jBRA'ITI..EBORO — 7th Annual Glove, Sweat ' the Rainbow Cattle Company on Saturday . 6:45pm. All those who are 22 or under are ' submissions for the ‘zine Reaching Free Pizza 2nd & 4th Fridays of the Ave, Suite 207. Please use Center St. ‘Waite’-Z . ._ 1 ,Aqscoop@together.net or 802 476-8555 . iSUNDAY3 1 FRIDAY 1. and Cheers Women's Slowpitch Softball Tournament. At the Living Memorial Park in Brattleboro and Sportsman’s Fieldiin I-linsdale, New Hampshire. There is a Chicken BBQ at Living Memorial Park on , Saturday afternoon, 50/50 and prize raf- fles all weekend and a Dance to be held at_ night. All proceeds to benefit the Women's Crisis Center. FMI: To-sign up a ' team, volunteer your tirneA(ASA Umps needed!) or just for more information, contact Sandy Clark, Tournarnen Director, A 603-256-3019» .0 slc1arl<@sover.net BURLINGTON - 0utright’Vermont -Tout To iune e-rnail it to calendar@mountainpridemediaorg, or write us at: PO Box 1078, Rich june 2001 OITM ° 27 announce an event for-our monthlycalendan Mass and Discussion. 4-6pm. A grotgp for g/l/b/t Catholics and friends/allies at; the Rock Point Ch _ , Institute Road?!-‘Ml: Winooski, VT 0 04. _ . . BURLINGTON 135 Pearl — The Queen Pageant Vermont. Over Planning Committee Meeting. 5:30- invited to plan upcoming Outright activi- ties and events. Also please bring any month. Location; Xando (Outright Vermont’s Youth Space) 109 S. Winooski Ave,’ Suite 207. Please use Center, St._ Entrance « A , K " BURLINGTON -V VGSAAV - Sip and Dine. fordinner out in Burlington. Meet at'13S Pearl then decide on where to dine out. A BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont— Peer is open to gay, lesbian, bisexual, trar1sgen— der, questioning, and ‘allied youth ages 22 & Under Location: xando (Outright A Vermont’s Youth Space)109 S. Winooski Entrance A A A . _ BURLINGTON —A 135 Pearl — Women’s Night 50/50 Raffle. 6-10pm. Featuring Karen Grenner agA8pm. F_Ml: 135 Pearl St,_ ~». 2...“, "’~ ’* 802 _ . HILLSBOROUGH, NH —' 5th Annual Goddess Gala - Awakening the Ancients.‘ June 1-3 at Camp Interlocken. FMI: Iulie Corey at Getting in Touch GITlNC4053@aol.com or 603-672-4053.. SATURDAY 2 A COLCI-[ESTER — Pride and )oy — Meeting.’ 3pm at Bayside Park. Kick- off and infor- mational meeting/ informal gathering for Chittenden County based» GLBT parenting ‘ support group. ’ FMI: _VTPrideandjoy@aol.com and‘ht:tp://home- _town.ao1.com/vtprideandjoy/Vtprideand) oy.html " A ' ' A PORTSMOUTH, NH 4 Women Singing Out — spring. Concert. ‘At Christ Episcopal xwednesday 6. .CAhu‘rch',1035 Lafayette Rd. (Rt. 1) Tickets $15.AOO’Aat door, in ad_vanceAseniors_ $9.0Q,A general $12.00.: FMI: 377 4220702. .- . x.STOWE — Fried Green Tomatoes -.-Stowe Bike‘ Path Outing. 1:00pm. Do, the bike path inistowe-bike, blade orgwalk — your Vchoice.‘ Meet Edna and Cynthia VI in _‘the_- ‘ “ church parking lot’ in townat the head of the_trail. Bring yoursnacks and ‘plenty of Check in -with Edna. - at BURLINGTON -‘NLGIA (VTvChapter)’-‘Social _- Brunch! 11 $00 AM. . fvermont chapter of 7 thé;Natio,nal LesbiAan.and»_ Say lournalists. _ Association social -V brunch ' the Waterfront at 11:00am. Anyone who ,.suppoAr.ts.the mission of NLGJA ishwel— at lsaAl0e_l’s "on ‘come. The only cost is; the price" of your - meal. Please" RSVP :toA"Barbara@_above- . foldcom or 802 388-2735 so we can reserve a large enough table. ‘ BURLINGTON - Dignity/VT —- Monthly 6:30pm. loin VGSA members and friends Social/Support Meeting Friday Night - Group. 7-8:30pm. Free and confidential & 0 Men's. A Chorus Relationships MANCHESTER, - ester Unitarian Umversalistv-Church '1; 6695: nion... Street. Tickets. can -be ordered byjcalling: _ A A " ‘ A the Ni-lGMCA’v,,oice mail ates theyvcan bepurchased at tho’ night of ,the- ‘ wWw.nh_grnc.cjm. _ MO,NTPEL1ER." V2nd.Annua1fPr,i,d(e , ,Ma_r_ch. Gather» on Statehousellawn concert. 11am.‘ At '1pm we will'.'be.marchirig through downtown 0 on Aipr, ag';d.then return to the Stateho Ase awn .1 Jr a picnic. Bring your own food. an ‘Performance? by The ‘Dxea, ".1-arnjily. at 2:30pm.«(Hi/ii;--Kenny‘(802) 288-158,8, — — ‘ HF l. QUECI-{El-If 10th Annual Covered Bridges . ii-ialf (Marathon; Limited" to! 2,500. er1trar1ts'.? Registration. is now. available’ online at vvww.cbhm.com A A 1 . J . ST. IOHNSBURY - ‘Vermont CARES 4 Potluck Dinner; 5pm at the Unitarianuniversalist Church. FMI: Amy (802) (863-2437 A TUESDAY 5.‘ BURLINGTON — Genders R US - Support. y Group. 6pm. Support group for transgen-1; . der folks at Vermont CARES, 361 Pearl St. Call before attending first time; FMI: call 800-649-2437 or (802) 863-2437 I BURLINGTON - VT CARES and Outright fungcomfortable, and safe workshop- -about sexuality, sex, and 1 ’ " Communication for GL'B_TQA_youAth22A& A under. XANDO (Outright's youth space), . South Winooski Ave. There willbe goodie- ‘bags to take home! FMI: Carolyn or-Kara sun! man iuei wed lliuri . Alties and e;vents,._-See. Friday 1 '_ Pearliat A infor‘rAnatit_fJn.“. . i3.uRLIN.G.1‘Q ‘everages. ,- ‘ Dance. ’9’pm-1_amj At Fanuiel -Hall. FMI: » (802)853-2343 VT - Sex Proud! Workshop, 6:30-8pm, A, . Fri rat to rnget one? Come to T in.WaldAen‘,"for leisugely llama walk. Bri - gyourlu_ncAh'a V 6- Barb - doze tosA@sover.net or 32 88290. FRIDAY 8 '6' i a IAMSTOWN - wovxg — Post-Memorial. -Barbequie. ]4:00pfAm. »Newcfomers: me! This .will be usu_al.potluck,_ . Bring your ’item(s) $0 grill and, « h ' ll ' 1' ' 1 “S rounder are ted to Aplanupcorning Out 'ight activi- " listing for A are (where to. dine out.‘ BURLINGTON — lnterwe e — P BURLING N — Outright ’Verm,onA " ' gay ‘i ,_ , _ociety,.a Pearl:§_ Street, Services, are fro'rn"A'1 ‘ 12pm, potluck at 12:30pm. Com ’ service, the potluck, "or "both; P A ,Byer_at (802) '644—2080'§or' http:/A A I A A _ "pages.together.net/”.firstuu/.All are..’.wel- _pm_.Ac0_,us AA rner PM A135-Pearl. V ’ ' ' 1reet.~‘(8o2l..“.8,63-2343i r ,— V BENNINGTDN AIDS Project of Southern :Vermont. -‘ 'Walk.;f1_0am.Meet at North Street’ . FMI: (802) 447-8007 in ’ A, A,-- ' ridefMarch..12pm at‘ aley Jsquare, ,Festival. at ‘, Boston. 1 ‘rimonf12-opflm. FMI: www.b_oston- come)’,--VA 1 _ WASHINGTON, DC? Capital Pride.- at A the Nation's Capitol. .FMl: www.cap L 'pride’.org .or‘ 202-797-351 0.1 ' ' A MONDAY 11 i 1 "Vermont. Public Television .- ’1n \ATAh‘e- Life.) ‘ 11:30pm. New York's Lesbian Herstory’ Archives, A Agay . cartooning, sarne-sex‘ . Shakespeare productions, AID$AfinyA.Athé‘ ‘dance community and an opera, about two women in the 18805. (CC) TU E.S.DAY.»-.1-2.... r “ ‘ BURLINGTON— Onion River Coop.‘All day.’ .1%of all sales today at the Onion River ' »Co-op will go -to Pride Vermont.- Saveyourl shopping for today, to buy the bestin organic and. natural foods and support yourfavorite organization. FMI: " Elliot (802) 863-3659 ‘ "WEDNESDAY 13. BURLINGTON — Vermont CARES 5 I-_IIVA+ 1 Support Group. 5:30pm. Qngoinggconfi} dentialp open‘ to anyone living...,.vvithv HIV/AIDS at 361 Pearl St. (verrnont CARES‘ office), 5:30 pm.‘Please ‘call before” p,ride.org.i A. _ _ BOSTON, * MA. -- Pride 4, (Wor-nen’s www.bostonpride._org . . ' A _ A BURLINGTON.’ — ‘Both ‘Sides Now ‘—‘A Meeting. 7pm. Both Sides. Now, celebrat-"‘ ing the “B” in'Vérmont’s LGBTQAL-We—wi~ll ., be eomingltogether at 35‘.King Street (side entra_nce).C .1 . ‘ V " w ‘- BURLINGTON -135 Pearl ~ Tha_t’s Thaw. Folks. 8pm. Presented by the House of A , LeMay.,$,10 cover. FMl:’1‘3A5 Pearl Street, FERRISBURGI-I" — Vermont CARAES v— Champ Ride 2001. Bike event to‘ benefit Vermont CARES. ChO0SE§ f"Om 10/25/50/10,0 "mile routes in the C qamplain Valley and along- side the lake.‘ Begins 8; ends in Kingsland Bay Sta.tePark, Ferrisburgh. Picnic provid- ed‘ by NECIL FMI or._to register: Kendall or - 71Y- 3tV'A‘“300“549‘2‘Ai37: OVA ing first time, or toarrange fo V at 800-649-2437 or 863-2437 _ _ BURLINGTON-A e; vérincnr . c; 1 Recovery Support Group for Hi 5A:30pm.A"0ngoing, confident: recovery _from drug and/or al (Peer run, based oA’nAtl__1ef12 *Pe"ar1I‘ St; Iver ” call’ Abefo'_r'ej a i arrange (for. tire 'FMI:‘AKaraAat‘8A0 49-2 — Lee at,862-54) 2,1-A-Re Mountainyiew garnes} Anall age ' ev 802-288-_15AA88. 5 inu2SDAY [Mint Lsauiw .- Addison County Gus _s¢'¢ia._ = Group. {3‘pm._ At.fMr Ups,‘ Bakery . Lane;A.Everyone welcome. We're usually.3_ » downstairs irithelbar section. This is a no- - ' 1- structure informal ” gathering. P-urely social. Spmuntil we all go home. . portation or chi1dcare.vFMI: Kara ~.»-7649-24,37 or,8o3-2437.. . .... . .. BURLINGTON ;- R.U.12?, -* Potluc _ - ; First -outside ”ru12;=iootlu‘ci<: ta 1- Headquarters.‘ A-FMI -and til i. we all go ‘of .. . .Q"Bb-d" .@ '1 388’ Fried.,Gr‘ee‘n Tomatoes -Llarnan Ma£3DLE%Z3éO;.::A:;ryn$O?£shdp? IA A Walk‘ ‘7.?'?i- L°Ve11ainas.?AMaY5Wa"hé.d- Passage. '1pm7at the IlselyPubl For moi detailed liiiinqs, check oul our ebile aledar wumcalendars.nel/cal:/oilm rnond. VT 05477.