Native American “'l‘wo Spirit" Circle GLBTQ 2nd Tuesday of each month. Wheelchair accessible. 7-9pm * 864-7520 Unitarian Church of Montpelier 130 Main St, Montpelier VT 05602 * 223-7861 Unitarian Universalist Church 117 West St, Rutland 7750850 Rev. Amy Zucker Vermont Gay Men's Spiritual Support Brotherhood 5 Raymond Pl. Burlington VT 05401 Vermont Open Circle of Wicca & Wicce POB 1345, MiddleburyVT 057531345 * 388-5477 Vermont 0r anization for Weddings 0 the Same Gender Rev. Brendan Hadash 964 Beach Hill Rd., West Glover VT 05875 * 5233856 WestHollywood/Heights/3936 Unitarian Universalist Congregation / Upper Valley Nancy Crumbine 649-8828 * Box 1110, Norwich VT 05055 STUDENT Castleton State: Lluvia Mulvaney—Stanak 468-1637 Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance Hanover NH 03755 ’ 603646-3636 Free to Be: GLBTA at UVM B-163"Billings Center, ‘UVM, ' Burlington VT 05405 Faculty Advisor. 6562058"lbgtqa Goddard G/I./B Alliance Goddard College Plainfield VT 05667 ‘Keene State College Pride Keene State College, Keene NH 03431 * Johnson State College GSA GLBQAA, c/o Student Association Johnson VT 05656 Landmark Gay] Lesbian] Bisexual Alliance Middletown Springs vr 05757 Landmark College, Putney VT 2332373 05346 * 387-6752 Lyndon State College Gay- P-FLAG Southwest VT Straight Alliance 442-5557 . C/0 Office of Student Activities, Meets 2nd Sunday of the month at Lyndon State College 2:00 Lyndonville VT 05851 First Congregational Church, 626-6200 Williamstown, MA L5CG5A@h°_tma"-Com VT Parents and Friends of WWW-3989199-50"‘/Vt/15C85a Lesbians and Gays Marlboro Pride NE Regional Director Marlboro College Peggy Gage * 12 Lincoln St, Exeter c/0 Carolyn Conrad NH 03833 * 603-772-2113 * Box A, Marlboro College Nort:heastRD@pflag.0rg Marlboro 05344 Lake Champlain Area Lil Venner * 23 Birchwood, .111‘/filddlebury open Queer gtlgllnésfggl VT 0:401 * 32534235 'ance 8 neva l7ll’Y'Ol..lg Drawer 8, Middlebury College, 8782838 MiddleburyVT057536033 5°"“'We5* VT Area 4425557 Onle in Ten-Castleton State $$B ma Co e e . ' ’ castim VT 05735 Straight Spouses of GLBT President; Stacie Rose 468-1826 Farmers * - . Keene NH FMI lame Hams St Michael's College ALLY :;,3;f,,?S5c;_,“j,§’,f,etC0m Group _ Student Resource Center, Winooslv1o\eM€' a\io\.ov-5 anal Sign up i-oowtyl Whatever you take along for pleasure, consider this We may feel safe in Vermont, but we're not immune to AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Don’t take a chance... take a condom Vermont AIDS Hotline 1.800. 882.AIDS ‘ TTY 1.800.319.3141