Most recently a fundraiser for a faith—based program on aging in Milwaukee, Evertz has also worked for a Catholic AIDS ministry and advised then—Governor Tommy Thompson on HIV/AIDS pol- icy. Both Smith and Johnson are concerned, however, about the contradictory message delivered in the preliminary numbers from Bush’s detailed budget proposal. “They are flat-funding Ryan White and making drastic cuts in pro- grams that provide medical coverage to the uninsured and under-insured,” said Johnson. Smith said his organization will work with Congress through the appropriations process to get the funding lev- els raised, as they have had to in the past. The Evertz appointment has effectively ended the Bush’s honeymoon in the eyes of socially conservative groups who were key in his election. ' Rightwing leaders say they are- angry and so are many of the voters who will be impor- tant to the Republican Party in House and Senate races in 2002, according to a report in the Washington Post. Moreover, they’re worried that this could lead to more objectionable appointments. “This is another case of Republicans trying to ingrati- ate themselves with natural opponents, and a thumb in the eye of supporters,” Richard Lessner of the Family Research Council (FRC) told the Post. “President Bush may think the Log Cabin Republicans delivered him the election. If that is the case, he is sorely deluded.” “While the Bush "adminis- , HOENIX RlSlNG * spirited jewelry it gifts * gallery ' Republican continued from page two tration may see the Evertz selection as a conciliatory effort towards homosexual activists, it is creating confu- sion and frustration for mil- lions of pro-family, social conservatives,” Dr. James Dobson said in an FRC state- ment. “I hope the White House will reconsider the potentially harmful message it is sending Americans regard- ing the issue of homosexuali- W-” “We are very concerned about the fact that he is an activist — that he opposes the Boy Scouts, supports homo- sexual marriage — all the homosexual agenda,” the Rev. Louis P. Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition told the Post. “Evertz’s whole approach is homosexuality is a viable life alternative.” The White House, he said, is the ultimate spot for visibility. “We don’t want this to become the leak in the dike.” Bush has still not addressed the issue himself, but his spokespeople insist Evertz was chosen because he was the best person for the job and his sexual orientation had nothing to do with the deci- sion. Openly gay former Wisconsin representative and Bush supporter Steve Gunderson responded to the religious organizations’ objec- tions in an interview with the Post. “We ought to cut to the chase: Is the real reason they are opposed is that they don’t want anyonewho is openly gay serving in a Republican administration?” ' A woman is like a teabag. You never know how strong she is until she getsinto hot water. open 7 days -Eleanor Roosevelt 34 state slreet*monlpelier, vl 05602 802.229.0522 lFoUR SiEAsoNs CAKE DiEsiGN CUSTOM W/EDDING AND PARTY CAKES -,1? Over 10_years of professional experience, using quality organic ingredients. Visit us at: wwwfourseasorzsca/eedeszgn. com l§Cll’»l?RT E. 5li\.ll’5(-3‘: - 803 338.9755 /r/pr‘/>4/V /. i '.l.BTa2gtI/11:41: 'z:;'.u 4% may 2001 OlTl"l ' 7 House Votes to Repeal Anti-Gay Death Tax WASHINGTON—The Republican-led House of Representatives voted to repeal the federal estate tax — known as the death tax — mov- ing a step closer to lifting a heavy, discriminatory burden on gay and lesbian families across the country. ' “This is a major step for- ward in something positive and tangible for gay and les- bian Americans everywhere,” said Rich Tafel, executive director of Log Cabin Republicans. “Until we. repeal this discriminatory tax, gay Americans will continue to face hardship and possible bankruptcy at the moment of greatest need — when a loved one dies.” The bill, HR 8, which repeals the tax over 10 years, passed the House on a vote of 274-154. While 215 Republicans voted for repeal and were joined by 58 Democrats and one independ- ent, another 150 Democrats voted with 3 Republicans and one independent to keep the tax in place. Under current federal tax law, when a gay or lesbian spouse dies, his or her estate is 5 taxed at a rate of up to 55% before it is passed on to the surviving spouse. When the second spouse remaining estate is taxed again up to 55% before it can be passed on to any children. idies, the“ Because gay‘ and lesbian couples have no marital bene- fits or exemptions under cur- rent law, they must assemble expensive wills and estate plans to ensure a spouse and family are protected in case of death. The death tax is an added burden which can wipe out savings and pensions and force the immediate sale of a home or closure of a small business. Democratic alterna- tives which would raise the threshold for the tax would be cancelled out by inflation — in less than a decade by some estimates — leaving millions of people vulnerable again to the devastating effects of the tax within a few years. “This isn’t about the David Geffens of the world, it’s about average gay and lesbian Americans who deserve fair- ness,” Tafel said. “If you’re a lesbian couple that owns your own home and runs a small business as your sole source of income, this is about you. If you’re an elderly gay couple with two homes and retire- ment savings, this is about “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” For over 10 years, Cloud 9 Caterers has been bringing creative, customized menus to the table. Cloud 9 boasts an extensive variety of signature menu items that take advantage of produce unique to Vermont. We also feature lavish custom cakes and desserts created by our Pastry Chef,‘ Patty Berringer. I Whetherithe event you’re planning is a civil celebration for 300, or dinner for 6., Sarah Moran at Cloud 9 Caterers: Phone (802) 655-7370 Fax (802) 655-7765 Email you. If you’re a 30 year-old ‘ lesbian or gay man who start- ed contributing to your 401(k) at age 22, and you plan on owning a home and having a family with your partner, this is about you.” “This discriminatory tax makes the lack of equal bene- fits ‘for gay couples even worse,” Tafel said. “Death should not be a basis for taxin-g anyone. We are committed to this issue, not only to end dis- crimination in the short term, but to protect generations of gay and lesbian families to come.” Log Cabin Republicans is the nation's largest gay Republican organization, with state and local chapters nationwide, a full-time, Washington office and a feder- al political action committee. -Virginia Woolf CLOUD 9 CATERERS VERMONT Sarah Harrington, a Realtor dedicated to our community! - Mountain Pride Media - Board Member ’99, ’00 ’ - Pride Committee — Silent Auction ’98, ’99, ’00 - RainbowiBusiness Association - President ’98 Call Sarah if you’re buying or selling your home. RVMK North Professionals Fxhullltfuu-HIWIIFI y0vmJzn-IDPIIIIAI 553 Roosevelt Highway, Colchester. VT 05446 (802)655-3333 X30