32 ° OITH may 2001 Mr. Les 3. Frank ‘ ‘ Your Guidance Counselor for Life Photo‘ Sarah H nuion Hey Mr. Frank, I have been with the some girlfriend for almost five months. The only time we really get along, though, is when we're in bed... The rest of the time we fight about everything. Our latest major fight is about whether or not to move in together. How do we know when we're ready forthat? T e ._ _i ‘V .. — pg: signed, Help us make next W 9" month 3 Issue the Dearwher» r'_ I'd say ”if” is the better question. You say that theoniy time‘fy9u;_ get.jalong is when you're in bed. Take a moment to consider how much,‘._time,;_duringjyour average day, you're in bed —~ awake. if you're fighting the rest foffthe ‘time,.:that’s a , lot of anger for a relatively little bit of what I assume is good se}i,l\rAl;v:‘i_magine that you'd be fighting, during your intimate moments, too, if your rnouths‘weren’t too Send us your fdvoriie photos fl'OlTl Pl'lCi€’S pOSi, busy doing other things. — » _ . . _ e :_ . . . Before you rent the U-Haul, decide whether you want to be sha_r_.i,n_,g, {house or your Orhcle 'deG5r apartment with a woman you fight with so much just to haveCarnaleonvenience? your glory, There are a lot of women out there who can be wonderfu’|_,lovers and who can also provide enjoyable companionship. . ' ‘ I ' ‘ '” ‘ ' V ‘ your heorioiche. _ Find a lover not a fighter. You Clil hove Cl specicil story to tell. Hey M, Frank, Since I came out 71 months ago, ‘I've been looking foriaboyfrien ism.‘-Q; my life‘ , PO BOX 1 O78 with, but all I seem to find are jerks. They either want to play head and heart games, ‘ ' just want a one night stand, or they want to control my everymove.‘ I _ Rlch mond ’_ VT O_r I'm not sure how to find the right guy. Most guys run when i tell them I'm disabled. i ed|iOl’@|’T]OU l’]iClll’1 pridemed |Cl .OFg I mean they act like I need them to take care of me, but I don't need that. i; just want i to find the one to share my thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions,life and love with and someone who will share the same with me. I do not want someone who is going to base a relationship on sex. I think if someone loves someone for real it Won't matter ' 0 whether the sex is good, bad or if we don ’t have it at all. , V. >_ - X How do I find the right guy without going through all these jerks? I'm sick and tired ‘ VI Dec E Press of meeting jerks. People tell me I'm young and have plenty of time. I agree that I'm F R E E M E M B E R5 H I P ! ” young, but ldon’t want to grow old and be alone. - Adult Movies, Ma azines, Toys,VLatex, i Linerie, Ga Gifts, ards and much more!!! Please help me’ SINGLES CONNECTION GAY E\/ENTS SWlNGERS' CLUB . . Sign in for single Sign in for gay Sign in for group 4 Sincerely, events, meetings S events, meetings & meetings. events & Bradley james, jr, newsletters newsletters A newsletters P,-ermorm NH MON DRY Buy two movies, get the third free! ' TUESDQYS Spend $ 200+, get a deluxe vacation Dear Bradley, for 2 - Includes free deluxe hotel accommodation v5:g|:laEg:§’nf$; :3! rd It's letters like yours that make me wish l were a hairy-fairy godfather and could UV 2 DVDS 8‘ get the 3 FREE wave a magic penis-shaped wand and deliver the perfect life partner to your door. THURSDQY-5 BUY 3 magazine P8CkS <9 9913 the 4”“ FREE Looking for sex is easy. Looking for love is the real challenge. 0 Fri, Sat, Sun, ' ‘ ' The fact that you're young complicates matters in that many gay men go ‘ ‘ through a bit of a slut phase when freshly out, So, potential dates your own age Vaoeo EXPFGSS 215 MAIN ST. WINOOSKI B54-385’! are often looking for a quick trick rather than alifetime of shared treats. But, there ' "A FUN PLACE TO SHOP are men who want the same things that you do. Trust me. I know many of them FOR THE DISCRIMINATING ADULT” persona,” Your being disabled may be a problem for some people but it is their problem, not yours. Don't aliow someone else’s fears or shallow assumptions make you feel less deserving of romance. Be clear with could-be boyfriends about exactly what you want and need. if you aren't candid, other people can confuse their own pro- 'ections of what's in our heart and on our‘ mind with what the think mi ht be and Sell ihere. ’ Y e 9 You're not alone in having to wade through asea of jerks to find the prize. l have R q'U ., V had more than my share of losers on my way to finding my soulmate and lover. Many of my friends — men and women, gay and straight — have had similar treks through the trash before discovering a quality catch. So, on this point, I wish you patience. ’ - P-°- 30* 1 7 Gary T3V101' Don't go looking for dates where others are mostly looking for sex. That would I-‘itzwiliam, NH 03 447 Robert Camara include a lot of gay bars and many chat rooms. Try doing a personal ad or having ~ ‘ friends introduce you to available men. Concentrate on seeking men who could p _ .._ .. . .._,;i ., .. ,, M . , be friends and who share your understanding of how the world should be. You've already taken a big step in that direction. You've articulated exactly what on Route 12’ 3 miles south of]-um.“-on of 12& 119 you do and don't want. Kindred spirits eventually find each other. Open seven days a week 10 am to 5 pm _ _ Mr. Les 3. Frank offers guidance counseling to people of all ages. He’s also cup fit- 603-585-6688 ter for a burly baseball team in need of support and protection. Some letters are edit- Auctioneel/5 License No_ 2419 ed for length, spelling or grammar. Send your questions and requests for guidance to ‘ HeyMrFrdnk@uol.com.