16 - OITM july 2001 Good legal advice I can make all Vthe difference. Langrock Sperry & Wool offers the services of 22 lawyers with over 300 years combined experience in all areas of the law — including two lesbian attorneys with special expertise serving the legal needs H of the g/l/b/t/q community. SUSAN MURRAY 8; BETH ROBINSON With offices in Middlebury and Burlington Middlebury (802) 588-6356 Burlington (802) 864-0217 smurray@lang-rock.com brobinson@langrock.com Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP Arrormiavs AT Law SOCIALLY RESPONSIVE FINANCIAL SERVICES SINCE 1985 UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU TO SAVE MORE MONEY And he's created just the - incentives you’ll need. i The new tax bill provides tax savings and benefits to indi- viduals and families. Make sure you’re taking advantage of I, all the tax relief it I offers. Call or stop by today to schedule a free review of your investment plan. ' Antoine T. Williams 3198 Shelburne Rd Shelburne, VT 05482 9859965 www.edwardjones.com {J Edwardjones ' I Serving Individual Investors Slncel871 My apologies to my readers for what may or may not be erroneous information in last month’s col- umn. Reuters circulated a report of detainees in Egypt. Apparently it was a gay wedding/gay disco arrest/round-up of 54/55/60 men that Amnesty International is very worried about. You now have as much or as little truth or lies as I do. I was at a party last weekend, and I love to watch people. I was the designated driver so I was sober — completely sober amidst a good size group of mostly queer as a three dollar bill people, I think. Now, I don’t have the gift of “positive gaydar” all the time and I leamed a long time ago to never make assumptions, so my guess is there were straight people there too. But again, I am not Sl.lI'C. K It was an incredibly lovely set- A ting in the lush green of Bethel, VT, the food was amazing, and the conversation was without compar- ison. As usual, I found myself drawn to the company of men, oh and a merry band it was. I like men and I enjoy their cama- raderie. It’s hard to make friends . quickly and easily with women, speaking for me of course. Men on the other hand, bond in imme- diacy. That’s why straight girls claim they never see it. ' I do have an advantage though, a secret weapon. In the early 70’s through 1988, I drove tractor trail- ers in the greater Boston area. II have seen the best and the worst and everything in-between in men. And along with making an Whatever you take along fo_r pleasure, consider this: We may feel safe in Vermont, but we’re not immune to AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Don’t take a chance... 1 take a condom Bark o’ the Banshee By Pat Robinson Welcome Fairies honest wage well beyond what the average woman was making, I learned to handle men. All of my ex-husbands complained about it. By now my partner was look- ing for me and when seated, leaned and whispered, “All I have _ to do is find a group of men and there you are.” She smiles and dives into her salad. I cannot help laughing at thetstatement made to me so many times by all the ex’s. _ Now the great thing about my partner is she too enjoys the com- pany of men and this makes com- plete sense to her. Now I am cer- tainly not trying to suggest that I made no effort to enjoy the com- pany of women, only that it once again seemed to divide up accord- ing to sex, with a little blending here and there. And we made new friends of both too, but we sat with the guys. ' The fellow to my right was inspired by my sober attitude and we both shuddered to think of me with a buzz. ‘John Malkovich sat directly across being Dustin in Disguise. He thinks I won’t remember. I did. Stephen with a “ph” enjoyed my little reminisce down memory lane with a horse I called Spaghetti Head . among other things. My day was made, however, with the revealing tale of the now-retired doctor who made out laxative orders as a young man, and signed them BM. I agree! Anything that gets a charge out of a Mother Superior deserves 40 years of use. I guess retelling _that story is part of the fun too. Go, BM, go! So by the time this hits the print, Pride Month will be over. I have enjoyed the button Kelsey Flynn gave me at the Northampton Pride March, May 5, 2001 and Burlington, VT will be mine to treasure in a host of warm memories after June l5- 17th. Sadly for some Americans, there is no honor in being gay. July 4, 2001 looms ahead and still we have Americans in the United States not free. I live in the State of New Hampshire. The motto? Live free oridie. When my partner was rushed to the hos- pital in an ambulance, I was adamant that I be listed as next of kin. Why should Ihave to make any extraordinary effort to be rec- ognized? My dad knew in 1956 that the armed services had gay men and women. How come Colin Powell and John McCain don’t know? And only the Air Force has lower numbers to report of gays being dismissed under the _“don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for the year 2000. Maybe someone should tell the Army, Navy, and the Marine Corps that it really does take more that just a _FEW GOOD MEN to keep a country free and safe. And how about the great man from the little state that just swung the balance of power in a pro- found manner. All-you Log Cabin Republicans can just roll over, thank you- It is not going to be the sweet ride down TRASH EVERYTHING LANE you had originally anticipated. I Oh and-now my big dilemma? Where should I put my $300.00 tax refund so it will be to my best advantage? In Gaelic, Shee means Fairies. In my garden, fairies are always welcome. Vermont AIDS Hotline 1.800.882.AIDS TTY 1.800.319.3141 ..‘,':_>_. ,