E-mail your classified ad to Classified ads are offered free of charge to all individuals, but donations are certainly accepted. Businesses and commercial interests are asked to pay $15 a month for each classified ad up to 100 words. To run a classified ad, we must have your full name, ' address, and phone number. All information will be kept confidential. classifieds@mountainpridemedia.org; send it to PO Box1078, Richmond, VT 05477; or fax it to 802-434-7046. Please indicate the number of months you would like the ad to run. ' Make checks payable to Mountain Pride Media. We reserve the right to refuse ads. Place or respond to an ad at your own risk. 1‘ Employment - Paid Positions V Outreach Coordinator/ A*Vista Team Member. Outright Vermont seeks a moti- vated, energetic activist to work directly with youth and adult volunteers implementing youth .leadership programs for GLBTQA youth._ This position will coordinate Outright’s youth planning committee and speakers’ bureau, work with school-based Gay/Straight Alliances, plan special events such as Youth Pride, and staff our drop-in center. This full-‘ time, one-year position includes a stipend of $791.00 per month, basic health insur- ance and an educational award of $4,725. Send resume and cover letter to: A*Vista, CEDO—Room 32, City Hall, Burlington, VT 05401. Closing Date: June 1. For more infor- mation call 1 (800) GLB- CHAT. (05/01) V Mountain Pride Media has numerous opportunities for individuals who are looking to get involved with a local GLBTQ organization. You do make a difference! FMI-: mpm@mountainpridemedia.org or check our Volunteer Page at www.mountainprideme'dia.org. (12/01) V Looking to make some extra money? Mountain Pride Media is looking for part and full-time Advertising Sales Reps to sell advertising for our monthly newspaper, Out In The Mountains, and our web site, www.mountainpridemedia.org. Monthly expense stipend and commissions paid. Contact us today for more information. 802-434-5237 or ads@moun- Dykzs Towatch Outfor byA1ison Bechdel @LAR\CE. IS I'M So GLAD juiced L°0I<.'rHrs rs HER low. As FAR AS I'M cow CERNE D. ITS THE HAPPY PEOPLE wuo NEED ABOUT FEELING A ‘FAN STPGNATTON .S‘E£ US, PA1‘RlCI/i. I DON'T KNOW WHATTO DO. IT'S LIKEALLWHE JUICE HAS BEEN ,, .SQ\JEt-‘JED OUT oF HER. HM/’\...’lHE LASTTIME WE MET, you we TALKED S1114 NorQu\TE HERSELF... you COULD SINCE THE .-,-..._._ J, INAUGURATIDN. : .- Hoyl LONG HAS THIS BEEN Gon~IG ON? .» tainpridemedia.org. (12/01) . Employment - Voluntary Positions V Vermont ‘CARES seeks volunteers to help out with Champ Ride 2001 on Saturday June 9th. The majority of vol- unteers will be stationed around the five Support and Gear (SAG) stops that help mark the route and provide much needed support to weary riders. We are also looking for volunteers to be at Kingsland Bay Park to see riders in when they’re finished and ensure no one is left out on the route, and to look after the T-shirt and freebie stand. In addition to helping out you will be able to enjoy the beautiful Vermont countryside and tuck into a pic- nic provided by NECI once the ride is over. For more info you can log on and check Champ Ride at www.vtcares.org or call Tim Harvey at 800-649-2437. (05/01) V The Vermont Rainbow Connection Television pro- gram is looking for some help from community members interested in making a differ- ence and volunteering a few may 2001 OITM - 33 lassifieds hours a month. We need some- one who is interested in updat- ing our web page monthly," someone interested in obtain- ing field footage, and a couple of people wanting to do “in- studio” work. If you are inter- ested in joining our “Rainbow Connection” crew, please call Sharon at 802-849-2739 or email: lavender@together.net If you are sincere and can vol- unteer your time, give us a call! (07/01) V Come join MPM board .members, staff, and other vol- unteers at the monthly Out In The Mountains Stuffing at the OITM office above the Daily Bread in Richmond. Always on the last Thursday of the month, you can help get the paper ready for mailing out to our community while visiting with old friends or making new ones! The stuffing starts at 5:30 and lasts until we are finished (usually 3 hours). We provide pizza so please join us! Check _out the MPM Community Calendar on www.mountain- pridemedia.org for exact dates. FMI & Directions: circula- tion@mountainpridemedia.org or 802-434-6486. (12/01) -..__ lhIAUGUl7~A~ Tron? COULD you PLEASE NOT USE THAT woRD? , on 'PREsrvENT,‘ 'vIHm: Housf,’ ’wAS‘l-[[pJ(;ToN,’ 'ADMiNrsrRATroN.’ I CANT EVEN TALK AEOUTTHE 30- THE SHRUBBERY IN THE yzlnp wrruourser-rme HER OFF. ll\H'ERE5TlNG. wt-M7 sams To BE -me PROBLEM, CLARICE ? ‘THAT -9!! OUK 9a.Miov~l5Hi? .7’ WHAT’: THAT HAVETD po \.II7’H IT? vI£'rar: Liv/we UNDER cp~5ER- \/Am/E 0CCUPA’TIOr~l.' rsN'r ‘MAT zuoueu TO BE DEPRESSED 7 ’ ABOUT ? ~~——.— -. = CER- (N '77 UM... I ve seen A LITTLE comm- COULD THAT I CAN'T FEEL AW- THNG. BESIDES. THAT'S >bUR ARMPIT, M01’ youk BREAST,’ r I HAVE TO GéI,,'iNj5°$ EVEN HIR WILL THE - I TORE THAT “N611 TAKE 1-U”‘F’? DlE FROM ) ANTH RM I JUST ASK Brzauss THE L‘/MPH NOD55‘ _ CAN SNELL IF >/ouvs HAD A GOLD OR AN lNFi:cTloN. A FLU SHOT LAs-r WEEK. I HEAR 7OU,CLAl2lCE. I Jus'r wAr~h'1D MAKE SURE THE RES NOT 50l"\E‘l'HlNG ELSE some on, soM£ DEEPER ISSUE THAT couzb BE A PRECEDEUT. I'LL B£'r‘lHAr's IT, Turf >buR IMMUNE _.SYSTEM REAC-rme To THE VACCINE. YOUR Bl2EASrS FEEL. FlNE'Tb ME, MG. IF IT'S STILL ‘WHERE IN ‘FHlR’IY DA‘/5. Ml-L ME; , FOR EXAM.PLE,1'KNow’iH£ ' - .' Two OFYOUWERE ‘rHwK— ING OF EXPLDR/NG So/«E HAS AN __ THAT? y1'HiNG COME 0; '77‘ YOU'RE SUPPQ3ED ‘TO CHECK >OUlZ AP-/VtP|T5 Too! DoN’T You READ 11-is suowgw. CARD! . HANGING IMTHERE ALLTHETIME ? IT'S MDRBID. 1'TRy No'r’m. MUST NoT AS MORBID A5 WE KEEPTHATTHNG CANCER. you Do MORE 02 1255. I'VE Go1'~rA Go. 1‘ HAVE My SEMWAR -romeur, FEMEMBER_? ———- — — ‘ME E>U\I’l Evegy mama , R-on-r , ND, NE GOTTEMPORARILY SIDE- n2Aa<:i> ray G£‘FrNG MARRIED. _ Arwow. sag’: Losrnnsnzsr IN —. EVERYTHING, EVEN ‘THAT PERENNIAL - OBJECT OF HER /KFFECTIONFWE one APPLE —AI.FALFA __ .. ToNIC.)’0UWANTA SHOT ' -. oFGlr~EER IN’THAT, GINGER? lT'S VER)’ fl fyg ‘ . l » \ , .,,z.’.’. - 7 UIVl...S‘uP.E. 7 ,. _.- IYASMINLTHAT -' $ourJ>s NICE, \‘ . . v4— , 1:. “ an wrwr rs? ACTUALLY, sass, CAN I C/«M you s/lac? § I'M ausy WIYHSOM A1'1'ACK.'FlEHTBAck_r 11-us BOGUS Sys