Chester Nick Boke 802-263-5487 First Universalist Society of Hartland Beverly Boke 802-263-5487 Himalaya Buddhist Center Brattleboro and Wilmington, VT, POB 733 Brattleboro, VT 05301 802-254-6717 Unitarian Church of Montpelier 130 Main St, Montpelier VT 05602 * 223-7861 Unitarian Universalist Church 117 West St., Rutland 775-0850 Rev. Amy Zucker Vermont Gay Men's Spiritual Support Brotherhood 5 Raymond P]. Burlington VT 05401 Vermont Open Circle of Wicca & Wicce POB 1345, MiddleburyVT 05753-1345 * 388-5477 http://opencircle.faithweb.c0m Vermont Or nizat:ion for Weddings 0 the Same Gender Rev. Brendan Hadash 964 Beach Hill Rd., West Glover VT 05875 * 525-3856 WestHollywood/Heights/3936 Unitarian Universalist Congregation / Upper Valley Nancy Crumbine 649-8828 * Box 1110, Norwich VT 05055 STUDENT Castleton State: Lluvia Mulvaney—Stanak 80241-68‘-‘1637-H -M = i- lluvia.stanak@castleton§edu Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance Hanover NH 03755 (603) 646-3636 Free to Be: GLBTA at UVM B-163 Billings Center, UVM, Burlington VT 05405 Faculty Advisor: (802) 656-2058”lbgtqa Goddard G/L/B Alliance Goddard College Plainfield VT 05667 Keene State College Pride Keene State College, Keene NH 03431 * Johnson State College GSA GLBQAA, c/o Student Association Johnson VT 05656 Landmark Gay] Lesbian] Bisexual Alliance Landmark College, Putney VT 05346 * 387-6752 Lyndon State College Gay- Straight Alliance c/o Office of Student Activities, Lyndon State College Lyndonville VT 05851 6266200 LSCGSA@hotmail.c0m Marlboro Pride Marlboro College c/o Carolyn Conrad Box A, Marlboro College Marlboro 05344 Middlebury Open Queer Alliance -nit ii/~ Drawer 8, Middlebury College, Middlebury VT 05753-6033 "moqa One in Ten-Castleton State College Castleton VT 05735 President: Stacie Rose 468-1826 Advisor:Becky.Eno@castleton.ed u St Michael's College ALLY Group Student Resource Center, Winooski Park, Colchester VT 05446 Linda Hollingdale 654-2546 or Laura Crain 654-2388 The Alliance at VT Law School South Royalton VT 05068 Dan Stafford, Chair Greg Johnson, Advisor 763-8303 X2284 " alliance Vermont Technical College - Lambda Randolph Center VT 05061 Mary Mulhern * 728-1270 SUPPORT Gay & Bisexual Men's Support Group Keene NH Shawn, 800-639-7903 Coming Out & Questioning Support Group for lgbtq Adults For adults age 23 and up 2nd & 4th Thursdays * 6:30 pm at Peace & Justice Center 21 Church St, Burlington FMI RU12? Community 802- 860-7812 * Friends in Adoption 44 South St. * POB 1228, Middletown Springs VT 05757 235-2373 P-FLAG Southwest VI‘ 802-442-5557 . Meets 2nd.1Sunday of the- _. month at 2:00 ' First Congregational Church, Williamstown, MA VI‘ Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays NE Regional Director Peggy Gage * 12 Lincoln St., Exeter NH 03833 * 603-772- 2113 * Lake Champlain Area Lil Venner * 23 Birchwood, Burlington VT 05401 * 863- 4285 Steve & Geneva Burroughs 878-2838 Southwest VT Area 802-442-5557 Meets 2nd Sunday of the month at 2 pm at First Congregational Church, Williamstown, MA Straight Spouses of GLBT Partners Keene NH * FMI Jane Harris 413-625-6033 Vermont Lesbian & Gay Parens Meeting info: 802-658-6045 TRANSGENDER Genders R Us Social group for transgender folks POB 5248 * Burlington VT 05402 * FMI 800-649-2437‘0r 863-2437 International Foundation for Gender Education Po Box 540229 * Waltham MA 02454-0229 (781) 899-2212 * Fax: (781) 899- 5703 * _ Transgender Radical Action, Networking & Support . POB 5687, Burlington VT 05402 472-8115 * WOMEN Active Lesbians of the Monadnock Area POB 6345 * Keene NH 03431 6033634961 Amelia Earhart underground flying society POB 746, Lebanon NH 03766 Burlington Women's Council POB 058 Burlington Q5402 . ,, . CRONES ’ T (For women over 40) 143 Rollin Irish Rd., Milton VT 05468 DYKE TALK Women's discus- sion group Wendy * 802-877-3653 Fried Green Tomatoes VT Women 3 Social Group POB 150, Elmore VT 05657 888-5196 Golden Threads Ul{l}Ai ’ TRAVEL ASIA’S BEST VALUES... Bangkok Beijing Shanghai Singapore Hong Kong starting from $798.00 starting from $848.00 starting from $908.00 starting from $938.00 starting from $948.00 * * ’* "‘ "’All Programs Include: roundtrip airfare from the west coast 5 nights hotel accommodations breakfast daily sightseeing 86 transfers all service charges 86 hotel taxes WWW. GLEEIMAGE .C0iVl/ U l{llAN'l‘l{AVl3l. iune 2001 BOITM - 31 Lesbian Contact Publication POB 1688, Demorest GA 30535- 1688 * 706-776-3959 * Mary C. Davidson * Charles Ave., Middlebury VT ‘ 05753 * Howard Giles . Middlebury UHs - GAIGHT Charles St., Middlebury VT Huntington Open Women's 05753 Land 382-1117 * 382-1115 434.3953 Susan Webb & Rebecca Reimers MOB New England Missisquoi Valley Union HS BDSM and kinky social organi— RR2’ BOX 268’ Swamon VT zation for women who la 05488 Th p y W’ Wome” 868-7311 x109 * Paula Bowen B°StOnM°b@aOl'c°m Montpelier High School (617)598-1061 X1209 Umbrella Women's Center 1107 Main St., Ste. 102 St. Johnsbury 05819 * 748- 8645 Woman Centered 5 School Ave., Montpelier VT Maureen Dwyer Mount Anthony Union Hs - Students for Diversity Bennington * 447-7511 X279 Lisa Moore Putney School GBSA Elm Lea Farm, Putney VT 05346 Rose Johnson * 387-2044 .05602 Rose_Johns0n@pegasusput- 229-6202 * . .- Rutland High school Women's lnforrnation Service 79 Hanover St., Lebanon NH 7734955 * Kare“ MCGW1 03766 * 603-448-5922 24 Hr. Hotlines 603-448-5525 2 th B l_ H _ on ur Ington s VV1%T::3EstE:llWm?:g:Ster VT 550 Dorset St., 5. Burlington VT 05682 * 22901309 05403-6296 * Karen Grace - '~ 5 a Id'n Un'o H leapnm°m@a°l'c°m Aiierl; Slt.,gBarr|e 2 Jusiiith Lindner 22 Straton Rd., Rutland VT 05701 You-I-H dlrlglllrllfirgerryt High School C?;c%?lGYgg19A'%to(3[g'§I2i};; ‘ ‘ U-32 High School Creating Change RD2 , Montpelier vr 05602 St Johnsbury VT 229-0321 * Ellen Cooke Lore Caldlvyell * 748-8645 Gay/Lesbian Eduiauon And Gay Strai t Alliances in Resource Networ VermontT-ligh Schools: POB 113, Norwich vr 05055 Bellows Free Academy 802-296-3858 or 802-649-5297 South Main St., St. Albans VT North County GLBT5 Aujance 05488 * 527-7576 uttleton NH Gail Gflsmore _ LB 1-8004440418 x419 homepages-t°8etheY-new ekeni’ on/gsa/bfa/home . Brattleboro UHS - Prism °“"‘3h‘ V°““°“‘ Seryingvyouth 22 and under. POB 5235, Burlington VT 05402 ‘ 865-9677 or 800-GLB-CHAT Fairground Rd., Brattleboro VT 05301 2570356 — Tracy Binet 257-0361 — Andrea Carlson mf°@°ut1:ightVt'°rg Cabot school POB 98, Cabot VT 05647 - Woodstock Area Gav/Stnisht 563-2289 - Charlie Wanzer Youth Amjance Champlain Valley Union Hs FM1=0UtT1ShtV9Tm°nt at 800-GLB-CHAT 3 Box 160, Hinesburg VT 05461 482-7182 - Meg Howard Manchester High School Student Contact: Byron Brown Middlebury Junior UHS Affiliated with TZELL New England edesi|ets@tne.tzeI|.com IABRIIIBEAN & “EXICO VALUES starting from $599.00 starting from $699.00 starting from $849.00 starting from $599.00 starting from $899.00 Aruba Turks 5C Caicos St. Maarten Mayan Riviera Cozumel ‘ " * ’* "' ’*All Programs Include: roundtrip airfare from Boston 7 nights hotel accommodations breakfast daily transfers Call 1-800-504-9075 0 20 Melrose St., Boston MA All rates based on availability and are subject to change.