2 - OlTf'l november 2001 NEWS a Heyflf—Everybody, olarAtda’here._‘ - Ihave -twolife goals: to be a dprofessional entertainer," AaAn‘d‘:to" .meet a man to partnerup with. I have had ‘a very! difficult time A realizing these two goals in my life. At the tirnefof moving to “ Vermont, I had lived in New York City for, over 150 years trying to realize my ‘clreanis.,‘I"4wa’s-a lot younger then and_mor_e unfo— “ " cused, but ambitious. Although I did, many things in “show_,biz”,- I never was able to create an act that had the power of, Yolanda .- l and the _Plasti’c?.Family. As my act grew,‘ and ‘Vermontesuprported my growth, I began‘ to feel the urge torego back to New York City. -I feltas if-AI had unfinishedlbusinesstwith New York City an'd,that‘:‘now; I had an act that was marketable. Eventually I ~ began to play _in_thefA-Acityf-Aairly regularly, and I just beganto feel ,A that it-_wads_” "0"" iv‘Ae'_i't; anotheifishot‘ [Aafter,all,Al_"rnA not: getting-, ‘ I ’ _fen_’heref since June, and ,I’m getting noticed ¥ S tih .f::1‘ Want-’fThat .,rr.1a_k€S the hippyi-1.‘ . l . rvodve _ine:'."blal.c_k to th‘eIcity.—‘InAAVerrnont, If “ A to5.g1ate,"A‘gain, ‘ I'm a A. lot ’ 7 that prospect difficult, but way} Aldwas always a»f‘big— » A A. Quld"‘me’et,A’There-' Aisja; *r(o’t_ .A.;A - ‘_._dBudingt0rt andindeedthe Green has haV€.:3“b18ih’¢3:.Tt; m,’3",fOfI1af1t.iC.-8‘1Y§' do _ C. ‘I Af0rtnetodevelopmynow—famousalterl toldrnev\rheriIrnovedtoVermorit12yearsagothispastsunmier . that I up='a doing cabaret shows and cohosting a popular public program‘ _ _ A‘ thathas nowbeen onthe airforsnyears-‘—Iwould * “ But that is what happened and I’m very happy and gate- dkated ,b9Yf1’i€Dd ,.Ia"ndA_A1 T_¢311Y v.Y1’5ed. ’50me' —‘ _' Taiit The support I have received from friench and the com— A e‘ with'_. AI-‘ffe1t».tiia;t,,-rnoA irArgfr’ojf.NAewA York City _ ' - -A . , . éf.th;*°= ,opp§”t,uaitY-'t,o.vbe. anénymous when _ 3 From-rtiyffiré appearanoes inbenefits forvermom mats and my own cabaret * _ A A A tag is a “A.d_o_uble—edged sword in my life. I love it, ‘ ’ S11OgVsAt0h0oki,;g*{1pW53hyO}anda andme CIeafiOn‘Of_’]}9eC79en‘eand y01amza5;,owA but 'itralso-.prese’rits many problems. ,1 felt that in:.New York City _. t1r1ej¢L,meYhaSbee,1fi1,1y,r,ernO,3b1e_ A i ' there would be enough people that I could find another freaky, My mbalet show; most benefited km} organizations such 35 Vermont CARES, the Chittenden County Emergenqr Food COTS (Committee On ' Temporary Shelter), and Out in the Mountains, began on Labor Day in September 1994 withrr1yfir’stshow “CherieGoes into Labor . . .- 'Ih'atwasAfollowed in suc— = ceasion» by: “Cherie’s Jubilee,” “Cherie Gets Stuffed ... “A Merry Cherie Cjlrrrisrnas,” and “ResrE.te<‘Iion” (my Easter Show). The shows continued with ‘.‘CherieA TartaI.e_—‘ She Came, She Saw, She Ate it “Cherie Tartt, Queen of Outer Space s - Wen, maybe, jujst, Uranus,” “The 31 Who Shagged Me” “Y2 Gay, Why Not?” and . “IaDolceCherie.A...Only_HerNarneisTartt.” , . U A . » I I A The from 135' Cafe NoNo, and Red Square, to hosting events ’ atAMetrorrorne and Ground; to appearances in Plattsburgh, New York, Salem, 1\/Iassacliuset1:S,and‘Pordand,l\'iaine. - 1- - n Instrumental’ _ throughout'allofthiswasthesupportofrnyaccomparust,l' Sa1Inglirna' , I I who frAornjtheAvery_beg‘innAing me to sing out— sometimes even on key, and ‘even.the. ' as the composers actually wrotethern -— provided of ' man to pair up with. So far I have been dating and (gasp!) hav- ‘ ingsex again, _ . ' ‘ ' ' in V Tha-t’s. basically all there is to it.‘New York City is a difficult . : place ,to‘l_ive,'efVe'n. more so now _af_ter‘Septemb’er 11, and I-have I questioned ‘my decision, many times since moving back. Last weekAA,I finally brokethrough and really believe, that I am sup- , ,6 hereAA.A . _ , . A A . . beAautifu_l',fri_ends. 1- do love_ Vermont and the __ _ A rnu‘niAtyA*t_h'ere. You have been so goodto me.7P'leas_e wish. ;rA1e‘well as I”do my best to make difficult changes that will bring me closer tomy life goals. A v ' A I if W'ith‘'al1;-.Am.Y’Alove1,. : I d nber:themLAfterhe,rr1ovedonI.havealsobeenfortunate ' otk with tW.<>'other_ve:y acaomplished Abotiiofwhomalsovwodivvithwvotaleritedfriends . . A E>r1a1b1e.s.Si11g- O . access" erlztltliciugliwe Arnetiaifew I A 5 watching the show and how A , A and‘ _ ierr governor Snelling, ador Rusty Dewees, and James Kochalka and Colin just a few. Bands that have per- formed onthe Hoftlre Bazookas, and The Magic is Gone, among I leave Burlingt z and with many fond memories and I will truly miss all‘ A of the wonderful people Ihave met while-here. But onward I go,A‘off to-Houston, Texas to live with my youngest brother, his wife, and my little niece Nora, now 2-1/2 years old. My plan is to continue evision star in the Lone Star State, with appearances in the future with. Yolanda in New York City and back here in the “Queen City’ where Cherie Tartt was I will certainly never all of the wonderful" people I’ve met duiingvmy ‘time , here, and I hopethat the Miss Cherie Tartt willlive on in your hearts and ‘ ‘ « w 1 .. 1$’V<‘-"W11 ' Cherie Tartfs queer as a glamorous cabaret and tel— A