28 - OlTl"l october 2001 S m Cl l"Cl foundation of Vermont Our Mission ~ The Samara Foundation of Vermont is a " charitable foundation whose mission is to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, lesbian, g bisexual, and transgendered communities . - today and build an endowment for tomorrow. How To Contact Us: , 90 main street " , ‘ ’ p.o. box 1263 ' iburlington, Vermont . 05402-1263 p. 8025860-6236 . f. 802-860-6315 , _ ~ info@samarafoundation.org www.samarafoundation.org THAT BOOK STORE... and THAT ANTIQUE CENTER Used and Antiquarian Books, Antiques and "Collectibles Multi-Dealer Shop Used and Out-of—Print Books, VT and NH Books, Post Cards, Paper Ephemera, Glass, Linens, Vintage Clothing, Coins, Primitives, Pottery and more... Something for Everyone! Usua|ly...Mon—Sat 10:00-8:00, Sun 11:00-8:00 Railroad Street, St Johnsbury, VT 05819 802.748.1722 - emaiI:tbs@p|ainfie|d.bypass.com http://www.allroutes.to/thatbookstore Vermont CARES now offers. .. ORAL HIV TESTING FREE AND ANONYMOUS. NO NEEDLES. KNOVVLEDGE = POWER For local information... In the Burlington area; contact Amy or Erin at 1-800-649-2437. In the Montpelier area, contact Emily at 802/229-4560. In the Rutland area, Contact Lee or Mary Kathryn at 802/ 775-5884. In the St. Johnsbury area, Contact Penni at 802/ 748-9061. 800. 649. 2437 www.vtcares.org .V.9.1_'.,“1.0 “-3, \ Mr. Les 3. Frank Your Guidance Counselor for Life Hey, Mr. Frank, , l’m justigoing to come right out and sayr.it._ I love se<—.‘" larn" always on the look out for a sexy woman to get into my/_,'bed'.‘, 3My friends tell me that, when it comes to sex, I act like a gay man or a ‘man, in 1' general. I don't think that because i have a hearty sexual appetite! shoul.cl£b.e judged by my friends or anyone and certainlyrnotcalled a man if. act on my" urges with a lot‘ of different women. Two of my friends dared me to write this to -you, because they thinkvyou’llVtake their side. ' ’Voracious,fj.- »A_Springfield5~VT‘— “ Dear Voracious, Points for not beating around the bush, so to speak, in expiain,ing your isitua? tion. Points, too, for having a vocabulary that includes theword ”vor_acious.” ' I don't think your friends are going to like what I have toisay, so theymay regret, daring you to write to me. I don't see anything wrong with you bedding a lot of women,.as. clear with them that you are a proverbial bitch in*heat. Let your sex; partners know that it's just about bumping‘ uglies (no. personal characterization intended) and let , ‘ them decide if they want to div into that kind.._of interaction or not.‘ i ‘ ' No matter how forthcoming . e are, some people - no matter what their gen- ‘der — will begin to visualize china patterns, the minute they are in an intimate sit’- uation with another person. » , E 1 _ , . So, be warned, be respectful of other/}’5eople’5 feelings and be safe: - CUO00O0000000O0QCOOIOOOOIIOOOOOOUOICOCOOOQODOOOCCOOOOUOCIOUC..CU.IflIQ‘..C....C.. Hey, Mr. Frank, in a few days, I'll beturning 30. I've been hanging out with a different group 1 of guys, lately, and my old friends are basically freaked out about it. T V ‘ 1 My new friends are into pretty hardcore sex stuff and iadmit that part of me is i totally turned on by some of what l’ve seen them do. A ,But- another part of me thinks that it's just like peer pressure and that I'm only tuphed on because! see the , " 1 V . , other guys turned on. How can I know for sure? A V , Signed, Reggie in?Bennington,. Bennington, VT ' Dear Reggie, Happy Birthday! V A . , l’m wondering if what you call "pretty hardcore sex stuff” will include the hot wax from birthday candles being dripped all over you. 1 Turning 30 can be a major milestone for some people. It often represents the time when we finally separate ourselves from our youthful ways and set the course‘, for our adult life. ’ I think it's healthy _for you to take this time and wonder whether your arousal is based on your own, previously-unexplored proclivities or whether you're just suf~ fering from the popcorn-like experience that results in popping a_boner (as, -. opposed to corn) merely because those around you are getting erections. I'd encourage you to find ways to safely expand your horizons without cutting — I off your old friends. A person doesn't have to a hardcore sex pig 24_/7/365. After a while, it would get pretty tedious. There are times when watching a - game with good friends who don't want to truss you up like a holiday. turkey can be a very satisfyinggand-fun experience. Don't limit yourself to whatyyothers tell you is right for you. f‘ 8 . V V, V '1 V And don't drip any candle wax on the carpet. _ It can be a bitchto‘yr,,remove.y 1 Mr. Les 8. Frank offers guidance counseling to people of all ages. He’s also cup fit- ter for a burly baseball team in need of support and protection. some letters are edit- ed for length, spelling or grammar. Send your questions and requests for guidance to HeyMrFrank@aol.com. IJARES