'/o-. 28 - OlT|‘1 july 2001 1 to. byA;callir1g;8,Q2§65542000 ; “— vr CARES Support‘ Group for" I-llV+= , Folks. , 5 _ 6 pin ;Ongoing," confidential, open’ to anyoneliving with HIV/AIDS who is in V recovery fromfdrug and/or alcohol 1 abuse. Peer—ru'n, based on the 12-step iulv providerree , patients on V treatment. Please , 6 model; 600 Dalton’ Drive, Colchester, 5:30 pm. Please call before attending A first time,’ or to“ arrange for trans- portation or childcare. FMI Chris at ' 800-649-2437 or 802-863-2437 or Lee ' at802-862-5447. THURSDAY 19 MIDDLEBURY —~Addison County GLBT Social Group. 8 pm. At Mr. Ups, Bakery Lane. Everyone welcome. e-mail it to cal V’ nai. appearance 1 orradiation — 1 inadvance 1 _ vide ’ patients on To announce an event for our monthly Calendar. endar@mountaInpndemedlaorg. or write us at: PO Box 1076. Richmond, VT 05477. sun mon lues wed ihurs Fri sai _ the isl: inf0r- * pm " CO appearance radiation V in advance L calling 802-229-0366. TuEsoAr24 ‘ COLCHESTER — American Cancer Society - Man To Man Prostate Cancer Support/Group. 5 pm the sec- ond and forth Tuesday of each month in the Board Room of Fanny Allen Hospital, Colchester. FMI: call 800 639-1888. Open to public. Please register ' 6 5 . ESD ential, V - Outright 1/e Committee Meeting. Friday 6 listing for 4_5 pm. . more information. BURLINGTON -V VGSA - Sip and Dine. « 6:30 pm. See Friday 6 listing for more information. _ BURLINGTON —. Outright Vermont - ' Peer Social/Support Meeting Friday Night Group. 7-8:30 pm. See Friday 6 listing for more information. AY 2 81 HUNGER + {Fried Green. Hike. 11 am. Elizabeth isl she's leading this‘ _. Rated easy—mod-I 2 in shape; e~mail islandal . b I i .. . I - .Vermont;«.‘| Meeting Friday‘ “ see Friday 6. on. f | . ‘ V . | 4., i 6 ' . V I MA -Farnilyi Pride: Coalition" VVGLBT . Family Week; Sponsored byuthe Family Pridel Coalition, a national network of GLB1‘ parents and parent groups, and. ‘ COLAGE, Children‘ of Gays and: Lesbians Everywhere. The week feal tures workshops and social events for: adults and children/youth. For more. information, call Family Pride at 6191 296-0199, send e-mail to! program@familypride.org or go to www.familypride.org. »