‘ phers etc. separately and by doing so strengthen the couple. E-mail msfIttt@webtv.net (05/01) V Mid—fifties Prof. woman would like someone to drive with/share room with hang with for June (and/0" ‘.1g.) weekend in P-Tow. ‘Zoe 802 865-5042. (05/01) Roommates Wanted V Housemate wanted: spa- ciousroom in _So. Burl., laun- dry, parking, garden space, piano, no smoking/pet3/ pref. 30+. Rent neg.. Call Anne 802 865-5042 or e-mail revanne@together.net (05/01) Services Offered V Web Design. Need some— . one to create, update or main- tain your website? Reasonable rates. Free initial consultation. Call Mack at 802.482.7000 or e-mail at yackatmack@iname.com. (07/01) V Ceremonies of the Heart: Weddings & Civil Unions. Creating the ceremony to fit your spiritual beliefs. Rev. M. Anne Clark, M.Ed., M.S.C., Interfaith Minister, also Re- Commitment Celebrations, Baby-naming, Funerals (802)865-5042, revanne@together.net (07/01.) V Celebrate Vermont is a new business that can help gay men/lesbians plan civil union/gay wedding celebra- tions. We can assist couples with: selecting a gay-friendly site, finding «accommodations for guests, arranging catering, finding an appropriate Justice of the Peace or clergy member, contacting florists, photogra- We specialize in designing ceremonies in the Upper Valley area of Vermont. . Call Laurie Levinger for a free consultation: 802 649-5402 or e-mail celebrate.verrnont@val- ley.net. References available on request. (07/01) V Disc, Jockey Service. Need a DJ for your Civil Union ceremony or party celebration ?Then call The Sound Factory DJ Company! We are one of Vermont’s only gay owned and Operated DJ services, with over 10 years of experience. The S0Und Factory is very excited and motivated to serve Vermont’s gay, lesbian, bisexu- 31 and transgender community." Call us today to schedule your event ! 802 878 4499 (05/01) Curbside eflE&E>Q$2@2$m AS NATHAN AND I>p.r—;w DISCUSS THEIR RECENT BR€AKup OVER COFFEE . . .. iglayzbbi lonm - as by Robert Kirby .-KEVIN AND RAIN Move F-‘oRwAp.\> wITH THEIR PL/ws To COHABITATE. -. AND 'n-IAT KIs:— oFF LETTER You SENT /we LATEIL I-‘u~IIsHev opp WHAT wAs LEFT OF MY sec, You ALwAyg CON\Bu\|ATl Tbu> ME You . APPRECJA-rEl> HONESTY, (AND I'M THINKING WE couq) MAKE View’: Room INTO A SORT OF TH ING. 0N Gut-:51‘ rloo/vx /$*rupY RAIN, WHAT '3 v~uzo~c:? LI\<€?N HAT l?8£?E@e‘? @6'El ANYTHING AGDAINS T ME , Do You '_> LAST spp.w<3...I....I SToMPEI> ALL oven. DR:-:'w$ FEELINGS... 'NG 1'0 BE THE SAME FOR HM-’\...I NEED TO You I€ EVEKYTHINC7 THIS TIME ARou~v..we'&e G-OINGTD BE A 50/50 i>AP.TNetzsHIi>, NEVER Besioas, V-lE'$ STILL 5o HOT, No MATT€P- How N\U<.I-\ HE HvP~T ME, No MATTER. How Tofl.Tu9.et> ’ OUR HISTOILY, HE IS STILL UUJT So HOT. FEAR _/ I Know I CAN'T Exl’ec.T You To Kiss AND MAKE up Ex- AC1’!-Y.. Bu-r How Aaou-r trust A KISS 7 I Ft5uP.€ :1; can Move on wn-H MY l.IFc Now, V\ll1'1-I11-H5 MeMOAY OF ouk om-: LAST PERFECT E>€Au-ri- FUL NIGHT TOGETHER. To Susrmu TELL You 'h—|A‘T- M€....J.’M READY To cLo$€ THIS v‘ ’ ”' ’ CHAPTER. once AND Foil ALL. So wi-IAT'.s NEXT You ASK. 1'. LEAVE Foe. c.ALIFon.MIA IN THREE ‘DAYS. I'VE C701‘ Lox-5 To DO, :'LL THREE DAYS. Yes, TOM. Hz SAYS To CALL I—|II"\' t3Ar_I<. .; .. Workshops] Classes/Courses Offered V Lyndon State College hosts Coming Out & Coming Home: A Workshop for Gay & Lesbian Jews, Our Families & Allies on June 22, 2001. Gay and Lesbian Jews and our fam- ilies are often isolated from community. We may be reluc- tant to affiliate J ewishly, uncer- tain about celebrating our sim- chas publicly, or we may be “out and proud” but the only GLBT Jewish family for miles around. Interfaith GLBT cou- ples have a double set of issues to face. As parents, gay or straight, we worry about our children’s acceptance. Through all this tsuris, we want to be Jews and we want to be our- selves. “Coming home” to the Jewish community can mean challenging and transforming both ourselves and the commu- nity. First we’ll focus on our- selves: meeting and greeting each other, telling our stories, networking. Then we’ll do takhlis (practicalities): share programs that have worked, offer Jewish resources for‘ inclusive Shabbat services and GLBT life cycle events, and have the opportunity to wrestle with our troublesome texts. Workshop leaders: Judy Wienman & Rabbi Debora Gordon. This ‘workshop is offered as part of the 19th Annual Conference on Judaism in Rural New England, June 22-24, 2001. For questions and registration information: 603- 9 2 4 - 5 0 8 1 jwisch@together.net, www.vermont.com/ruralju- daism (05/01)