4- OITM iuly 2001 .-o-. @ \ Middlebury. VT 05753 (soz) 388-7115 -fax 66 Court St. (802) 388-1000 The Lang Team takes immense pride in the Real Estate services we offer. We are more than happy to assist you in selling your property or provide Buyer Agency to those seeking just the right place. \‘_‘\)|L roll‘? ' E! bau- ouournnrv Photo: Rhoda Moquet MW 80 350 Dorset Street Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30 FLOWERS :1 we 1 FLOWERS flu. 0/! .)('lIA(r)I;) It‘: PRIDE 2-863-2300 ' South Burlington ° Vermont 05403 (7i¢rn [efi an S/In Rama Drive) a.m.-6:00 p.m. ' Sat 9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. AIDS \X/ALK STILL NEEDED AFTER 20 YEARS BY PAT ROBINSON BOSTON, Ma. —— The rain had stopped and a soft mist - covered the streets and the tops of buildings as the crowd moved forward with a smaller but no less impor- tant cheer at 10:03 am, June 3, 2000. Although the walker numbers were lower, the dollar amounts collected have been tallied to nearly 2 million dollars. Boston added a 5K RUN this year, creating a new and exciting contest and great competition while raising money at the same 5 time. The winning runner was Aaron Wieland, age 36 from Boston ,with a time of 16:36. Bernardius Roelen, age 33 from Cambridge, with a time of 16:39; and Alex Filides, age 25 from Everett,with a time of ’ 16:56; second and third respectively. The top three women made excellent time: Maie Jacobs, age 41 from Atkinson, N.H. crossed 18th, with a time of 18:53. Sarah Heard, age 22 from Cambridge, with a time of 19:41; and Kristen Porell, age 36 from Norfolk, Mass., with a time of 19:56. They finished second and third‘ respectively. Age groups winners cov- ered the categories from Noah Rosenblum of Cambridge, 15, to Louise M. Rossetti, 79, from Saugus Mass. Sadly, the epidemic has sus- tained after 20 years and there are reported increases in positive HIV testing around the world. For all the winners, visit www.coolrunning.com. Pride continued from page one terized the bill as both unnecessary and as an anti-gay initiative designed to demean gay and lesbian relationships. Although H.502 ultimately passed the House by a narrow 72-69 vote, the bill is unlikely to be considered by the Vermont Senate when the leg- islature reconvenes. Additionally, Governor Howard Dean (D) indicated that he would veto the bill if it came to his desk. Richard Thomgren of South Burlington said that he came to Pride Day to celebrate the sur- vival of civil unions. “I’m proud that the legislature and the people of Vermont have accepted civil unions,” he said. “The sky hasn’t fallen, plagues of locusts and famine and flood ' have not fallen upon us like the radical right predicated. Vermont is a better place than it was two years ago because of civil unions.” ' Paul Olsen is the Vermont correspondent for - In Newsweekly. *-— Reason #6 Q! Should Subscribe To Out In The Mountains... It's Vermont's most complete GLBT resource! it Enjoy the conv your mailbox (i / Subscribe Now. enience of delivery to n an envelope). Support your community newspaper ‘today! ' Subscription Total Additional Donation ‘/our name Address City State Zip Email Phone 3 2 years ($39) "Cl 1 year ($23) D low income ($12) Total Enclosed ' Make checks payable to: Mountain Pride Media P.O. Box 1078 Richmond, VT 05477