-,j—-——- _4. . september 2001 OITM ° 27 t T To a_nr_1ounce an event for our monthly calendar, Se e-mall It to calendar@mountainpridemedia.org, or write us at: PO Box 1076, Richmond, VT 05477. sun man lues wed lhurs Fri sat A gender pfo at 361 Pearl SS SATURDAY 1 ELMORE - Fried Green Tomatoes - Hike‘ Mt Elmore. V 10am Hike up Elmore, led byiMaryAnn. Then attend’ the pot luck barbecue at her house at’. 2pm. This will be our planning ses- sion time. Call 888-6562 or e-mail Kyliedyke@yahoo.com S PIERMONT, NH — Gay, Lesbian, Li rmance - ont for e. :30pm. orks‘ C Group 4 . First Transgender Support Group — m time. Meeting. 3-5pm. Held the first _ rank 649-2 7or . -24 7 ' Saturday of every month. Non-alco- and Parmi. The e CO HESTER - e American black tie” will be ryteller and Vermont by sto- Radio Society - Man Man Pxostate holic, drug-free social, come and make T Support Gro . 5pm in the. friends. Call Brad Jr. for more info at 1-603-272-5815 MONDAY 3 RUTLAND — American Cancer Society - Look Good...Feel Better. lpm at Rutland Regional Medical Center. Look Good...Feel Better class- es provide free consultations for can- cer patients on how to maintain per- sonal appearance during chemothera- py or radiation treatment. Please regis- ter in advance by calling 802 265- i 4757 V A AY6 8 On T Social Gro B ery Lane. ’re usually 'on. This is a U Secon and fourth Tu 0 each month FMI: 800-639- 888. Open to - pubhc 6 N. MONTPEL rformance fo future t the Flynn eatre. the Flynn office . Audience embers record the in the info . Tickets (802 - Vermont 5 _ MI: held ‘ home. Barb V61‘. go ' g at‘6§ in the 9pm at TG rth. T V www.tgnorth.com. every second Tuesday. 3 38 .'- L SDA