~“Stuffing” 26 ° OITM september 2001 co muniiv C0 pa“0utri9hti Mountain Pride Media Mountain Pride Media would like to welcome our two newest board members: Diane Miller of Richmond and Justin Barton-Caplin from Montpelier. ‘ Mountain Pride Media still has a few tickets left for the special benefit performance of Moises Kaufman’s‘ “The- Laramie Project” on Friday October 5, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. This play will be making its- New England premiere at the University of Vermont’s Royall Tyler Theatre. To find out more about this amazing show check out UVM’s Department of Theatre web site at www.uvm.edu/~the- ml. ’ Seating is limited so con- tact Roland Palnieifiiat 802- 383-7679 br"‘802-2482—255o, or e-mail him at rfpvt@together.net to reserve your tickets. Tickets are $20 per person with the proceeds being donated to Mountain Pride Media. Only tickets purchased from Mountain Pride Media for the October 5th performance benefit MPM. We hope you can join us for this wonderful evening of theater! 5 Each month, Mountain Pride Media acknowledges the individuals who help get Out In The Mountains out into the community. This month we send out our thanks to Roland, Euan, Joel, Dan, Daryl, James, Michael, Stephen, Dustin, Garrett, Woods, Elizabeth, and Stina who came to the _July Night. The September “Stuffing” will be on Thursday, September 27th starting at 5:30 p.m. at our offices above The Daily Bread in Richmond, Vermont. Please feel free to stop by and say hello and help out. We also would like to thank our distribution volun- teers who deliver papers in the community each month. Applausefor Dan, Roland, Carolyn, Thomas, Rob, Melissa, Heather, Moon, atre/Pages/CurrentSeaso,n.ht . Brian, Patrick, Bennett, Pam, Leroy, Keith, Richard, _Danny, Jason W., David, Steve, Rich, Daryl, Anthony’ and Donna. These dedicated volunteers make sure that Out In The Mountains is delivered at distribution points in Vermont and New Hampshire. National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association NLGJA-VT is taking a month, off from itsbnunches as many members head to Dallas for the national con- vention. 0ITM’s own Joel Nichols and Patricia Robinson were chosen to participate in the student internship project at the convention. Under the supervision of professional . journalists from major news outlets around the country, Joel and Pat will help to pro- duce a daily convention newspaper, Web site updates, as well as radioand televi- sion spots. Chapter President ' Barbara Dozetos and member John Scagliotti will also be attending the convention. In conjunction with St.- Michael’s College, the chap- ter is planning a panel discus- sion to take place in January. The topic will be news media coverage of minorities in Vermont. Panelists will include representatives of several minority communi- ties, as well as journalists. The NLGJA works within the news industry to foster fair and accurate coverage of les- bianand gay issues and oppos- es newsroom bias toward gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgen- der people and all other minorities. The national orga- nization’s Web site, is www.nlgja.org. Anyone who supports the mission of NLGJA is invited to attend events or join the" organization. Look for the NLGJA listing in the Source under Professional. Organizations from around the state are encouraged to provide descriptions of recent or upcoming activities and events. E-mail your submission to editor@mountainpridemedia.org Vermont After nine years on South Winooski Avenue in Burlington, Outright Vermont, the state’s only organization serving GLBTQ youth, has moved its offices and drop-in center to a new location right around the cor- ner from the King Street Youth Center at 187 St. Paul Street. An open house will be held during our regular drop-in hours on Tuesday, September 4 from 6 to 8 p.m. All community members are welcome to attend. The new space is fully handicapped accessible, offers free park- ing and remains in the down- town Burlington neighbor- hood with easy access to pub- lic transportation. Outright’s fall semester programming begins with the Open House on September 4, and continues with a discus- sion of transgender youth issues on Tuesday, September ll. They will also offer” movie nights, commu- nity organizing workshops and opportunities for partici- , pation in a number of youth leadership development pro- grams around thestate. . In addition, Outright will con- tinue to offer its regular Friday Night Group for youth 22 and underrfrom 7 to 8:30 pm every Friday evening in Burlington. October will see the start up of“The Outpost,” a new Friday "Night Group offered iftwiice a month in iMontpel ierf Foryinformation on how to get to the new space, to be‘ put on our community calen- dar mailing list or to make a _ donation, please call Outright at (802) 865-9677 or 1-800- GLB-CHAT. R.U.1.2? Queer Archives In October 2001, the Vermont Queer Archives at the RUIZ? Center will be presenting an exhibition marking National Coming Out Day. With gen- erous funding from the Samara Foundation, we are able to exhibit materials from the collections of the Vermont Queer Archives, along with the coming out stories of Vermonters. In order to do this, we need your participation — bring us your stories, your memoirs, your Vermont "years of grants and scholar- recipients Community “ I essays, your anguish, your _chotchkes. Still have that old - Corsage from your first Pride Prom and don’t know what to - do with it? How about that t- ' shirt you wore when you came out to your mom that says “I’m not gay but my boyfriend is”. Whether it was pleasant or painful, we want to know what it was like to tell your friends and fami- ly. If you haven’t come out yet, let us know why. All materials can be sub- mitted anonymously. Email us at archive@rul2.org, or call us at 860-RU12 (7812) and let us know that you have a story to tell. We will be set- ting up a Web site for the telling of-Coming Out (and Staying In) tales, and our happy Archives folk will be ready to hear them from you by phone, fax, e-mail, in per- son, etc._ We can even audio tape them for you. You can also snail mail them to VQA at RUI2? PO Box 5883 Burlington, VT 05402. Samara Foundafion The Samara.Foundation of celebrated three ships with a reception at the State House on August 3. More than 60 people turned out to join the fun. Members of the board of directors and Bill Lippert, Samara’s execu- tive director,-were present to thank‘ Samara supporters and of grants and scholarships who took the opportunity to tell the crowd how important Samara’s sup- port is to them. Samara board members Howdy Russell and Richard Wizansky will be leading grant writing workshops in the coming months. Also on the drawing board for next spring is a donor conference co-sponsored by the Gill Foundation. Watch the Compass, the OITM calendar and the Samara Web site, www.sama- rafoundation.org, for ‘details and dates. There you’ll also find photos from the celebra- .tion on August 3. Same'-Sex , Domestic and Sexual Violence Task Force The Same-Sex Domestic and Sexual Violence Task Force has received funding to hire its first three staff peo- ple. Initially the task force is seeking a committed organiz- er to help build the infra- structure for this new pro- gram in support of survivors of same-gender domestic and/or sexual violence. This will be a full-time position supervising two part-time staff members working to provide warm—line, informa- tion and referral services for survivors. This position will work closely with communi- ty members and partner agen- cies to develop program- ming, access sustainable funding~ resources, and increase public awareness of same-gender DV. Ideal can- didates will possess ‘experi- ence in. non-profit manage- ment, program development, and/or c_omr_nunity organizing within the lesbian, bisexual, transgender, gay, queer and questioning communities in Vermont. The task force is, able to offer a competitive salary and . benefits. Interested" -community mem- bers should send their resume, cover letter and con- tacts for three references before October 1, 2001 to: SSDVTF Hiring Committee, c/o WRCC, PO Box 92, Burlington, VT 05402. A full job description is available, contact I christopher@out- rightvt.org or 1-800-GLB- CHAT. .E1min,a,caud:11 schiittler cox 7* jflctbblar 15; ,_19ti7 — July 30, 2001 ' 0 gr wh n. 51... ‘ii57uiia’.n11;l ai_i3,9,in tlirln’t matter, by , . ' V5112 "treated Jim like a ‘grandson and alwaysaskad about him. . I f I will never iiurget. miss you, Grandmother. I Mack‘ I J _..‘.....»....u.«