T question 0 allies gvermontorg @pridevermont.org Slll/IDAU, 9lll/18 litlt Dummeiwtou - Rainbow Cattfle Company Pride Drag Show/BBQ. For more information, call 254-9830. ' Bwtfliugtou - St. 9oltu'o Club VGSA Pride Picnic at I pm. Bring your own food I for cookout. Cash bar. $5 donation. Bwtliugtou - I35 Peaitt Pride Tea Dance at 7pm - 2am. Free lllOl/IDAU, 9tme l8tlt Btattflelnoito T.H.E. Men's Program Potluck Dinner at 7pm. Meet at Len Hebert‘s, I 3 Canal Street Apt. #2. For more info call 802-257-4702 or men@sover.net I TUESDAU, 9Ul/18 l9tlt Bwtiiugtou - RUIZ? Community Ceuteu Sex Proud! Workshop for Adults — A fun, com- fortable, and safe workshop about sex. What is this thing we call sex? What does it mean to you? How can you make it fun, comfortable, and safe? Explore all that and more! Come play with ideas, and words, and images, and toys! Bwitiugtou - Spectvtum One Stop Youth Discussion Group — Come join your peers for a discussion about current events and issues related to celebrating diversity and standing up against social injus- tice. Come share your stories or just listen to other youth share their experiences. Free refreshments will be provided. Drop-in at Spectrum One Stop, I77 Pearl Street, Burlington, VT, from 4:30 — 6 pm. Co-spon- sored by Spectrum Youth and Family Services and Outright VT. Richmond - Bridge Street Open House/Poetry Reading from 6 to 8 pm at the Daily Bread on Bridge Street. Join Mountain Pride Media in celebrating Out in the Mountains’ I 5th anniversary with a chance to meet Board and Staff members, tour our offices, and learn more about our organization. Jeff Walt will also be reading poetry downstairs in The Daily Bread. weimesimg, gm 20th Bnaltllelzoito — 67 main St. Hot Flashes Mailing 8 Pizza Party. Meet at the AIDS Project of Southern VT office, 67 Main St. 4th Floor at 6pm. Please call 802-254-8263 or men@sover.net toreserve a spot. THURSDAIJ, 9u.ue Zlot llliddfleliwty - 925919 Politic Eilirtang Poetry \X/orkshop: “Rules of Engagement: Poetry 8 Politics”; llsely Public Library, 75 Main Street, I pm. Bring 3 Poem or two to share. FMI: tweinsto@middlebury.edu PARADE andr'=E5TivALsche . , 3I\X/aterfront;Burlington Piw-panade vitality and -Spool:-out - ioiao am Main Street Landing, parking lot at Lake and Main. This year’s rally promises I to be nothing short of spectacular. Join many local and national speakers as june 2001 OITF1 - 19 we start up. 1e day’s festivities and prepare for a fabulous Pride paradel. Pwtadeliite-upa€uug£alwSbwet - 11:30 Om Pwtatlel-12 pm The parade begins at One Main Street, proceeds up Main Street to the Church Street Marketplace, up the Marketplace then, left on Cherry Street, left on Battery Street, and right on College Street to \X/aterfront Park. Feotiuafl -1:30 pm to 5:00 pm Join us at \X/aterfrontPark for what will be a wonderful afternoon filled with food, music, shows, exhibitors, children’s‘activities, and special surprises ‘ I ’ V throughout the a’fternoo’n. FR91)/lg, guns 22ml Egudouuifllle — flyudou State Coflflege Coming Out and Coming Home: A Workshop for Gay 8 Lesbian Jews, Our Families 8 Allies. I 0:30 am — 4:30 pm. For registration information, interested folks should contact Judi \X/isch at jwisch@together.net. sAtuR1)Ag. guua 23nd Kifltiugtou Reooitt - High Couulny Tnaill I-like and Aflpiue Sflide From the summit we'll hike down 2650 feet. Bring good hiking boots with ground-gripping soles, jacket and lunch. Moderate/difficult, 3.2 miles, 3 hours, limited to I0 adult men and women. Leaves I I am sharp at Hiking Center. Cost: $9 for Gondola, $7 for slide. If raining, we'll try Sunday June 24th. Call Robbie Tonneberger, (603) 673-2 808, or e-mail robt@northhorizons.com. RUIZ? Community Center: - Gay Socapel Proudly slip, slide, laugh and play at The Great Escape amusement park. Come see what I25 rides, shows and attractions look like, including five coasters and a whole water park! Meet at RU I 2? Community Center. Departure time 8:30 am, return at 6 pm. Cost is $35 per person (includes R/T bus and all- day admission to the park.) Contact Moretti 802-860- RU I 2 (leave message), or e-mail howvivd@mindspring.com. TLIESDAU, 9lll/I8 26llt Rutluud - Spectuum Youth Discussion Group — Come join your peers for a discussion about current events and issues related to celebrating diversity and standing up against social injus- tice. Come share your stories or just listen to other youth share their experiences. Free refreshments will be provided. I45 State Street, Rutland, VT, from 4:30 pm — 6 pm. waimestmg. guns 27th Buulliugtou - Spectnum One Stop Youth Dinner/ Movie Night — Come join us for din- ner and a “queer”-themed movie at the Drop-In at Spectrum One Stop, I77 Pearl Street, Burlington, VT. Free food! 4:30 — 7 pm. Sponsored by Spectrum and Outright VT. S/ITLIRDIIIJ, 9l.ll'l8 30tlt Dummenotou — Rainbow Caétlle Company Leather Night. For more information, call 254- 9330. Bwtliiugtou - Qiuligo Satori Health Awareness Night for MSM (men who have sex with men) — Come spend a spectacular early evening on the waterfront at Indigo Salon from 6 — 8 pm. Join us for discussion about health education, HIV/AIDS prevention, self-image and improvement, and other topics related to taking better care of ourselves. There will be an opportunity for twenty men to get a lesson on “how to give yourself a facial” with professional instructors. Sign up for a facial in advance by contacting Lawrence Garrett at 864-263l or Brian Cina at 373-2237. Although the facials are limited to twenty men, all MSM are welcome to drop by through- out the evening for free refreshments and conversation. Sponsored by IMANI Health Institute and Pride Vermont. Generously hosted by Indigo Salon, I89 Battery Street. I/lonllc l-litll Gwwleu Tow: A Benefit for AIDS Project of Southern Vennont. Also July 3lst and August 3 I st. For more information and tickets, call Michael at 254-8263, or e- mail mff@sover.net. we need uolltmteeiwl Come Tuesday, June 5th to the Mu|tiGeneratioal Center, 24| N. Winooski Ave, Burlington, VT at 7 pm,