; If not Reason #2 Y_o_u_ Should Subscribe To Out In T he Mountains... now, When!?l . hadhepauusA ror:iié:pauusrA and,,for.Il3,fyou _ou_ld:g to keep the .vac‘cirie refrigerated. ‘ Q then adrrririister the injection. - obtained fromithe Comprehensive 802‘-257_-8_$6(}," Ruugind 802-747-1851; Burlington.A8Q2-84,7-[459/bk ar1d'St. V a g A, ,_;-“you can contact Verrnontcares a_t802~863_~243;:'V/‘V ,‘ j.f.o._ ‘ ‘ ~ ~ . A- . .. ’ I . .. Disease program atDartrr1oxit1i.Hitchco¢k Medical} they are tested, or haV§.,S1gt11fiC3.f1li,118$i.ltl1'pi‘Ot)1‘‘.‘,1.CehteI:,a§ » g V . V , A . 1 \——»,j Your name Subscription Total Additional Donation _..___.____ Enjoy the convenience of delivery to . , . Address your mailbox (in an envelope). —:j?—¢——_ Total Enclosed City State Zip Make checks payable to: Support your community newspaper today! Email D 2 years ($39) Mountain Pride Media P.O. Box 1078 Richmond, VT 05477 Phone El lyear ($23) . El low income ($12)