' love with most emotionally intense and the funniest piece_I have ever made. There is something about the urgency of the material that brings all this out. The humor comes up in the showjustas it does in life as a way of dealing with the stress of the situation. I know that many gay people really don’t realize that if you fall in someone from another, country you have no ability to include that person in your life under US law. Any heterosexual person can fall in love with someone of the opposite sex, marry him or her and make them a citi- zen. Unless their partner blew up a bridge in Bolivia or something, all heterosexual marriages are given immigra- tion rights. On the other hand, NO gay person may have the same special right that straight people take for grant- ed. I think it’s a very tangible way that we can see how unfairly US culture treats our committed relationships. Ultimately Glory Box is a hyper-romantic love story and audiences, straight and gay, relate to the show in that way. We Americans are so soppy and sentimental———it’s one of therthings that might save us! This_ very human, funny and moving story about the deep capacity of lesbian *and' gay people tolove one another without ANY help or encouragement from our society strikes a chord with folks. I am glad it both hits the funny bone and pulls those heartstrings! WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE WHO SAY WHY SHOULD wr: FIGHT To HAVE THIS HETEROSEXUAL INSTITUTION? I always felt that way'in the past, I would say to myself “I don’t want to sup- port a corrupt bourgeois insti- tution etc” Well, I understand that point of view, but it real- ly rings hollow when you are facing your lover being deported, or can’t get into the hospital to see your partner, or the immediate family takes away the house you left your partner because your will was not acknowledged. The General Accounting Office in DC just released a list of 1049 special rights and privi- leges that straight people get when they get married. I don’t want anybody to get feel like they have to get mar- ried, on the other hand I want every dyke and fag who wants to marry their partner to be able to and have the same equal right of relation- ship that straight people have. Otherwise, we are just letting them fuck us over. The radi- cal right hasldecided to fight us on this. Californians voted to pass the Knight Initiative 'n the M h 2000 I ' which said that only mar- riages between one man and one woman will be acknowl- edged in the State of California. Unless we just want to throw in the towel and let psychos like Pete Knight walk all over us, we have to fight back. What some people would like to forget is that marriage has been very fluid in our history and has made a steady move toward greater equality. I try to remind people that 140 by Ken Harvey ARTS october 2001 OITM ° 21 years ago during slavery, African-Americans were not allowed to marry. Thanks to the decades of hard work by the women’s movement we no longer see marriage as a man’s ownership over a woman — we view it as a part- nership. That wasn’t the case a hundred years ago and it is a huge change. Until 1967, it was illegal in many states for men and women of different races to marry! Alabama had laws making it illegal for 1. THE MARBLE QUILT by David Leavitt 2‘. YIN FIRE by Alexandra Grilikhes 3. IF YOU WERE WITH ME EVERYTHING WOULD BE ALL RIGHT 4. BEFORE NIGHT FALLS (Triangle Classic Edition) by Reinaldo Arenas Intro by Jamie Manrique 5. THE SCARLET PROFESSOR: Newton Arving, A Literary Life, Shattered by Scandal by Barry Werth 6. INSIDE OUT by Juliet Carrera 7. TRICKS OF THE TRADE by Ben Tyler 8. THE LAST EMPIRE by Gore Vidal 9. LESBIAN FILM GUIDE by Alison Darren 10. DESERT OF THE HEART (Triangle Classic Edition by Jane Rule straight people of different races to marry until November, 2000! Changes in how we define marriage have been one of the ways that America marks it’s slow progress towards more civil rights. Lesbian and gay Americans will not really be full citizens until the outra- geous inequity that denies validity to our relationships is remedied. >30 CI-IERIEANDYOLANDA I Channel 15 Tuesdays and Sundays at 10 pm, Saturdays at 12 am Adelphia IN THE LIFE Vermont Public Television Movers & Shakers Check Local Listings for Dates and Times ‘St. Iohnsbury WVTB Channel 20 Rudand WVER Channel 28 ' Burlington WETK Channel 33 Windsor WVTA Channel 41 Mandnestier W36AX Channel 36 Benninguon W53AS Channel 53 Beginning with October’s season premiere, H7. clelbrates ten years of sewing the gay and lesbian corn- muntiy and making a visible differ— ‘ ence on national public television with series host Katherine Linton. A Lush Life features musical genius Billy Strayhom who is among the greatest of American composers. Marga Gomez appears in the debut of Out Takes, a new segment of humorous celebrity social commen- tary. Author Edmund White is inter- viewed in Artist and AIDS about his editorial contribution to LOSS WITH- INL0SS:Arfisls1'n the Age ofA1DS. In the Life airs on 130 public television stations nationwide and in Canada. NEWSANDVIEVIISFROM TI-IE VT STATE HOUSE Barre Channel 7 Wednesday 7 pm and Thursday 9 am & 12 pm Burlington Channel 15 and 17 Check local listings Colchesler Channel 15 Monday 10:30 am, Wednesday 10 pm and Thursday 7:30 pm Nlancheslnr Channel 15 Check local listings , Middlebury Channel 15 Monday 11:30 am, and Thursday 11:30 am & 9:30 pm Montpelia Channel 15 « Wednesday 7 pm, and Thursday 1pm Newport Channel 14 Monday through Friday 2 pm and 7 pm Norwich Check local listings Richmond Channel 3 Monday 8 pm Rutland Channel 15 Check local listings St. Albans Channel 10 Check local listings St. Iohmbury Channel 7 Check local Waildield Channel 44 Monday through Friday 12 pm & 5 pm THE VERMONT RAINBOW CONNECTION Burlington Channel 15 Friday 9 pm Adelphia Barre Channel 7 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 8:30 pm He11'conj1 BermiI18t°n. Pawnal, Slriaftsbury, Woodford, Hoosick Falls, NY Call 802-4428868 for air days/times CA—TV Brattleboro Channel 8 Call 802-257-0888 for air Clays] times BCIV E‘ - N E I N a R . 1 E 1 Channel 15 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 8 pm wENo Middlebury, East Middlebury, Weybridse A CaII'802-388-3062 for air days/ times MCIV Montpelier, Waterbury, Randolph Channel 15 ~ 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 7:30 pm Adelphia Rid'imond,]erid1o, Underhill Channel 3 Call 802- 434-2550 for air days/times MMCIV WoodsInd<, Plymouth, Ludlow Channel 13 Friday 9 pm Adelphia