10 - OlTl"l october 2001 VIEWS Modular bands in 14k gold and fine gemstones by STEPI-[MEN DIXON O BY JOEL NICHOLS Offering the collections of Contemporary Jewelry artists featuring designer goldsmith Tiimothy Grannis. GRANNIS GALLERY “Fine Qolb Corner of Church and Bank, Burlington 0 660-2032 - M—S 10-6 0 Sun 12-5 In eighth grade, my friend Danielle and I dated for a weekend. We have been friends since she moved to my town in the fourth grade——I was even the first friend to call her. We were roommates for the summer, too, because she had a free room in her Burlington apartment. Being domestic is a great time. My summer internship at Out in the Mountains was low-stress while she worked full-time. I woke up in the morning often thinking what I was going to have ready for her when she came home at din- ner time. When we go cruis- Rebecca Sherlock M.S.W., L.I.C.S.W. Diplomate in Clinical Social Work Gender Specialist Montpelier, Vermont Phone: 802-229-2946 Individual, couple, group and family psychotherapy. Evaluations for hormone and surgical therapies and referals to medical services for transsexuals. ing for guys together, some- ,,-...4 .-s.-‘ 7 ovxiovi Rivev Co-op sutppovi-s local gvowevs... Meet i-he Pollcs who gvow ouv apples i The spectacular views and lakeside breezes at Shelburne Orchards may be impressive, but even better are the superb apples grown there. Owner Nick Cowles and his fangily carefully tend their 70 acres, sparing no effort to gr’6i/v the best apples under the most ecologically healthy conditions. Bite into a crisp, juicy Mclntosh, Liberty, Empire, or Cortland from Shelburne Orchards, and you'll taste the difference. Find these varieties and more at the Onion River Co-op. Onion Rivev Co-or 274 N. Winooski Avenue Burlington, Vermont 802-863-3659 Open 9-9 every day. _; URBAN TRAVEL 97¢//0'/gy .@%oas»./ ./ ./ ./ EIJROPE All{FAl{ES: WWW. GLIEEIMAGE. C0iVl/ U l{lBAN'l‘l{AVIZl. Affiliated with TZELL New England edesilets@tne.tzell.com Amsterdam from $348 Athens from ‘$431 Barcelona from $398 Berlin ff0m $353 Brussels from $356 Lisbon from $418 L0I1d0I1 ff0If1 $293 Paris from $348 Prague from $393 Rome ff0m $398 Stockholm from $386 Vienna from $411 Venice from $398 IARIBBEAN/MEXICO: . TNIGHT ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGES Aruba from $899 Angullia from $999 La Roma ~ from $899 St. Martin from $898 St. Thomas from $890 Mayan Rivirea from $899 Cancun from $799 , U SA IURFARES: Chicago from $178 Key West from $272 Los Angeles from $15 8 Miami from $154 Phoenix from $98 New Orleans from$170 San Diego I ~ from $178 San Francisco from $158 IEXPERIENCE THE IDIFFEIKENCE IN 'l‘l{AVEL. FIND 0U'l‘ WIIAT Y0ll’l{lE IVIISSING! I Contact us at: 617-482-5610 or 1-800-504-9075 - 20 Melrose St., Boston MA All rates based on availability and are subject to change. times we just end up strolling with linked arms instead of trolling. In the grocery store last week, we happened upon one of the funniest things we had ever thought of——we can pretend to be married in pub- lic. Middle-aged couples look at us with this glint in their eyes that makes us look like the hope for the future. Danielle and I pretend to squabble over whether or not I get sweets or what kind of food to get the dog. We look at babies like we’re about to go home and try for one. If the summer were longer, we would probably have had a joint checking account. ~ Danielle also turns guys gay. All of her high-school boyfriends (including me) have since come out or are strongly suspected. It’s a big joke for us that ifl ever meet a guy who might be straight, I can send him to her for a few days to take care of it. The trouble is, I think she almost turned me back at the beginning of the summer. I was bisexual and I can’t deny that sometimes I’m sexually‘ attracted to women, but I prefer men. To be clear, attraction to women does not a bisexual make: for a primary sexual partner, I’m looking for a man. I like men more. She and I went shopping once and identified the men on the street who could “get Diary From an Intern: How I Almost Turned Straight This Summer it” from us. There were some nice-looking ones, but astonishingly, my head was turned by a woman. Without . even knowing it, I said “she could ‘get it.’” Danielle gave me a weird look and I said, “I don’t know where ‘that came from.” I did! Was all that grocery store playing getting to my head? I won- dered if we should start to pretend we’re brother and sister. In the beginning of the summer, Danielle was out of town visiting her mother and our other roommate, Kim, .was out with friends. I was alone in the apartment, watching the news. The anchor told how a man under observation at the state hos- pital had escaped and may or may not be dangerous. I am always a little paranoid, so of course, I assumed that he was headed straight to my house to kill me. I was wor- ried because Kim had not locked the front door before leaving. I was upstairs and was convinced that ifl went down to lock up, he would already be in the house and . kill me. Of course, the man was not even anywhere near our house or even consid- ered dangerous enough to murder, but it did not stop my imagination. Danielle came home the next day and I told her about my paralyzing night of fear alone in the house. Our next-door neighbor is an sin- gle woman. I realize that if given the choice of which apartment to pillage, the crazy man would have cho- sen the old woman living alone with a cat instead of the three twenty-sornethings with a huge beagle who are constantly coming and going and having guests. I said to Danielle, “especially when the one resident home was a big burly str-“ and I froze. I was about to call myself" straight! I absolutely could not believe it. woman on the street and now calling myself straight. I was converting! Luckily Danielle helped . convince me that I meant I could look straight because I’m tall, not that I am straight. I am glad we don’t have a Will and Grace dynamic of secret codepen— dence, bad hair and clothes, and annoying banter. Instead, Danielle cheered me up, reassured me that I’m a fag, and brought me down- town to see if the guy I like at Border’s was working. First the M