4% oIrr1'io;r;3isei;‘25oi’LErrEl2s All letters must be accompanied by a verifiable name and address to be considered for publication. We will withhold names from printing upon request. We reserve the right to edit for space and clarity. Send your letter to PO Box1078, Richmond, VT 05477, or e-mail it to editor mountainpridemediaorg THE Moumrns established in .1986} 50’... OR‘ tN‘"¢.HlEf.i: Tragedy Because the spiritual foun- dation of Twelve Step pro- grams is anonymity, I can’t sign this letter; but I -feel compelled to share my thoughts in the face of this national crisis we’re facing. I’m _convinced that the media can be both good and evil. I was brought to tears by the news of the heroic acts, heart- felt anguish and sincere show of support all over the globe in the face of the September 11th tragedy. It gave me great hope for the spiritual trans- formation that can emanate from such a disaster. I also acknowledge that if it weren’t for excellent reporting (OITM being a prime exam- ple) our Civil Union Law might never have passed. On the other hand, if it weren’t for our sick attach- ment \to viewing all the hor- rors of the planet on our little screens every night, terrorism would never be able to get a foothold in society. Watching this latest atrocity on our own soil felt eerily familiar, like viewing a grade B movie — planes crashing into tall buildings, bodies falling out of skyscraper windows, peo- ple in New York City running panicked in the streets glanc- ing at the mayhem behind them. And now the threat of seeking revenge on civilians from -tiny, third-world coun- tries like Afghanistan in some sort of bombing campaign for another one of our infamous military “operations” promis- es to “entertain” us with more thousands of hours of media “adventure.” I am not exempt from this pull as I felt myself drawn into the information Sunday, October 7 fessor-3B_ejel, Chai Friday Coming Out Week ‘Pa Middlebury College presents a series of Coming Out Week Events Boys Don't Cry .. . - - I «T -A1 _, A film based on? thelife of Brandon Teé_na,"starri'n"g Acadamy Award winner Hillary Swank. . . T" A’ ._ 4:00 pm atDana Center Wédnésday‘ 0c,t¢ber_v1,0. f V V V ~ BeforeNight,_FallsI...'....‘ __ r ‘ "A film based an the life of ‘Cuban A writer Re_j’n:a1do'A"renas,=‘who 5 suffered: persecution and imprisonment by Cast_rofs,='repre§siv_eW » _: system fopbeing ggylgnd dissident. 'Direc'td.é byfglulianlsehnabel. 3‘. ; 8:30pm at ‘Dana Audit“ rims‘, Sunderlarid Len " ‘ ‘ : ‘%T*hi1rs<1ay..0ct0li .11-. - s iC0rtiing‘tv.0utl';VVei¢.k.-Speaker Emilio: " I Cubari'Horn6phobia’iri’Retfos‘pect V 4. ;.~ A V M A rt-of":thei'ASpanish Department atfthe;,_U 1ve_r,-’: sity Colorado; Boulder, has written‘ eriten sivelyr on gay hgcéd literal-y_._t6pics; bothv'in_;_..the USA and the rest_;of7‘America;v" 4:r5pm'ét; Herrii'6$’cle;'«-Warner’--Hall. ‘ “ Featuring Middlebury College Gay and Lesbian Alumni 4:30 at Redfield Proctor Lounge in Proctor Hall, 2nd Floor All events are FREE. All locations are on Rt. 125 West, College Street, Middlebury,Vermont. For directions or more infor- mation, contact (802) 443-5588 or visit our website at www.middlebury.edu These events are generously sponsored by the following 0rganizal‘iorrs.' Middlebury College Office of Institutional Diversity Middlebury College Department of Spanish Middlebury College Department of Women's and Gender Studies GLEAM (Gay and Lesbian Employees at Middlebury) Pan—African, Latino, Asian, and Native American (PALANA) Center guagev Ce er web in order to get a handle on this trauma. Still, I am profoundly frightened of this media monster we have creat- ed. And yet we are an open society which is probably why we are so vulnerable to nasty men with knives who can sneak into our airports and in one half hour, snuff out the lives of untold thou- sands. There is no winning this war. There is no way we can stop the media from reporting these wars. We need to cling to freedom of speech as one of our precious rights. So ifI believe that lashing out at more poor people in foreign countries (like the tens of thousands we killed in Iraq during “Desert Storm” or the thousands we massacred in Vietnam) is not the answer, what are my suggestions for resolving these conflicts short of blacking out the media. during periods of national crises and develop- ing less sensational (infinite- ly dull) ways of communicat- ing vital information which sidestep drama-rama? How about communicating to our leaders that it’s OK to admit we are powerless over terror- ism and that our country has become unmanageable? That only calling upon the poten- tial of goodness within all of us can restore us to sanity. That we need to turn our knee-jerk desires for retalia- tion over to the care of those in our midst who have the courage to respond non-vio- lently (like Ghansdi, Mandela, King). That we do a fearless and searching moral inventory of our past mis- takes, confess them honestly to each other, find support in changing these devastating patterns. That we make amends to those we have harmed and spend the rest of our lives focusing on helping others so we don’t sink into greed, self-absorption, self- pity and rage which will lead us back to our addiction to domination. Admittedly, I’m grasping at straws, but sitting . here three days after the attack, I can’t come up with any damn suggestions other than the spiritual principles I try to live by in my own life which have definitely led to a modicum of serenity in the midst of chaos. Anonymous VT pridétfiedla.orgi ‘ i I H . . 5 lmripongre. _v r i _ ji3o,g)A.434-_-5237» lens Gi,,r;éi§p/élEsENrAr1v£- ‘V V. = 212-242-68.63 * . ..uNrAIN P‘R.I.oiMt1o, A , , . /Eire. 4 ’ Caplin‘ l-Iti1._Clt_l'l Bédr, Dan._Brinl<, Brian Cote, ‘ " ‘ rnestMcLeod, Diane Miller, I A Polntermilverta Perkins, Jim perne, ' -- rrie R‘ pp;‘.5sther.Ro1hblf3jm;- Richard Slappey 1 j_ g _ Ogrm the '¢_unrcii,' jwas rounded ‘M986 wlithfstdrt-‘ups’ " moriey ifrorngthe Haymarket‘ People's” Fund} Mountain Pride‘ 5 5' “curre_ntjf,unding.sources in'c|ude'.the_ Chicago ;— . Resource—Cent_er; Green’_Mou’ntain“Fu,n’d for Popular Struggle; ‘] T ’f_3illyFoi.rnda:tion -’i—1’dyrnarket'-People's Fund, Physicians -’ Computer Company. Samara :Foundation of Vermont, and _ incividudl‘privaie_donatlon's;' _ '- iwawarmva mi MENTOFPURPOSEA * fInj!I7e_ I,/vtoiuhfdihs is to serve asa voice foil ' , at airy‘imdrériql'wrii¢ri.‘b}aa'aeh$ as as oridof-each other. ‘Views 3 .9 fi‘De¢eS$'°ri|y rerrisi Mountains. A paper--ca‘nnot_iondA M6$m_.t.§iins . . 5’edrr§_o:rn¢’i;nrqi'Zip'riae‘nsé.aia».orgI T, ' V I ‘ ' ..wwyv.m‘ountainpridemediaprg ' I w_vvvv_mountainpridemedio.org is updated to include the current issilueof 0ITM,gener’dlly by the 10th of each month. " OITM is available in alternative formats upon request. OITM is printed on recycled newsprint containing 30% post- ‘ consumer and using 100°/ssoy-based inks.