€..._m._.__¢.—~.—-—--—-——-—~ 4- 1 72001 Open House. 5-8pm at Chain /802-863-2437, kendall@vtcares.org [BURLINGTON — VTCARES - Recovery -Support Group for I-IiV+ Folks. 5:30p .' 1 living with HIV/AIDS who is in recovery TUESDAY 1 MONTPELIER - Genders R Us - Social/sup port Group for Transgender Folks. 6pm at TG North. Call before attending first time. FMI call 800-649-2437’ or 863-2437 WEDNESDAY 2 BURLINGTON - VT CARES - Champ Ride Reaction, 1 Lawson Lane, hosts prospec- tive riders. Register for the Ride, tour the cycling facility, sign up for free training rides, enjoy good company & refresh- ments. FMI: Kendall at 800-649-2437 fmav may 2001 OITM ° 27 To a_nr_iounce an event for our monthly calendanx e-mail it to caIendar@mountainpridemediaorg, or write us at: PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477. SATURDAY g . gender, questioriing, and allied youth ages 22 & Uri er Location: ‘X '5 Youth Space) . . 1”="l‘Z3.‘3””"1§ Center St.‘Entr ce ' BERKSHIRE — ried Green Tomatoes ~ Ongoing, confidential, open to anyone from drug and/or alcohol abuse. Peer run, based on the 12-step model. 361 Pearl St. (Vermont CARES office), 5:30pm."” - P . 8 a "DOTW Do”. lfiid you guess that means “Depends On Weather"? No matter what May coiéne, we will ‘gather for potluck and aztivities. Bring‘ you:r kite, V iust.._,,..,i.n,.,caSe:. FM 892: 8- sun mon lueirwed fl'lU|‘S Fri sai sAgru 12DAr NOR” FIELD? wo_w'=- izza ‘an ca ‘es Plan ing session. We'llio‘r erp A plan while we eat. Their, depend wEDuEsDAr BURLING N - HIV+ Suppcjart Group. L I ‘ i «.0 anyone living with HIV/AIDS 361 Pearl St. (vermoiit CARES office ’ ease call before attending first time, arrange alon Oh too. ' Bar Nite. At Crossroads‘ Bar, .8prr'1-1, Every second Saturday of _ _ directions e-mail dan@ tintheva. Please call before attending first time, or — to arrange for transportation or child- care. FMI: Kara at 800-649-2437 or 863- 2437, or Lee at 862-5447 THURSDAY 3 MIDDLEBURY — Addison County Social Group — Social Gathering. Everyone wel- come. We're usually downstairs in the bar section, and usually have a rainbow flag on the table. 8pm until we all go home. FMI Barb - dozetos@sover.net or 388-8298.. $'l' IOI-INSBURY - VT CARES - Volunteer Training. 5:30—8:30pm. Information and training sessions for folks interested in volunteering with Vermont CARES.vTwo— nights. FMI contact: Penni, Program Specialist, at 748-9061, vtcares5@sover.net 1 FRIDAY 4 BURLINGTON - Elder Art Program - Spring Art Show. 5-8pm. The Elder Art Programwill be showing the work of its members in a Spring Art Show at St. Paul's Cathedral, 2 Cherry St. The open- ing, which includes many of the artists, will be. part of the First Friday Trolley Series sponsored with Burlington City Arts. Light food will be served, with this event free and open to the public. FMI: 802-434-8155 BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont - Youth Planning Committee Meeting. 5:30- 6:45pm. All those who are 22 or under are invited to plan upcoming Outright activities and events. Also please bring any submissions for the ‘zine Reaching Out. Free Pizza 2nd &"4th Fridays of the . month. Location: XandO (Outright Vermont’s Youth Space) 109 S. Winooski Ave, Suite 207. Please use Center St. Entrance O BURLINGTON - CRONES - Women’s "Night at Pearl's. 6pm Meet at Pearl's for Women’s Night.‘ BURLINGTON — VGSA - Sip and Dine. Join VGSA members and friends for dinner out in Burlington. Meet at 135 Pearl at 6:30pm, then decide on where to dine out. BURLINGTON — Outright Vermont — Peer Social/Support Meeting Friday Night Group. 7-8:30pm. Free and confidential & is opento gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans- _ Contois Specialist, H ‘vtcares5@sover.net- i ,i _ it wAr1-:RsuRr- Chilt'ern_‘Bike Ride.v44~rnile_: _ bike ride‘in Mad River Valley,’sponsore:d . I . by1.Chiltern Mountain Club.» Rain date- byouree@toget r1er.net BURLINGTON: — The Book Rack and Childrenfs Pages - SARK & Eat Marigoes Naked: Finding Pleasure Everywhere and Dancing with the Pits. 7pm at the Auditorium, City ‘ I-lall, Burlington. Suggested donationi $5 to benefit the WRCC. Artist andbest-selling author SARK (Susan*Ariel Rainbow» Kennedy), known as the “wake-up fairy of creativity,” will bring her distinctive brand of audacious wisdom and practi- cal . magic ‘back to A Burlington. Autographing to follow, presentation..; Seating is first come, first" sea:ed, "so. ' come early! FMI: (802) 655-0231» (802) 6878-9949 or elaines@adelp_h_ia".net. L‘ sr JOHNSBURY-.-VT CARES _Volu_r1teer Training. Information andtraining ses- sions for folksinterested in volunteering with Vermont CARES. 'l‘wo-n_ights,‘5:30-I 8:30pm. FMI contact: Penni, Program 7 at. May 6'. 1 FMI?‘ Lew 3 Lasher, 25_3§s9_o_9 LewLasl'_1er@att.net.A ‘ - » - MONTPELIER - Avermont‘ Chapter"-'.of"the ‘ National Lesbian‘and' Gay Journalists Association - Social. and Networking Brunch. 11am at the Main ‘Street Grill. The only cost is the price of your meal. Please call 388-2735 or e-mail Barbara@abovefold.com to RSVP, so we are sure to have space for everyone. STOWE --Stowe Theatre Guild Auditions - Neil ' Simon's Rumors. 10am-5pm. Auditions at the Stowe Town Theatre, Main Street. This hilarious comedy about a dinner party gone horribly wrong calls for four women and five ‘men all between 35 and 50. Rehearsals beginluly 10th. The play will be directed by -Tom Carder. This performance is a non-musical. FMI: Barbara Pfitzenmayer (802) 253-2184. TUESDAY 8 BURLINGTON - Genders R US - Support Group. 6pm. Support groupfor transgen- der folks at Vermont CARES, 361 Pearl St. Call before attending first time. FMI: call - 800-649-2437 or 863-2437 N "(802)'878-9949 or elaines@adelphia.net‘ _ Coming Out i Support Group. 6:30-8pm. 14th Thursdays of the month at the Peace Afrégaei-of-,c,harge"_and co-facilitated "by sup Aportizve health‘ professionals and peers. - t¢r@m1_2-ors~- ~ , . . . ‘MIDDLEBURY. ~' Addison County’ Social , 1 748-9061, 'V*iifi6osKI_ - A __ , T. Ch’ildren’s¥,Pages' -:_Deborah Schenck & '-restored the gardens around. her: 19th- , BURLINGTON - Outright Vermont L Youth Navigating? the uarwin‘Straifi " . 7pm=at The Book‘ Rack &"Children’s Pages, 'Champlain Mill, #21, =1 Main St. The creator of such wonderful novels as Alma Rose and Nowle '5 Passihg presents her newest _novel. FMI: (802) 655-0231, Children's Pages _, _ ._ , Barbeque Road Show. $12-2pm at" he Book Rack & Children's Pages, Cham‘ 6 Mill, #21, 1 Main‘St.. Join; us for, N V A bequeon wheels with the River‘Rur1‘. , , f as they introduce their new coo. - noongandofferlotsof greatfree: .. _ , until 2pm. FMI:_(802) o55_o231, (802)-8 " 9949 or elaines@adelphia.net Q * —- S U N DAY 13 T . ‘BOSTON, _-‘ MOB New Erigland _ . Monthly Meeting. MOB New England ‘ 5 BDSM arid Kinkysocial orga.nizatioj_ women who play withwomen. Mon meetings in the :Boston area. BostonMo,b@aol.co‘m. Visit ourw at www.mobnewengland.org or. PO ox 790_, West Springfield, MA 0109 A ((6 "s9s1oo1x12o9; " _ it = _ - ~ _ BURLINGTON - Interweave-Potlu , it i sununcron -R.U.12 ?.-‘Questioning and New-group for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and questioning adults '23 and up! 2nd and &f Alustice 1. Center, ' 21 Church ‘St.,‘ Burlington. The group is open, ongoing, i=Mi;(so2)- 860-RU12 or email thecen. Socialcathering. Everyone. we a _ ‘ We'reV-usually,-downstairs..in thesl Service.—For GLBT‘-agnd-friends n’: _and'u_sually._have, araiinbo i secondfsunday -of iever‘y’7mo_ , theigtable. 8pm’ until we all go .;.‘FirsttUnitarian .Uniyersal1st..;S‘ iety, . F15/iI_.Barb - c_lozetos@sover , 1 Pearl ..Street - Services.‘ are fro‘ '_ = v ‘ ‘”~12pm, potluckat 12:30pm; Com fol ‘ service,Qthe‘potlu_cl<, or._—bqth! , - Bver..a.tf (802) 644298 . . Fern Ham.-‘A Yearin an,Artist§s Garden. I.3393-§°83FheW‘e5/"fir; _ I A V . 7pm_.'at*,Tlie_ Book Racl_