14 -_OlTl‘1 july 2001 Local Les BY EUAN BEAR Any softball dykes who might think their athletic careers are over after age 40 should think again. Think about Alverta Perkins and Fran Moravcisk, both of whom recently medaled in the Green Mountain Senior Games. Al (as she prefers to be called) competes in the 75-79 age group and earned 4 medals at last month’s meet — one each in the 100 meter run, shot put, discus, and javelin. Al’s time of 28.4 seconds in the 100 meters ‘ represented a new personal best, taking more than 3 sec- onds off her previous personal record. Fran also medaled in her age group (65-69) in shotput, dis- cus, and the l-mile precision walk on one of the hottest days so far this summer. “I love it,” Al said in an interview shortly before the meet. “I wish more people would come out” to compete. “In a way it’s political to me, in that, if I can do it — and I’ve never been an athlete, never played softball — then others can do it.” Because she has bians Compete in Seniorfiames taken first places in four events, Al continues, “people might think I’m good, and I’m not. But the point is, I’m out here doing it.” Fran, who was participating in her fourth senior games meet, said she did not have an athletic background, either. “I was not a talented athlete when young, lacking grace, flexibili- ty, and hand/eye coordination. Also unlike most lesbians I did not care for gym teachers, who seemed to me like unsympa- thetic marine drill sergeants. However, I enjoyed hiking, canoeing, cross country skiing, and such, and played informal team sports when available for social reasons and the joy of just running about like a Laborador with a- stick.” Her previous competitions included the Indoor Nationals in Boston last March. Both Fran and Alremarked on the spirit of encouragement and cooperation that prevailed at the meets they’ve attended. ‘‘There’s a nice spirit of con- nectedness, rather than cut- throat competition, said Al. “But there are always a few at the bigger regional meets who really want to win at any cost. RVMK North Profsionals www.condoguy.com (802) 655-3333 EXT. 17 (800) 639-4520 EXT. l7 “If I hadn't known it costs just $299/"pair v. hen I first heard it, I would have estimated its price was at least twice that. .. che Aegis One is an ESEOH _ishing value. Highly recommended.‘ john Atkinson Stereophile May 2000 soundlessentials Looking for affordable speakers?The.Aegis One is ready & willingto take on all chal|engers.There is simply-no other speaker in its price range that can match the crisp, clear, natural sound of the Aegis One. Bottom line,‘ the Aegis One sounds like live music, not a speaker Sale $269.88/pair B c l".'sT“'K‘.f'§'l‘.'” <1. iii: ‘= 99059 high perfomiamct-. horns: theatre .1. uutlio systems On the web.@ wx/vw.sounclessentaalsx/t.com - The ‘v‘\/i'ng Building Steele St. Fri I2-8 Sat IO-8 Sun l2-6 ii lO8 ' Burlii‘:g‘toi'l - 863.627l - l-lours:Tues -=l-8 Mon. ‘Ned, Thu by /\.ppoii'ltment Located along the hike & bi/