The Spiritual ESEEGIICG by The Rev. Jame Dwinell Much has happened since the tragic events of September ll. Much has been said, and a great deal has been unsaid. People, for the first time in a long time, filled houses of worship. There was mourning, and prayer, and questioning, and fear. There was anger, and hope, and pulling together as a community, both large and small. Say A Prayer Second of all, we need to have patience — with our selves, our leaders, the media, those with whom we disagree. We have been through a tragedy of immense proportions, one that I hope will not be repeated. We are distracted. Tears may come at unex- pected times. We are in grief even if we have not lost a person close to us. Light a candle. Say a prayer or sit in stillness. Look around you at the won- der of our world, at the wonder of your life. There is much we can and should do at this time, but first of all, I feel we should give thanks. We should give thanks for all that is our life, for those we love, for those we hate, for those that died and those who have worked so hard cleaning up the debris, and bodies, and pieces of lives blown into little bits. Light a candle. Say a prayer or sit in stillness. Look around you at the won- der of our world, at the won- der of your life. Although we may not know what is ahead, we know what is with us now. In the present. Today. This moment. For that is all we _can really know. And say thank you. Take time to take care of yourself. Play. Love. Laugh. This, too, shall pass. Next, find yourself a spir- itual home. Even though the terrorists destroyed innocent human life in the name of their religion, it doesn’t mean that Islam, or any other faith, is bad. The mag- ical diversity of our world gives us many wonderful organized religions to explore and choose from. The magical diversity of our world also gives us the option to find a spiritual home in the woods, or with our pet, or alone with a book of poetry. The Rev. Billy Graham is right — we are a nation in need of spiritual sustenance. Find what calls to you, what makes sense to you, and commit to it with all your heart. Lastly, find a way to channel your rage, anger, frustration, and desire for a new world into helping your local community. I’m sure all of us, on some level, wished we could go to New York City to help with the rescue efforts. Maybe some of you gave blood — or wanted to. When I think of the energy and money that is pouring into the relief efforts I wonder what we, as a community both large and small, could do if the same kind of energy was put into healing and helping right here, in Vermont. -The Spirit knows we certainly can use healing on many levels. What can you do to help here, and now? . May your life be filled with Love, Wisdom, Patience, and Justice, every day. May your life be touched and blessed by all that is around you. And may we, together, create a better world for everyone. The Rev. Jane Dwinell serves the First Universalist Parish, a Unitarian Universalist congregation, in Derby Line, She lives with her partner, Sky, and their two children, Dana and Sayer, on the shores of beau- tiful Lake Memphremagog. and Wha1:’s cooking in your neck of the woods? Keep up to date with the OITM calendar community Compass! r \‘ ‘COLUMNS october 2001 OlTi'l ° 17 Aegis One, Competition Zero Looking for affordable speakers?The Aegis One is ready & willing totake on all challengers.There is simply no other speaker in its price range that can match the crisp, clear, natural sound of the Aegis One. Bottom line, the Aegis One sounds like live music, not a speaker "If l hadn't known it costs just $299/pair when I first heard it,l would have estimated its price was at least twice that. ...che Aegis One is an aston~ ishing value. Highly recommended." sale $269.88/pair . W audio research sound essentials high performance home theatre 5. audio systems On the web @ wwwsoundessentialsvtcom - The Wing Building l Steele St. # I08 - Burlington - 863.627l ' l"-lours: Tues 4-8 Fri l2-8 Sat lO-8 Sun l2—6 Mon.Wed,Thu by Appointment Located along the hike & bike path, next to the King St. Ferry Dock. John Atkinson Stereophile May 2000 SOCIALLY RESPONSIVE FINANCIAL SERVICES SINCE 1985 (The Stone Hearth Inn & Tavern Features: V Constructed Circa 1810 . vi 10 Acommodations, Private Bath v Full Bar & Casual Menu Served in Our Tavern Tuesday to Saturday v Library, Piano, Hot Tub, Patio v Your Hosts: Chris Clay, Brent Anderson & The Inn Cats The Stone Hearth inn - Route 11 West Just 1 Mile West of the Chester Villagecrecn 802-875-2525 888-617-3656 Holiday Parties, Meetings Private Luncheons <9 Dinners Rates from $59 with Brea/efast www.thestonehearthinn.comJ K Elizabeth C. Campbell, CPA, PC Certified Public Accountants 15 East Washington Street, Rutland 05701 802-773-4030 / Tax specialists serving individuals . and small businesses