18 - O|Tl‘1 june 2001 FR91)/-lg. Buue lot Bwtlliugltm - I35 Pewtfl Womyn’s Night 50/50 Raffle from 6-I0 pm. $5 Cover. For info call 863-2343. Bvtattflelzww - 67 main St. T.H.E. Men's Program Garden Walk and Gathering. Meet at the AIDS Proiect of Southern VT office, 67 Main St. 4th Floor at 7pm. For more info call 802-254-8263 or men@sover.net summg, guns 3nd mttutpetiert - Statelwuoe Baum We will be gathering for the 2nd Annual March on the Statehouse Lawn at I I am. At I pm, we will be marching through downtown Montpelier and will then return to the Statehouse lawn for a picnic. Bring your own food and beverages. St. Qaluwltuny - Iluitwtiau lluiuertoafliot Cltwtclt Potluck Dinner at 6 pm. Bwtlliugluu - I35 Pewtfl The King 8 Queen Pageant at I0 pm. Hosted by Courtney St. James. Special performance by Sabella Markiewicz, Queen of I35 Pearl 2000. Over $600 in cash and prizes! $7 in advance, $|0 at the door. A benefit for Pride Vermont. Call 863-2343 for more information. TUESDAU, guns Stlc Bwtfliughut - ouvttgtt Uenmtmt A Sex Proud! Workshop for Youth from 6:30 — 8 pm. FRQDAU. 9W8 8th Bwtfliugtou - I35 Peanll Acoustic perfonner, Tim Caira, from 8 _— I0 FR9DAy, 9Ill'l8 8th - Sl.Il'lDAlJ, 9l.ll'l8 l0£lt Maidotaue State Punk - witdwtueoo Camping There will be a local hike on Saturday with potluck din- ners and camping on Fri. 8 Sat. nights. Arrive anytime after I2 pm on Friday. Limited to|6 people. Cost: $I3 for tent, $ I 9 for lean-to for weekend. Bring your own tent, sleeping bag, 8 camp gear. Call Robbie Tonneberger at (603) 673-2808 or e-mail robt@northhorizons.com. §E\lEll PAYS. uni-Ixnznulszrw E ST. JAMES? productions . A portion of this advertising space was donated by Mountain Pride Media. Special thanks to the major sponsors Pride Vermont Pride Vermont 2001 lesbian 0 gay 0 bisexual 0 transgend» ofPridesche dule sAruRDAg, guns 9tt Bwtfliugtuu - Built Sideo I/law Celebrating the “B” in Vermont’s LGBTQA, Both Sides Now will be coming together at 7 pm at 35 King Street (side entrance) in Burlington. More information can be found at www.angelfire.com/vt/bothsidesnow Beuuiugtau - I/ltmtlt Strteet Dttiue AIDS Walk at l0am. Meet at North Street Drive. Sponsored by AIDS Proiect of Southern Vermont For more info call (802)447-8007 Hwtdwiclc - Compact I-Int Ceutert, ”Reuuiau” A night celebrating transgender culture at the Compost Art Center. Film Presentation of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert from 7 — 9 pm. Reception with free food from 9 — I0 pm. A gathering celebrating the spirit of Pride through music and dancing with the Dream Tribe featuring Sage, Biba, Noel and other special guests from I0 pm — 2 am. Co-spon- sored by Pride Vermont, Samara and Compost Art Center. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Pride Vermont 200l. $6 admission. For more information, call Kenny at 288-l 588. Fervtioltunglc - Kiugottuul Bay State Pwtlz Vennont Cares Champ Ride 200 I. For more information call Kendall at 863-2437. SATLIRDAU, 9I.Il'l8 9tlt - SWI- DAIJ, 9Ul/18 l0th Bwtfliugttm - I35 Pewtfl The House of Lemay Presents: “That’s Thaw Folks! It was a Baaad Winter!” at 8 pm. $IO COV€l'. Slll/IDAU, 9uue l0tlt Richmond. I'll-I Movie Matinee 8 Pizza - “Bedrooms and HaIIways”. Meet at Jim Keenans, 70 Old Homestead Highway at 2pm. Sponsored by T.H.E. Men's Program of the AIDS Project of Southern VT. For more info call 603- 239-4 I 79 or men@sover.net TUSSDAU. 9IIl'i8 l2tlt Bwttiugttm - Ouinu Riuen. Ca-up l% of all sales today at the Onion River Co-op will go to Pride Vermont. Save your shopping for today to buy the best in organic and natural foods and support your favorite organization. For more info, call Elliott at 863-3659. Green. fvlmuri pride pridevermonl wsDuas1)Ag.9urte l3tlt Bultfliugtau - I35 Pewtt Come join Bob and Zeno for Karaoke Kapers at I0 pm as they raise money for Pride! ruunstmg. gums nut lMiddlZeluuu_i - lfliddeeltwty Caflflege Twilight Hall Auditorium, (between College and Franklin Streets) at 7:30 pm. Law of Desire (La Ley del deseo), one of the most explicitly gay films by Pedro Almodovar, involves a gay-porn film director, his transsexui sister, and an obsessed closeted young man. A gay Fatal Attraction. with Antonio Banderas in the Glenn Close role. lilidtlfleltwty - 929929 Pultiic llilmwty Poetry Workshop: “Rites of Passage”. llsely Public Library, 75 Main Street, lpm. Bring a poem or two to share. FMI: tweinsto@midd|ebury.edu ' FRQDAU, 9111/l8 I5tlt Bwteiugtnu - Rlwmluu Gaflliety . Queer Slam! A high-energy, truly OUTspoken poetrygl fest. Rhombus Gallery, I86 College Street. Poets sign- up at 7:30 pm, slam starts at 8:00 pm. Bwtfliugluu - King Sbteet Fatty Duel: VGSA Sunset Cruise at 7:30 pm. Appetizers, cash; bar, and entertainment. Tickets are $20 in advance and limited. For tickets go to www.vgsa.com. Bwtliiugtou - Cukflege Svwet Ctmgrwgatitmafl Cltwtclt Come join the Samadhi Singers for their concert “Singing to Make Dreams Come True” at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $|0. For more information, call Peter Frechette at 864-5327. Bwtfliugtau - I35 Pewtfl Zoe Lewis and Her Rubber Band perform at 8pm followed by DJ Little Martin. $8. } 5 -‘.1.’ SATURDMJ. 9lIl'l8 l6£lt Bwtfliugltm - I35 Pewtll I35 Pearl Tent Party. Opens at 3 pm. Perfonnances begin at 8 pm with Gregory Douglass. Karen Grenier, and DJ Little Martin.