E-mail your classified ad to Businesses, for profit ads, and commercial interest ads will be charged $15 per ad (100 words or less) per month. We reserve the right to refuse ads. Place or respond to an ad at your own risk. Ads must be received, with paymentif applicable, by the 15th of the month prior to its intended publication. Please indicate the number of months you wish the ad to run. Classifieds are free of charge for non-profits and Personal Ads are always free, although donations are happily accepted. classifieds@mountainpridemedia.org; send it to PO Box1078, Richmond, VT 05477; or fax it to 802-434-7046. We cannot take classified ads over the phone. VAnnouncernen_ts' g ’ ' V Autos/Tnicks/Motorcycles)‘.- VAwards & Scholarships. I _ V Employment — Paid. Positions 1 A V Employmentwanted I ‘ VEvents _ V ‘ - V Freebies’/Barter: ~ . VGroups V. -‘ V Legal Notices V Employment - Vo1untee"rfPositions ’_ S n 9 I - ?VxRéa1 WW3“ V ' -‘,.jiibn.&:v-$156 . -_ ‘ .VRii9rrxifiatéS‘Waritei1»‘ ‘ A v_ ’V/Serfviices-_ll . _ ans VLivingSituationsWarite_d j. 3 " ' V~Lost&Foi1nd ; A _ Announcements V Are you sick and tired of all those sugar-coated Christmas stories where everyone is happy and full of “good cheer?” Do you want to hear the dirty truth about Santa and his elves, Rudolph’s dark secret, and how information leaked to the press about Vixen’s troubles? If so, Theatre on a Shoestring has your remedy. TOAS will be holding auditions for their fall production of The Eight: Reindeer Monologues during the week of October 1. TOAS is currently searching for an assistant director who will take three or four of the eight monologues and work with those actors to develop a powerful night of entertaimnent. This indi- vidual needs to have a strong background in theatre, able to work under tight deadlines, -and V the ability to bring the printed word to life. A small stipend of $150 plus gas and parking reim- bursement will be provided. Anyone interested in this or any backstage position should con- tact- TOAS at info@the- atreshoe.com or PO Box 1012, Burlington, VT 05402-1012. If possible, please submit a resume. For those who are interested in taking on one or more roles, go to TOAS’ special audition web- site at http://theatreshoe.hyper- mart.net/auditions.html for a complete list and description of each character. Production dates are set for November 29-30 and December 6-8 in various venues throughout Burlington. (10/01), V October is Deaf and Disability Awareness Month at The University of Vennont. The University of Vermont hosts I - VPet'sI j H .Y , n. _ v,r>ers_an;t1s~,. Y 1<_,’eaI,1‘=5*i,it¢,-.1.F’€5i¥?é€?**,i. V_7Real"Es’tate.f-;Foi:.Sal' ’ A Awareness Month throughout October 2001. The events are designed to enhance awareness and educa- tion. All events are free and open to the public. Join us for a special presentation by Eli Clare, activist and author of Exile and Pride: Disability, Queemess, and Liberation. Participants will be provided an opportunity to explore stereotypes, disability’s connection to other kinds of mar- ginalization based on race, class, gender, and sexuality, and how we can create positive social change. October 9, 3—4:30pm, Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building. For more information and a complete listing of all events, see http://www.uvm.edu/~aaeo/dda m2001.htrnl. To request accom- modation please contact Kristin Wright‘ at kawright@zoo.uvm.edu or (802) 656-3368. (10/01) Employment - Paid Positions V Domestic Violence Specialist, Social Worker B, Job Code 502500. Seeking 1 full- time position located in Morrisville. Member of the Domestic Violence Unit respon- sible for providing case consulta- tion services to SRS staff on child abuse and neglect cases involving domestic violence. Experience working with bat- tered women and children pre- ferred. Former victims of domestic violence encouraged to apply. Requires Master’s in a human services field or Bachelor’s with 18 months case- work experience, including 6 months of child or youfli servic- es. For more information please contact Jill Richard at 241-2131. Apply by standard state applica- tion to: Vermont Dept. of Personnel, 144 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602. Tel: 1-800-640-1657. Fax: (802) 828-4480. Information and applications available at above address or ~ at www.state.vt.us/pers/. Applications A received by October 5th will be given priori- ty.(10/01) V Mountain Pride Media has numerous opportunities for indi- viduals who are looking to get involved with a local GLBTQ organization. You do make a dif- ference! FNII: mpm@mountain- pridemedia.org or check our Volunteer Page at www.moun- tainpridemedia.org. (12/01) V Looking to make some extra money? Mountain Pride Media is looking for part and full-time Advertising Sales Reps . to sell advertising for our month- ly newspaper, Out In The Mountains, and our web site, www.mountainpridemedia.org. Monthly expense stipend and commissions paid. Contact us today for more information. 802- 434-5237 or ads@mountain- pridemedia.org. (12/01) Employment - Voluntary Positions V The AIDS Project of Southern Vermont, a non-profit organization, established in July of 1997, is in need of adult vol- unteers. Our cliental is growing and needs are increasing. As part of the services we provide for people who are infected and/or affected by HIV/AIDS virus, we have a Buddy Program. The Buddy Program is designed to help our participants remain as independent as possible for as long as possible by offering them a volunteer who is willing to help out with such things as: light housekeeping, running errands, transportation or maybe just someone to spend time with. This is a great opportunity to help our fellow men/women as well as becoming involved with our community. Training is available and free of cost. There are other volunteer opportunities available at the AIDS Project as well. For more information and/or to become a volunteer _ please contact Rose Rahilly, Volunteer Coordinator, at 447- 8007. (12/01) V Come join MPM board members, staff, and other volun- teers at the monthly Out In The Mountains Stuffing at the OITM office above the Daily Bread in Richmond. Always on the last Thursday of the month, you can 5 help get the paper ready for mail- ing out to our community while visiting with old fiiends or mak- ing new ones! The stuffing starts at 5:30 and lasts until we are fin- ished (usually 3 hours). We pro- vide pizza so please join us! Check out the MPM Community Calendar on www.mountain- pridemedia.org for exact dates. F MI & Directions: circula- tion@mountainpridemedia.org or 802-434-6486. ( 12/01) , Groups V We are looking to put together a Gay/Lesbian social group for Rutland County and surrounding areas. Singles or couples welcome. Would like to plan get-togethers a few times a month, perhaps sports, bowling, dinner, movies, swimming, Cook outs, hikes, bird watching, will be open for suggestions. Just for some good clean fun. If any- one is interested please email WabbitNmouse@aol.com or call Kim or Valerie at (802)2 59- 2873. Children will be welcome at some gatherings. It’s about time we get something in our area. (12/01) Merchandise for Sale V The Ultimate Canoe Package — $850 ($1000 value). Purchased in 1999 and used only twice! Includes: 1 - Old Town Discovery 169 Canoe (Green) w/ cane seats and made with Crosslink-3 Polyethylene, 1 - Introduction to Canoeing Video, 1 - Paddleboy Canoe Cart (for 1 person portage), 2 - 54” solid cherry Beavertail Canoe Paddles with Urethane tips, 2 — L.L. Bean Adult (srn/rned) Comfort Flex Life Vests (blue), 2 - Crazy Creek Canoe'Chairs (blue), 2. - L.L. Bean Underseat Storage Cases (blue), 1 - L.L. Bean Kennebecker Waterproof Dry Bag (blue), 1 - Rooftop Transport Kit (includes nylon tie ‘down straps and foam blocks). Call 802-482-2550 and LM or email r_fpvt@together.net (1 0/01) october 2001 lassifieds Personals V GWM 30 yrs old, honest, sincere, seeks GM for friend- ship/penpal. Willing to travel. Write: Boxholder, P.O. Box 86 Franconia, NH 03580 (11/01). V Mark, who says Friday the 13th is unlucky? Not me, as it was Friday, October 13th last year that I was first introduced to you. Thanks for a year filled with discovery, love, and laughter. You still hold the key to my heart! Love ~ R.F.P. (10/01) V GWM, 47, 6’5”, 205#, sin- gle, blue, brown(gray), light complexion, athletic, healthy, attractive. New to Rutland. Starting new career as an aspir- ing starving artist. 25 year culi- nary-hospitality professional. Army veteran. Interested in all arts, trades, landscaping, garden- ing, stonework, & building. Likes pets, animals, nature, mountains, water, the counrty and the city. Hobbies include jogging, exercise, diet, health & nutrition. Well traveled, multital— ented, intelligent, creative, imag- inative, was very transient and am looking to settle down. Would like to help establish gay clubs, gay organizations, gay support groups. Contact john- bower45@hotrnail.com (10/01 ) Real Estate — For Rent Secluded Log Cabin Retreat in foothills of Camel’s Hump: hiking, swimming, communing with nature, gas lights, (no elec- tricity) $40/night $240/wk Call Crow at (802) 655-3766 ( 10/01) Roommates Wanted V Roommate wanted to share 3 br mobile home with partnered lesbian couple in Barre area. Rent is 300/month. Please call 476-7332 ask for Kristen. (10/01) V Essex Junction. Two large attic rooms. Entire upstairs of cape style home. Perfect live- work space for artist or self- employed home worker. 1 Woman. No kids. Cat OK. Non-smoker preferred. Share bath, kitchen, washer/dryer and fenced back yard. Rent $550 plus half heat/electricity. First and last month rent to occupy. Call Vicky at 802-879-1379.’ (10/01)