24 - OlTlj'l septernloer 2,0q1 Vampire, Not’ Now! A Review oP Michael [Slate-Pl\oe'm'$ Vampire Vow A BY JOEL NICHOLS Who doesn’t like gay vam- pires? Especially sexy ones named Victor who started life as a Roman soldier, was in love with Jesus Christ, and then spent 2000 years mas- querading as a monk in order to get back at his love? Michael Schiefelbein’s novel, which is topping the gay new release and best-seller lists, starts with the above storyline and goes nowhere. _ Victor tramples through Jerusalem raping and murder- ing wenches and boys. He takes what he wants although his commander, Pontius Pilate, orders him to stop after he beats a prostitute and“ her child. His reasons were being refused when he wanted to do, “the usual things...enter her backside...her tongue inside me...to bind her.” In typical callous Roman nature, Pilate is only angry because of dam- age control to the city’s priests and not because Victor is a sex criminal. The one person he wants is Jesus,. whom he calls Joshu. Joshu refused his sexual advances because of his reli- gious devotion and, because Victor loves him, he never tries to take him by force. Victor, after he is made a vam- pire by a seer in a confusing, opaque scene, whom he goes to see to for an elixir “temper . [his] anger.” When he enters her shop, she greets him by Protect your savmgs» long-term Almost one in two Americans will spend some time in a nursing home after age 65. Now is the time to start protecting yourself and your loved ones. I Medicare does not cover custodial care I The average length of a nursing home stay is two and a half years. I Nursing homecosts average $50,000 per year I can help you determine whether long-term care insurance is an option for you and provide you with informa- tion on plans, costs and available options. For more information on how to protect yourself against the rising cost of long-term care, call or stop by my office today. (Source: Shoppers Guide to Long Term Care insurance 1999) Antoine T. Williams ' name and says, “Welcome to my lair.” The fact that Schiefelbein made her a seer made me laugh, and that she had a lair caused giggles to erupt. When prose is bland enough that I have to entertain myself by laughing at the style alone, there is something lifted weights on Monday, wrong. Victor becomes a vam- Wednesday, and Friday pire and has‘ one last evenings.” Victor starts’ encounter with the now cruci- tied and resurrected Joshu, who again refuses to join him and rises to heaven instead. Victor swears to the reader to, “avenge [his] loss on this pompous being who had deprived [him] of the only one [he] ever loved.” l. After his first thousand years of raping and pillaging Europe by night and watching Rome fall, this revenge takes the form of moving from one monastery to another for the thousand years,‘ destroying each one and moving on to the next. Now Brother Victor, he has made his way to the New butt-sex, and religious ecstasy later. ‘ I In the middle of the book, it’s. impossible to tell that the setting is a monastery. After all, Victor pays close enough attention to Bother Michael that he knows, “invariably he showing up, too, and tells the reader that he has seen so many. monks like Michael through the years: “cocky, full of themselves, aware of their brawn and handsome features, or‘ their intelligence and charisma.” This description strikes me as either a severe romanticization of monks or a revision of the standard figure _ of a bumbling, middle-aged monk presented (think Friar Lawrence in Romeo and Juliet). It’s hard to say, because the author himself spent ten years studying for the priesthood. In an inter- view released by Alyson, his couple of hours on a rainy day. Schiefelbein, who teach- es writing and literature in Memphis and took his Phi'D. to give in to the urge to make Jesus not only gay, but also sexual. The betrayal per- ceived by Victor was the most World, to a group of publisher, he said that his, in English from the University subtle aspect of the whole Dominicans in the “imagination is shaped by of Maryland, has a book com- novel; the Roman’s obsession Appalachians. Conveniently, Catholicism. .in seminary ing out from a scholarly press with the other man leading to there are at least two hunks of monk-meat ' at this new monastery who immediately catch his eye, Michael and Luke. One is a simple country boy whom Victor uses sexual- ly and toys with, the other is the one man other than Joshu, Victor might" be able to love. The plot plods on] without a twist in sight and ends about‘ I50 pages and a lotlof blood, [he] experienced the kind of intimate life with other men that Victor experiences.” It is no shock that men in fraternal organizations or religious orders have intimate and sometimes erotic relation- ships, but the image of these monks as hunks is too much for me. The book moves fast and is not the worst way to spend a ‘ U “BAN TR/l I/EL .7-w//0'/toy .$/°o°oe¢v./ ./ ./ ./ - ‘ ium«‘A1u«: IDNLY: about the effect of Catholicism on Protestant Novels. Two more books of his are coming from Alyson, a sequel to Vampire Vow and Blood Brothers, a ‘revenge story also set in a monastery scheduled to come out next year. I did enjoy the attitude the author maintains towards his faith. It would have been easy Affiliated with TZELL New England heartbreak rather than an actu- al erotic relationship surprised me, but does not affect the whole text enough to make up for the blunt and over-the-top style. Joel Nichols studies German at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. He grew up in Brandon, VT. edesilets@tne.tzell.com 3198 Shelburne Rd Shelbume, VT 05482 985-9965 www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC Edwardjones Individual Investors Since x871 4‘ 1 4‘ "'”“" '* IARIBBEAN: Amsterdam from $456 ‘ Athens from $431 7NIGH'I' PACKAGES Barcelona from $420 Berlin Aruba fl.'0ITl Brussels from $356 St. Barths from $1099 Lisbon from $418 I St. Lucia from $799 London from $318 - St. Mart-1n from $798 Paris from $348 St. Thomas from $850 Prague from $393 Rome . from $418 __ Stockholm from $386 IIXPEBIENCE THE l)IFl«‘l«‘lll«‘N(‘l«‘ IN 'mAvI1 Vienna from ‘$411 ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ " Venice from $421 FIND (“IT WHAT YOU’l{E MISSING! Contact us-at: 617-482-5610 or 1-800-504-9075 - 20 ll/lelrose St., Boston MA All rates based on availability and are subject to change. WWW. GLEEIMAGIZ . COM/ U l{lBvAN'l‘l{AVEl. ‘V. .._,j»-—‘__. , \/'