established in A1986 EDITOR IN CHIEF editor@mountainpridemediaorg ART DIRECTOR ’ - Jason Whipple ‘ Stephanie Siebert ARTS EDITOR COPY EDITORS NEWS EDITOR CLASSIFIEDS CALENDAR calendar@mou SOURCE EDITOR source@mountainpridemediaorg:-< Larissa Thompson Sandy Reeks Sandy Reeks Carolyn Ashby Euan Bear & Jason Whipple Chuck Franklin CONTRIBUTORS: Sam Abel-Palmer, Justin Barton—Caplin, Alison Bechdel, Crow Cohen, Barbara Dozetos, The Rev. Jane ; Dwinell, Charlie Emond, Chuck Franklin, Robert Kirby, Ernie McLeod, Joel Nichols, Eric Orner, Pat Robinson, Dennis Scott- Bush, Larissa Thompson, Jon White, Jade Wolfe AD VER TI5/NG MA NA GER NA T/ONAL AD VERT/S/N6 REPRESENTATIVE Rivendell Marketing Company, Inc 2l2-242-6863 Jim Petrie l802l 434-5237 MOUNTAIN Pianos MEDIA some or omecrons ii-nunliiin l*'l'l«lii .\i~.-xilzi Euan Bear, Dan Brink, Cecelia Burnett, Brian Cote, Pam Kinniburgh, Bennett Law, Kevin McAteer, Ernest McLeod, Roland Palmer, Jim Petrle, Carrie Rampp, Richgrd Slappey Out in the Mountains was founded in 1986 with start-up money from the Haymarket People/s Fund. Mountain Pride Media's current funding sources include the Chicago I Resource Center, Green Mountain Fund for Popular Struggle, Gill Foundation, Haymarket People's Fund, Physicians Computer Company, Samara Foundation of Vermont, and‘ individual private donations. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE , I The purpose of Out in the Mountains is to serve as a .voice for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgendered people, and our supporters in Vermont. We wish the newspaper to be a source of information, insight, and affirmation. _We also see OITM as" a vehicle for the celebration of the culture and diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered communities here in Vermont and elsewhere. EDITORIAL POLICY We will consider for publication any material which broadens our understanding of our lifestyles and of each other.’ Views and opinions appearing in the paper do not necessarily rep- resent those of Out in the Mountains. This paper cannot and ' will notendorse any candidates or actions of public. officials ' on issues of importance to’ lesbians, gaymen, bisexuals, and \ transgendered persons. We reserve the right not to publish any material deemed to be overtly racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, V ageist, classist, xenophobic, or homophobic.Writers' guide- lines are available on request. All materials submitted must b include a name and a contact number-. However, within the pages of the newspaper, articles may appear anonymously upon request, and strict confidentially will be observed. Out in the Mountains lISSN 1081-5562) is published on the last Thursday of each month by/Mountain Pride Media, Inc. it is printed by BD Press. The papermaintains offices at 39 Bridge Street in Richmond, Vermont. The subscription rate is $23 per year within the United States of America. ©2000, Out in the Mountains ’ Out in the Mountains PO Box 1078 ‘ Richmond VT 05477-1078» TEL (802)‘434-OITM FAX (802) 434-7046 is updated to includyeathe current issue of 0/TM, generally by the loth of each month. O/TM is available in alternative formats upon request.“ » may 2001 OlTl‘1 - 5 All letters must be accompanied by a verifiable name - and address to be considered for publication. We will Letters withhold names from printing upon request, We reserve the right to edit for space and clarity. Send your letter to PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477, or e-mail it to editor mountainpridemediaorg Kudos l I have been an avid reader of Out in the Mountains for many years now. Never before have I felt like I wanted to be so active in our community. I enjoyed reading last month’s paper and loved the. changes to nearly everything. I feel the paper now has depth and caring that I haven’t wit- nessed in the past. Not to say that past editors haven’t done a ‘good job, not at all, they have done an exceptional job. I, as a reader, love the variety that each editor brings to OIT M As a writer, I can tell that there is a new direction that this is heading in — one of feel- ing and caring. I think those two variables are often missed in a gay society where we are often competing with one another. ' So, I applaud your changes and hope the rest of the com- munity will agree that there is a fresh new wave of talent just around the bend, and we are lucky to have Jason Whipple as Editor-in—chief of our primary newspaper. On another note, I just want- ed to tell you that, in a fit of cabin-fever, my friend Matthew and I went up to Richmond to help with the monthly stuffing festivities and had a blast. It takes a lot to get us going, but Bennett Law proved to be up to the task. Thank you Bennett for making us laugh heartily. To the readers, Ijust want to tell you that this twenty-some- thing will be going back for more, and you should really consider getting up to Richmond for a stuffing party because not only do you leave with a sense of Pride, but with a renewed sense of humor. You guys are. great up there. Keep up the excellence. Nicholas T. Bania Randolph, VT Kudos ll Naked Curiosity is fucking amazing! I have been so secret about all the wild action that gets me off, but I’ve started telling some of my friends and they have been great about it. Your editorals have been. great, too. You and the writer of Naked Curiosity oughtta be boyfriends. Keep it up. John From the Editor.‘ T hank you, Nicholas and John. I was once told that this was a thankless job, but that has not been my experience so far. At times, it does feel as if I am working in a vaccuum, but I appreciate being reminded that people do indeed read Out in the Mountains. As for the boyfriend com- ment, John, you’ll see from Denniss column this month that he is happily married to ' his partner, Martin. And at this point in production while writ- ing this, Bradley will be home -in seven days. Yet, circumstances aside, Dennis and I have certainly had our share of flirtatious fun on certain Sunday mornings. The Not-So-Kudos I cannot believe that your newspaper devotes so much time and energy to promote an abnormal, deviant lifestyle when we have so many dire needs and important issues fac- ing the country today.... It totally amazes me and others that homosexuality is consid- ered such an important issue.... Frank Correction In the April-issue of OITM, Anya Raven Hunter presented an eloquent article called Living the Questions. The chakra graphic we used, unfor- tunately, did not line up with the text that Anya presented. We apologize to Anya, and to any readers who were confused by our error. lOll\l OUTRICHT VERMONT AND CLUB YOUTEI PRIDE 2001 “'72 tilxweiiiltt ..§2tlr.01it Allftallltl o :4: room All Youth Pride 2001 events are open to anyone of any age. We are particularly welcoming and affirming of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Questioning and Allied youth, ages 22 and under. We ask for a $5 donation to attend the Youth Pride P_rom. More if you ‘can, less if you can't. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. SATURDAY, MAY 5 3:30pm §peah Out: Be Proud, lBe Loud, Be Fabulous _ Gather at Burlington City Hall, Corner of Church and‘ Main 5:00pm ‘Youth on Parade: Take Our message of justice into the Streets 7:00pm ‘Youth Pride Prom: Once upon a Time Come as your favorite fairy tale character! Memorial Auditorium Annex, 50. Union and Main Streets YOUTH SPEAK OUT FOR IN FO: OUTRIGHT VERMONT AT 1-800-GLB-CHAT or CLUB voum SPEAK OUT AT (302) 865-7178 Civi|UnionGuic| -I1} R Lodging’ - Caterers - Florists I ClerQY Ceremony Sites - Photographers in Musicians Civil Union Guide Vermont’s Comprehensive