C0 26 ° OlTl"l may 2001 The AIDS Proieci of Souiliern Vermont The AIDS Project of Southern Vermont hosts its 14th annual Walk for Life on Saturday, May 19 beginning at 10 am at the Centre Congregational Church in downtown Brattleboro, Vermont. The Walk‘ follows the same course as last year, up Main Street and ending at the Town Common. At the finish, all Walkers will gather around the red maple tree planted at last year’s event and hear Al Robinson from IMANI Health Institute speak about HIV in communities of color in Vermont. The Program will also fea- ture live music, awards, and the reading of names to honor those we love who have died. Afterward the Project and its sponsors will provide lunch to all Walkers. At the conclusion of the cer- emonies, the AIDS Project will distribute flower seeds to all participants. As Susan Bell, executive director of the AIDS Project of Southern Vermont explains, “This year we wanted to remind ourselves of our capacity to grow as a commu- nity through our struggles with HIV and AIDS. The seeds are reminders of all we have yet to cultivate.” As in years past, the Project asks those who participate in the Walk to. seek sponsors for their effort. Donations from last year’s Walk exceeded $12,000. This year the Project hopes to raise over $15,000. Please join us and ask your friends to participate in helping us make a difference in the struggle against HIV and- AIDS. For pledge sheets or further information, call Michael Fannon at the Project office at 802-254-8263. We hope to see you at the Walk. Walk with us. Walk for Life. Faerie Camp Desiinv Following its annual meet- ing at the Dummerston Grange muniiv more realized eachlyear. Our gatherings are about camping (both kinds), spiritual renewal, political awareness, and sensu- ous awakening. Also, vegetar- ian meals, dancing and drum- ming in the moonlight, ecstatic ceremony, sweat lodges and an Hall in March, Faerie Camp Destiny announces its gather- ing calendar for the coming season. Our camping facilities are greatly improved, and we have a number of interesting events planned. A process running through those gatherings this summer will be to develop a master plan for the future of our Grafton paradise with particu- lar focus on water systems and forest management. Imagine a circle of radical faeries meet- ing with Act 250. You think that’s funny? We do too. Come and join us! We’re calling it: “2001: A Destiny Odysseys Summer Of The Master Plan” Walt Whitman Memorial Gathering May 25 - May 28_ Master Plan Part 1: Systems and Sustainability, Kitchen and Forest Policy Issues Destiny Players Workshop June 29-July 2 Performance Art Workshop & Creating of Ritual Theater Piece Based on Gilgamesh &- Enkidu. Preregister with hummer: 845-679-0081, hummer@hvi.net Governance Gathering July 6-8 More-Than-Annual Meeting Lammas Gathering August 1-5 Full Moon Master Plan Part II: Visualizing Residence I Sex Magick Workshop August 11-19 4 Sexual Healing with group facilitation. Preregister with Covelo 212- 691-0763, rcroon@mind- spring.com Fall Foliage Gathering October 5-8 Master Plan Part III —— Gratitude, field trip to Dummerston Apple Pie Festival Founded in 1994, our vision of Faerie sanctuary, a learning center for queer spirits and a resident community becomes Organizations from around the state are encouraged to provide descriptions of recent or upcoming activities and events. E-mail your submission to editor@mountainpridemedia.org occasional woodland costume parade. Destiny welcomes queer spirits of all genders unless specified in event mate- rials. Find out more! Find us in The Source, or visit www.FaerieCampDestiny.org llouniain Pride Media Mountain Pride Media would like to thank the Bennington Public Library for hosting our Green Mountain Tour stop for Bennington County on April 21. You can always find information on our Green Mountain Tour and other Mountain Pride Media events in the Mountain Pride Community Calendar, any issue of Out in the Mountains or on our website at www.mountainpridemedia.org. Mountain Pride Media would like to thank Dan, Bruce, Mack, Jim, Jenn, Greg, I Stina, Nick, Matthew, Bennett, ‘Stephen, and Dustin for stop- ping in to help with the April issue mailing. Our June issue Mailing Night is scheduled for Thursday, May 31 from Sish to 8ish at our office in Richmond, Vermont (above the Daily Bread). Please join us if you can and help get Out in the Mountains out into the com- munity. - We are still seeking a volun- teer to deliver packaged copies of OIT M to the Richmond Post Office on the Friday a or Saturday following the stuff- ing. If you are interested in helping out with the distribu- tion or want to let us know you are coming on the 31st, send us an I e-mail at circulation@mountainpride- media.org. For more opportunities to get involved check out our vol- unteer page at www.mountain- pridemedia.org. The next issue of Out in the Mountains will be the June “Pride Issue.” This is a great time to advertise with us. The advertising reservation dead- line for the June issue is 5/18/01. Contact us today at 802-434-5237 or ads@moun- tainpridemedia.org. ' If you haven’t checked out www.mountainpridemedia.org lately you should. We continue to add issues to the Out in the Mountains archive, and we recently posted the results for the Readership Survey con- ducted in October 2000. The members of MPM’s Board of Directors send heart- felt congratulations to fellow Board member Richard Slappey and his partner Jim who werejoined in Civil Union in April. llaiional lesbian and Gay Journalists Association ‘ Members of the New England Chapter of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association gath- ered for dinner in Hartford, CT on April 7 during the National Writers Workshop. Individual chapters are forming in Connecticut, Vermont and the Boston area so we. can focus locally and expand our mem- bership, but we’ll maintain the regional connection for sup- port. Vermonters met on April 15 in Middlebury for a social brunch and will be getting together again on May 6 at the Main Street Grill in Montpelier. Please check the OITM Calendar for details on events and the Source Professional listings for con- tact information. The‘NLGJA works within the news industry to foster fair and accurate coverage of les- bian and gay issues and oppos- es newsroom bias against gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgen- der people and all other minori- ties. The national organiza- tion’s website is www.nlgja.org. Anyone who supports the mission of NLGJA is invited to attend events or join the organization. Pride VT The 4th annual Silent Auction to benefit. Pride VT is slated for Sunday, May 6 at Jeff’s Maine Seafood in St. Albans. A donation at the door will get you in for a buffet of tasty culinary delights, live musical entertainment, grip- ping social interaction, and of course, the chance to bid on a wide array of goods and servic- es. If you would like to donate something for the evening, and we haven’t contacted you, please get in touch with Tracy Kommons at 802-864-3455 or Eric Cross at 802-658-0061. Thank you to everyone who has already filled out the Pride VT “A Family Reunion” sur- veys. Your responses are spark- ing enthusiasm and more ideas for June’s 30 Days events. We look forward to hearing from as many voices as create our community. And if you have a superb idea for an educational. enlightening, spiritual or fun event for the 30 Days of Pride. please get in touch with one of the committee members below. Pride continues its assault on the Yankee Lanes record books on Wednesday, May 2, though we’re still not sure if consecutive gutter balls really constitutes a real “record.” Meet us at Yankee Lanes, 17 Mountain View Drive, Colchester (Ex.16, 1-89). All ages are welcome beginning at . 9 pm, going until 11. A portion of the $12 shoe and >3-game charge goes to benefit Pride VT. Contact Kenny Hirschmann for more informa- . tion at 802-288-1588. . If you find yourself at Womyn’s Night at 135 Pearl Friday, May 4, look for Mary Abar and Rose Duffy graceful- ly conducting a 50/50 raffle. It’s Zingo at 135 Pearl every Tuesday, starting at 8 pm until the Waterfront Festival in June. The proceeds of Lady Zeno’s evenings are going ‘gaily for- ward’ into June’s activities and Festival (that’s June 16). Keep an eye out for the smiling rain- bow alongside Lady Zeno’s enticing yet ambiguous cue cards. “Oh - sixty-ni...” Pride VT will be having 2 meetings in May, both on Tuesday, May 8 and 22, from '7 to 9 pm at the McClure Multi- Generational Center, 241 N. Winooski St., Burlington. Any I and all are encouraged to come out and lend their ideas to the planning process. For more information, please contact Brian Cina at 802-859-9238. -. 7.