22 ° oct9ber__20,01, o munitv yr, The Alliance at Vermont law‘ School ‘ The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Alliance of Vermont Law School is pleased to present its 7th Annual Conference on Sexual Orientation and the Law. This year’s topic is Religion, Sexual Orientation & the Law. The conference will take place on Friday, October 5, 2001,‘from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm, in the Chase Community Center on the campus of Vermont Law School, South Royalton, Vt. The conference is free and open to the public and the media. Religion plays an important role in the lives of all Americans whether they recog- nize it or not. For some, this means actively practicing in a particular faith. But even those who do not practice in a faith sooner or later must acknowl- edge the powerful influence of religion in our culture, our pub- lic policy, and of course, our law. For many in the GLBT community, this influence is often seen as burdensome, dis- enfranchising ~ and frankly — homophobic. This conference examines the intersection between religion and the law, and what it means for the GLBT community. The conference will feature a keynote address entitled, “On Nature Worship and the U.S. Constitution: Dis-Establishing the Religion of Gender” from Professor David B. Cruz of the University of Southern California Law School. Panel discussions include a panel of clergy and theologians discussing the question, “What Does Religion Really Say About Homosexuality?” A Lawyers’ panel will dis- cuss the question, “Gay Rights vs. Religious Liberty: Does the U.S. Constitution Allow for Both?” Panelists include, Professor Sharon . Ackerman of Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH; Sharon Debbage Alexander of the Human Rights Campaign, Washington, D.C.; Attorney Beth Robinson of Langrock, Sperry & Wool, Middlebury, VT; and Dr. Rembert Truluck, author of the bestseller, Steps to Recovery from Bible Abuse. Participants from the previ- ous two panels will then come together for a plenary round- table discussing, “The Impact of Faith—Based ‘Initiatives on the GLBT Community.” Joining this roundtable discus- sion will be VT State Representative Duncan F. Kilmartin (R-Newport City), and Mr. Gary Dafiin, Co-Chair of the MA Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus, Boston, MA. The Alliance will also pres- ent its annual Simon Pearce Vermont Vanguard Award for 2001 to Mr. John R. Edwards, former VT State ' Representative (R-Swanton). Lunch will be served at the conference (vegetarian avail- able upon request). Advance reservations required for lunch and a $5.00 donation request- ed. For reservations or more information, contact The Alliance at (802) 763-8303 ext.2023, or e-mail dstaffor@vermontlaw.edu. A Mountain Pride Media Mountain Pride Media would like to congratulate board member Pam co pa‘SKinniburgh on becoming a grandmother. Also, congratulations go'out to Board member Brian Cote and his partner Howdy on their recent civil union. Brian also recently accepted a promotion at the UVM College of Medicine and will be leaving ‘ F the Board of Directors. We would like‘to thank Brian for his work on the Board and L Qrgainizations from around the state are encouraged to provide descriptions of recent or upcoming activities and events. E-mail your submission to eeditor@mountainpridemedia.org recently wish him the very best in his new position. We also thank Tom Anoe from ‘Rutland who is also leaving-the board and wish him the very best. Mountain Pride Media would like to thank everyone who purchased tickets to the special benefit performance of Moises Kaufman’s The Laramie Project on Friday October 5, 2001 at UVM. Special thanks to Jeremy Thompson at UVM for helping make this benefit possible. Each month, Mountain Pride Media acknowledges the individuals who help get Out In The Mountains into the community. This month we send out our thanks to Alan, Bennett, Alverta, Dustin, Denny, Susan, Patrick, Christopher, James, Esther, Anthony, Marsha, Aldora, Zach, Jennifer, Carrie, Michael, Daryl, Jim, Mack and Roland who came to the August “Stuffing” Night. The October “Stuffing” will be on Thursday, October 25th start- ing at 5:30 p.m. at our offices above The Daily Bread in Richmond, Vermont. Please feel free to stop by and say hello and help out. Mountain Pride Media is always looking for talented community members who are looking for opportunities to get involved. Do you have skills in sales, marketing, database management, strategic plan- ning, fundraising or technolo- gy? Do you like to write or take photos? Are you looking "for the opportunity to meet new people while helping keep our community connected? If so, contact us today to discuss ways you can get involved through Mountain Pride Media. Our _ email is mpm@mountainpridemedia.org. llnitarian Universalist Society of Burlington We have all noticed and admired the beautiful, simple brick building at the head of Church Street at one time or another. Within its doors is the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington—a thriv- ing, interested and diverse community integrated with g/l/b/t communities in mean- ingful and important ways. The society includes people of all ages, races and sexual orienta- tions who join in a caring com- munity to explore life’s mys- teries and spiritual dimensions. Unitarian Universalism is a faith tradition that dictates no creed, but rather includes Buddhists, Jews, Pagans, Christians, atheists and many others. The most important principle to Unitarian Universalists is the search for truth, ‘whatever that might mean to each individual.. Last year, the congregation unanimously voted to become a Welcoming Congregation. This means that the society is inclusive and expressive of the concerns of gay, lesbian, and bisexual and transgender per- sons at every level of congre- gational life in worship and program, welcoming not only their presence but also the unique gifts and particularities of their lives. There is an ongo- ing commitment to sponsoring a series of workshops and pro- grams with the goal to reduce prejudice by increasing under- standing and acceptance among people of different sex- ual orie_ntations. We are having several events in October that may be of interest to the g/l/b/t com- munity: Coming Out Day: In celebration of National Coming Out Day (October 11), the Welcoming Congregation Committee and Interweave are participating in the Sunday Service at 11:00 am on October 7. Minister Roddy .O’Neil Cleary will give a sermon enti- tled “The Soul of Sex”, which explores when sex and religion become separated, how each of . them loses emotional power and vitality. The sermon will look at what these mysterious and fascinating aspects of life have in common, and why over the centuries they have drifted apart. In addition, the impor- tance of coming out and the human rights issues surround- ing it will also be explored. Interweave Potlucks: Interweave is an organiza- tion dedicated to the spiritual, political, and social well-being of people of all sexual identi- ties and genders. Interweave is also a fun, social group which is open to all. The second Sunday of. every month (September to June) there is a potluck for g/l/b/t and allies at 12:30 p.m. Attended by 30 or more people each month, par- ticipants eat delicious food and meet new friends in a comfort- able and welcoming place. The potluck is always announced in the calendarVsec- tionof OITM.‘ You can come for the service at 11 am or to the potluck or both. Everyone is welcome. Vermont International Film Festival: Interweave and the Welcoming Congregation Committee are proud to host “Out and On Screen” on Saturday, October 20 at the First Unitarian Universalist Meeting House. Festival plan- ners expect to show Scout’s Honor and plan a discussion with Tom Shepard from 4 to 6 pm. After the discussion, the rest of the films will be shown from 7 to 10 pm. In between (from 6 to 7) there will be live slam poetry. This event is open to the public. The First Unitarian Universalist Society invites everyone to stop in our Meetinghouse at the top of Church Street and look around, say hello, meet new friends and discover a supportive family for g/l/b/t people and allies. Feeling out of touch? You can be in the know. There’s no need to be embarrassed: Subscribe to OITM today.