22 ' OlTl"l may 2001 Vermont Stage Company Presents “New” Shakespeare Play How fitting that on April 25, when William Shakespeare makes his debut [at Burlington’s newest perform- ance venue, FlynnSpace, it will be with his newest hit play, Shakespeare 3 R & J. And how appropriate that Vermont Stage, resident pro- fessional company at the Flynn Center, has hired Angie Mclver-Flynn of the National Shakespeare Company to direct this Off-Broadway adap- tation of the world’s most enduring love story. “I’ve directed Romeo and Julietfour times,” says Flynn- Mclver, a regular part of Vermont Stage Company’s a full service salon I508 Churth St - 802.864.2088 Vermont Iiav Men's chorus "ll lineal Minoritv" Mali concert Ilates: Come and enjoy "A Vocal Minority" on the following dates and places... I ‘ When? Friday, May 4, 2001 What time? 7:30 PM Where? Saint Johnsbury Unitarian Universalist Church on ~ Cherry Street When? Sunday May 6, 2001 What time? 4:00 PM Where? Montpelier Unitarian Universalist Church on Main Street When? Sunday May 20, 2001 What time?’ 3:00 PM Where? Hartland Four Corners’ Universalist Church in Hartland Four Comers VT. Admission by Donations at the door - A $25.00 membership fee will give you admission to our 2001 concert series! 802-633-2389 Email robnyves@together.net Young Playwrights Festival. “Now I have a chance to put all that experience into this dynamic re-imagining of the play.” Set in a "contemporary Catholic boys school, Joe Calarco’s Shakespeare is R & J introduces us to. four young men immersed in catechism and Latin. When one of the boys reveals a forbidden text of Romeo and Juliet, they aban- don their studies for a clandes- tine journey into the world of Shakespeare’s ill-fated lovers. Hesitantly at first, then with increased abandon, each boy takes on several roles, acting out the famous story, from its first stolen kiss to its inevitable tragic ending. “Many people know Romeo 9 and Juliet from the movies,” the director points out, “some from high school reading. With Shakespeares R & J, we get the power of the original story and the beauty of its language, mixed with the rumblings and fumblings of contemporary youth. Calarco has found a way to make Shakespeare new, without sacrificing the magic or the majesty.” Burlington has a long love affair with Shakespeare. For twenty years, the nationally known Champlain Shakespeare Festival thrived at the University of Vermont’s Royall Tyler Theatre. In 1996, Vermont Stage resurrected pro- fessional Shakespeare at Royall Tyler with a Bessie award-winning production of Much Ado About Nothing. The company followed with Othello, A Midsummer Nights Dream, and the celebrated pro- duction of The Tempest, featur- ing , Burlington’s Taiko Drummers. “We’ve always had a com- mitment to the classics,” says VSC Artistic Director, Mark Nash. . “Whether it’s Shakespeare, or Tartuffe, or a “contempo- rary” classic like Amadeus, we’ve always dedicated a part of each season to period plays with heightened language, plays that celebrate theatre as a spectacle.” No doubt that long-term commitment came in part from VSC Founding Artistic Director, Blake Robison, who left Vermont Stage in 1998 to direct the National Shakespeare Company in New York City. It was there that Robison met director Angie Flynn-Mclver, who will be making her Vermont debut with Shakespeare is R&J. and isolate bags‘ of pregnancy and hiv and insulated from the human condition hurt with lust kill with satisfaction embalmed in? polymerize solidify in anger and hate in dazed euphoria? or salty and anarchistic in sewers flowing floating inside latex? SOCIAL SHR|Nl<—WRAP plastic diaphragms and latex condoms these flexible polymers insulate" we wrap ourselves in these garbage of different size and shapes protecting ourselves from the baggage i believed them only suited to sex but everyday i see people isolated they hate without remorse what polymers are they wrapped in? links of prejudice, ignorance, and apathy society is shrink—wrapped where is our humanity? Justin Barton—Caplin lg’ U Pie-in-the-Sky Far In Bed & «Breakfast Dwinell Road Marshfield, VT 05658 (802) 426-3777 fax: 1-802-426-4090 welcome@p_-ieins|_(y.com www. ieins .CO [Tl Come celebrate your Civil Union or other special event with us at Pie-in- the-Sky -- a quiet country retreat outside of Montpelier, Vermont. Suite or room available by reservation for the day, week, or weekend.