i-"3-’OITl‘1 june~2o01'. . Featuring . . . DJ Little B/Iartlrfi Gregory Douglass Pride Parade A 12 noon Karen Grenier Doors Open 3 prn Jason Blovv Tent Pa"tY 6 Pm $8‘ 21+ w/ID Dance Party 10 pm Don't rnlss Zoe Levvls - Friday. June 15 ’3 .'.:“;.‘.:".» l:‘E.‘:E?il'l Str‘c:—3et. B1,lI‘ill1gl()l1 \/’<;arrmi>int 802.863.2343 Wm/w.135pearl.<:om Celebrate PRIDE 2001 with Zoe‘! J4 ‘P-towiit favorite :1” Zoe Lewis, and her more Letters and website to any student who requested it. While I realize that many will see this action as a sell-out of Outright Vermont, I do not agree. In our case, the school district has a neutral stance regarding Outright Vermont. It does not encourage, nor does it discourage, participation in the organization. The board does have a responsibility to insure the welfare of all of its students and has not abandoned that responsibility.’ Walter J. Goetz Interim Superintendent Poultney, VT Bad for. .. If you printed “House Votes to Repeal Anti-Gay Death Tax” in order to provoke some dis- cussion or some strong feel- ings, you’ve been effective! HR 8, the House bill that repeals the estate tax over 10 years is bad for democracy, bad for our economy, and bad for inhilantlmrmw... The-v»-fact —th-at A individuals, gay or straight, may personally benefit from repeal of the estate tax does not mitigate the injustice this bill creates. It is the very reason the bill is unjust. Repeal of the estate tax would benefit the wealthiest 2% in the country, at the expense of the other 98% of Americans. The billions of dol- lars that are lost to repeal would have to be made up by increasing taxes on those less able to pay. If our tax-phobic Republican administration failed to raise those lost tax dollars, then government pro- grams would be cut. Social Security, Medicare, education, the arts; these programs, not military expenditures, would be the victims of repeal. Taxes and philanthropy, at their best, promote democracy by preventing over-concentra- tions of wealth and poverty. Eliminating the estate tax would have a double negative effect. In addition to the lost tax dollars, eliminating the estate tax would have a devas- tating impact on charitable bequests. The threat of the estate ~ tax motivates ~wealthy Rubber Band, H people to consider, beyond their own self-interest, what has meaning for them. And this consideration results in support of charitable organizations and foundations through bequests. The US Treasury estimates repeal of the estate tax could result in a loss of upwards of $5 billion dollars in charitable giving. Foundations, like our own Samara Foundation of Vermont, are the beneficiaries of approximately one-third of those bequests. Log Cabin Republicans’ argument that the estate tax discriminates against gay and lesbian couples is true. It also discriminates against single people, regardless of sexual orientation. The estate tax exclusion level may be too low. And family farms and small businesses may require special clauses to preclude total loss of these assets by the families that have built them. These are reasons to reform the estate tax law, not to repeal it. As GLBT people, we can choose to throw our lot in with those who are only for them- selves,» or we can elevate our- selves, politically and econom- ically, by working for justice and fairness. Where will you stand? Linda Markin Hardwick, VT President, Foundation of Vermont Samara Civil Unions Well, a year has passed after the Civil Union law passed. After careful scrutiny of all the divorce decrees in the state for the past year, I have yet to see a single heterosexual marriage that has failed due to the law. V This directly contradicts one of the dire consequences the reli- gious bigots were screaming would happen if this passed. I also have yet to see the throngs of gay people invading every comer of the state from the rest of the world. ' Right wing republicans are now trying to force a repeal on the grounds that it needs to include more people. The reciprocal beneficiaries part of the law covers this but has not been used. Blood relatives already have had these protec- tions in law. That wouldn’t be a , pack of lies they were using in i order to deny citizen’s equal rights would it?? Why don’t ‘ these people admit they are try- ing to shove their religious views down everyone’s throat and get on with it. We have more pressing concerns that some of our representatives should be addressing, but all that they seem to have is sex on the brain. Steven Board Roxbury, VT