28 - OlTl’l may 2001 ' K To announce an event for our monthly Colondan looking‘ Ahead . m e-mail it to calendar@mountainpridemediaorg, or - write us at: PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477. J u n e iunmon lues wed lliurs Fri mi Foonl BRATTLEBORO — 7th Annual Glove, Sweat and Cheers Women’s Slowpitch Softball Tournament. Friday 06/01- Sunday 06/03. A benefit for the Southern Vermont Women's Crisis Center at the Living Memorial Park in Brattleboro and Sportsman's Field in Hinsdale, New Hampshire. There is a Chicken BBQ at Living Memorial Park on Saturday afternoon, 50/50 and prize raffles all weekend and a Dance come. ’SWe’re uslially downstairs i';SlS1”the - ms or world like to know rric reiabout us S ‘MIDSDLEBURY - »Alddis“n I County Social bariisection, ianc§ usually have aragribow you can_§ do so at our web site, Groi p - Social Gatheriigig. Everyone wel- Si-Sfl n the tab;Se. 8pm until we an go ‘ ~ e We’re usuallydfi wnstairs in the S www.nhgr‘nc.com. . * -‘dozetos@sov et or _ a‘fI'-D"‘é’m‘“’f?1“"e“"**““-“-‘k}a see ‘om-a=nel===i»~is S ave‘V*a*=*=rai‘nbow“* Sheibume until we all go . LaPlatte RgSiver. 1pm. Put in a Bay. If yo have room in your canoe for [°5@5°Ve”‘et_°r ‘ FMI: Fran _ ‘S ,.. S ‘ to be held at the Rainbow Cattle . S 2 U INGTON - Outright Vermont -Youth Company on Saturday night. All pro- . l3l3°1'» NH 2 New Ham - I Planring Committee Meeting. 5:30- A ceeds to benefit the Women's Crisis S. » I - pshireGay .S _ . _ “ Palmer and a.“tl’l°T. Stephen “L neck » — _ - . 6:45p 71. See Friday 4 listing for more Center. FMI: To sign up a team, volun- ?FMI= (802) 6550231, (802)_87&9949 or Me“? vc-h.’°"V‘s Love’ me and "r ‘ V ti 9 teer our time (ASA Um sneeded!) or . Relations} 1p5.— 4pm at the Nashua 1“ Onla 0” V V p *tfelames_@adelph alnet Unitarian Jniversalist Church 58 Lowell lust for more mformationr Coma“ . I ......str.eet_ See_SSamrday.—.19—=(3oppp=-d~-=NHfi5t;=VVV'V~"’ “ Sandy Clark, Tournament Director, M t ing for more information. ' . ' ' Burlington. Meet at 135 Pearl at 9 6O3'256’30l9 0’ 51°15” k@5°Ve”’et i I S n, then decide’ on ggwhere to dine BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Youth Planning Committee Meeting. 5:30—6:45pm. See Friday 4 listing for more information. S BURLINGTON -VGSA— Sip and Dine. in members and rnenas for dinner 5pop5ope‘d¥_.&,pro5om;oo by the‘ Vermont ’ more information, - ' 7 S . VGSA members and friends for dinner SS ’Bur_iliS’ngtSon;:Meet‘at S135 P_earSl‘aSt’ SSCoupSd1S‘Sfor’ Gifted EdocafionS‘[Di5ScSussS ‘BU‘RuNGT0Ni;R‘_UJ’S2?_SGame5 NightS7_ out in Burlington. Meet at 135 Pearl at 1 . -3°Pm-I the” decide’ .°_“."‘_"he’e .t° dllle your concerns andissues with experSt_sin ‘ 1i1prri at'ffRU.12 Headquarters. Boggle, . 630pm the" decide 0“ Where '50 dme S out-S.;_S » . V ‘ 5 ' V - S gifted education. 7pm at The Book Rack V—Scrabble,Scards,5UNO etc..‘FMIand_direc- out‘ URLIN ‘ON -Outright VermSont- Peer &Children'sVPfages, Champlain Mill,‘ #21, }tions:www.ruS12.org 2 I I ’ _’ S‘ , BURLINGTON — Outright Vermont — C’So.cial/Support‘ Meeting Friday\Night .1.Mairi St.FMSI:S-(8S02S)655—O231,'(802)’878- GRVAHON _ Faerie oa,fip’oe5tmy; wait) Peer Social/Support Meeting Friday G_rSoup_,‘S7—8;30pm_S1see Friday 4 listingfor ‘ 9949 or elainesS@adelphia.net " S S Swhitmah _ GatVhermgS. Camp with Sthe Night Group. 7—8:30pm. See Friday 4 ; rno_re»irS1formation.‘ V S V S V - . ‘S ». ‘ . S ~ S 3 faefieSSfCh;‘a-Sweékeehd. of poetry arid listing for more information. 9 : SBUSRLINGTON - Janice Perry aka GAL - S - ’ 2 3 spring. Also Community discussions and S U N D 3 Holy Sh*tJ Stories from Heaven and Hell. 3USRuNG-1-ON - ‘Genders R Us - support planning _.foSr.s our future on-the land. At Burlington City Hall'8pm, tickets $15 VG;-oup_ opm_ support group for‘ trans.’ Open to all. www,faeriecarripdestiny.org F MANCHESTER, NH _ New Hampshire Outright Vermont-‘Youth S. .3 V Sv _ - ~ .mnee neetinsoso-C MONDAY 21 - Friday 4 listing f°rS:Sm°reSi .WINOOSKl;:' 4. The Book" Fack “'andjz 2 “GT0” ‘AOul3Tl8l’"_Y9Ym°lm ' P‘5el’S- S. . ‘ ' . . F T V " -_ Children’s.Paoes:.An.Evening.»Eorurnfor . ' 511813.01? ....M€6..Ii.Ug..f:EfldaY.-Night UREISNGTON _ GSSA_-,Sip“and'Din,=.join 'par‘ents‘&SChi1d,enSWith Gifts S3, -1-a1’em5SV ;: * 30pm. See FrSidSay4lisStirig for I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 3'9 P3399’ alld lu5tiC9’.5t°.Yle» Church-.5‘ gender folksat Vermont CARES, 361 01' Cl‘9Cl<-We SWTCE P389? ’ . . 7 Gay Men’s Chorus — Love, Life and : V V B.l1l'lln3t°?l» F.lY“n BOX Office and Outlets‘ Pearl St. Call before attending first time. ' I ' I l l ‘ Relationships. 4pm at the | 802«3o.FLrNN,an.d attire doorfrom 6:30 FMI: can 800-649-2437 orscss-2437 SATUQDAY 2O ’ . Manchester Unitarian Universalist I V V .. . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ‘,‘S‘§5’mfl’e.§Ve“i“3’°f the7pe’f°’ma”ce' WINOOSKI — The. _Book. Rack and SOUTH .BUVRLISNGTOlN.,-‘Fried; Green , Church» 669 ”“‘°S“S 5”eet- 599 . . .]aniceperry.com S Chfldrerfs Pages psusan Cheevel. &_S.As ._S_omatOeS_GameS Night at Anne.SSS 5pmSS Saturday 19 May listing for more I BURLINGTON - St Paul’s Episcopal" Good as 1 C‘ou1a';3o_. A Memo,-,—a'bout Hiavefiav memorable ev-en*ihg_in South information. Cathedral.-SMonthlv GLBT Mf=otirrs- Moot Raising Wonderful Children in an Bur_lirSigton7at—Anne's playing gamesand QUECHEE — 10th Annual Covered f0’ P°tl“Ck dm“eY»'lell°W5l11P» and W0?‘ Imperfect. World. Susan» is the daughter having potluck ‘dinner; FMI:. (802) 865- ’ Bridges Half Marathon. Limited to ': ship". FM‘? ’l‘di3e""t@a°l-C°m °" 0l.l0l'1_Y1 CheeVe¥, and her earlier Work, 5142,or revanne@together.neti ‘ ‘ ‘ 2,500 entrants. Registration is now _ l3Q2lS863'3093: SS ._ _ V. ’ if , Cl’1Y0Y1lCl€S l1l'1¢3itTl6llS.‘vtSYll3l1lal1i0r1S iihd . - * j » . r I ._ . available online at www.cbhm.com . S S V S X352 if"? 198:5 59153 Pa“-‘if aS':am9“5 S f WINOOSKI — The Book Rack and . . S T S S . . .__menc.an am‘.Y-.“or..neWV 0° 'ex.am._ VQURLINGTON _ V-f (_~ARE5‘_'Re‘c0ve,y- Children’s Pages - Emily Bernard BRAT1'LEB_0.R0,- The AIDS Proietf of V ‘noes-the 1°"g mad 9f Y“°the’h°°d' as She "Suppon“c;'rour> for I-llV+ Folks 5-30pm R€m€mb9rM9f0 H3rl9m~'7"he Letters Southern Vermont ~ 14th Annual AIDS lecans how she famed her Son and See Wednesday 2 listing for‘r’n'orerinfor:' of I-a”g5t0" H”.S’h95 (3 Car] V3” ' Walk for Life. Begins 10am at the Center daughter thmugh two dworces and a ‘ mafia“ . * A V ; . Vechten, 1925-1964 7pm at The Book Congregational Church in downtown. 505‘ Of other 'dlffi.C”1ti,eS' .7,l,°m .3‘ The r ' V - ' , . I « Rack & Children’s Pages, Champlain Brattleboro, ending at the Town 3°01‘ Rack 8‘ -C“.“°‘"3“5‘ Pages» -“”R”"GT°" ' Champ R“-"" 2°01‘ Min, #21. 1 Main st.. FMI: (802) 655- T V - . V r ' V ' v ' ' . : ' lanningcommittee Meeting.‘Meeting to . Common with lunch and a program Champlam M111’ #21’ 1 Mam st FMI VP . . V V“ _ - 0231, (802)878-9949 or elaines@adel- which includes A1 Robinson director of (802) 655-0231, (802) 878-9949 Sor organize lune S2001 bike-a-thon, FMI phianet ‘MW Steam“? ab°“‘= “N 1“ C°*"'"““i' e‘a‘“eS@ade'”‘“a'"“ - ioliiiito§V§3f;taZ‘1“é’$§$§l%o%’nT§§5l§'§ wmoosn - The Book Rack and ties of color in Vermont;Vawards and live ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . S ' _ 1 ‘ S. S . Chm 7 P _ WRCC & Th L t mpsic, too: FMI:-V 802 254. 8263 or WED N E5 DAY 23 S °’ 8°3'243.7';'i’“‘W"°al§*5'°l‘3I chlldlgll if lififikdale County. vinnojt . rn f@sover.net. S BURLINGTONS— HlV+ Support Group. U R S l The Book Rack & Children’s Pages, BURLINGTON-Jeff Walt —Poetry Reading. 5:30pm Ongoing. confidential. open to » S ~ S Champlain Mill, #21, 1 Main St. The 4pm at the Fletcher Free Library on aY1Y0Y1e llVlY18W1tl1 HIV/AIDS E1361 Pearl MlDDl-«E-BURSY “ Addl§°“ COWIIY 5°C1al Women's Rape Crisis Center will host College Street, upstairs in the Pickering 5'9 lVSem101’1t CARES 0lfiCel- Please Call -GT0‘/‘P ' 505131 G3th9““8- EVEYYOHB W31‘ a screening of the PBS documentary Room. leffwalt will read from his recent- before attending first time, or to arrange come. We re usually downstairs in the The Lost Chfldren of-'R0Ckda]e County S lyv published book, ‘The Danger in tTaY1SP01'tal?l0Yl 01' Cl1lldCaYe- FMlKa1'3 at (bar 53330“: and ll3uallY l’1aVe 3 IalY1b0W a disturbing film about a wealthy . Everything ‘ « (800) 649-2437 or (802)863-2437. flag on the table. 8pm until we all go Atlanta community whose teens are BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2? Coffeehouse - WINOOSKI - The Book Rack and home’ FMI Barb ' d°zet°S@S°Vemet _°r 0‘/erwllelmed bl’ 55-‘X:Vl0le“Ce: Sexual Yo1anda's i=arewe11_ 7_-3opm_yo1anua W111 Children’s Pages— Pat Allen Morgan & 3888298‘ . S S . . ‘ disease and parental apathy. FMI: be. hosting the RU12 Coffeehouse at 777059 md0m,1l"r3b19rV9Tm0m W0m9l7- RICHMOND 7 OHM 5luffl“3- Come l°l“ l8O_2l 6550231; l8O2l 8789949 0‘ S Stone Soup on College Street in her final Learn about and discuss a cornucopia of MPM board rnernbers. staff. and other ola1r1oS@odelPl11a-not Svoymont hanahi say goodbye before she 9 Vermont women who have lived lives volunteers at the monthly Out In. The 1 heads off to the big city Admission $5 that earned them the title “indomitable.” Mountains Stuffing at the OITM office (more if you can, less if you Can”[’S you This popular event is rescheduled due to‘ above the Daily Bread in Richmond. Help worftbe turned away) S a snowstorm in March. 7pm at The Book get the paper ready for mailing out t CONCORDS NH . S N H h. Rack & Children’s Pages, Champlain Mill, our community while visiting with old I Men,S Chorus _ eviovgmpfifge :2: . #21, 1 Main St. FMI; (802) 655-0231, (802) friends or making new ones! The stuff Relationsh1'ps.r 7:30pm at V the Concord 8789949 or elame5@adelph1a'“et ' mg slalts at 5:30pm and lasts um“ we Unitarian - Universalist ‘Churclm 247 ‘ . ale fmlshe-d (usually 3 .hC.)ur5)' we pm .. Pleas_ant_ Street: Tickets can be ‘ordered I ' U I V t V \gg:C§§fi:_ so Cl£E:‘:til:;n@rnSéu:A:;i:‘ BURLINSGTON ,- R.U.1.2? - Questioning and . . ' A Coming Out Support Group; i6:30—8pm. ipndemedlamg °r .802S'434'6486-S I SSeeSThursday .10.lisSting forrmolre 'infofr- If ’ I l ‘ ...,. ¢.__._..—-¢..v