z-. . _r 4- OlTl‘1 may 2001 Benae Franklin awfirv Graig; swag; Mnnday—Saturday 9-9 Sunday 11-5 518 Shelbume Road Next to Mall 189 862-0846 www.bentrank|in.baweb.cum I Get discounts join our craft club S O m Cl V I" Cl Foundation ol Vermont u. Our l\;zl,Issio_n.— The Samara Foundatio.n,.\,.9.[Vermont is a charitable foundation whose mission is to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities today and build an endowment for tomorrow. How To ‘Contact Us; _ 90 main street ' V ' " ‘ ' p.o. box 1263 burlington, Vermont 05402-1263 p. 802-860-6236 A f. 802-860-6315 ~ int_o@samarafoundation.org www.sarnarafoundation,org , New Business Network Unveiled In an effort to revive the now defunct association of gay-owned and gay-friendly businesses, promotions spe- cialist, Nick Bania, has taken up_the.reigns of the newly formed Rainbow Business Network. . The network, which is'based in Vermont, seeks to serve as a central business organization for the state’s gay-friendly businesses. Bania, who in the past has been a member of the Rainbow Business Association and worked with Manchester and the Mountains Chamber of Commerce to promote busi- nesses and tourism in the area, is confidant that an organiza- tion is needed to bring gay- owned and gay—friendly busi- ness people together to pro- mote new business and work with one another on a broad based level. _ “I thought of this when I found out from a friend of mine that RBA had shut down. I was stunned that such a thing could happen in our communi- ty because of the need for the organization. Considering recent events in Montpelier, I now realize the importance of a unified business organization representing our community’s interest.” Bania stated that the focus of this organization would be to promote all of the members equally and to concentrate on ways to improve “who we are” and expand outward to lead the community’s business inter- ests. ' The Rainbow Business Network can be contacted by writing to’ rbn@lyc0s.c0m or nickbania@lyc0s.com, RBN c/o Nick Bania PO Box 104 Randolph, VT 05.060, or by calling 802- 728-0085. Civil Unions continued “Leave well enough alone. Your lawyer, as the attorney general, says we’ll defend (civil unions). We think we’ll win.” Flory’s proposal also would get rid of the requirements that civil unions need to be certified and licensed, similar to the way marriages are solemnized and licensed. Partnerships would be registered with the Health Department and would be treated similar to a contract. Her proposal also would alter the way the partnerships are dissolved, eliminating the need for them to go through divorce proceedings in Family Court. Griffin said all of those pro- visions were problematic under the Vermont Supreme Court’s from page one ruling in the Baker case. One of the central principles on which the civil unions law was based was that it had to be a “mirror image of the mar- riage statute,” Griffin said. That’s why civil union licenses have to be issued by town clerks, the unions have to be “certified” by justices of the peace or members of the cler- gy, and their breakups have to be handled like divorces in Family Court. _ Peter Teachout, a constitu- tional law professor at Vermont ‘Law School, said all of those could subject the proposal to constitutional challenges under’ the Baker decision because they stray from marriage law. “I begin to see some differ- www.condoguy.com RVMK North Prfessionals (802) 655-3333 EXT. 17 (800) 639-4520 EXT. 17 ential treatment,” Teachout said. “I think there’s a greater‘ likelihood this legislation would be challenged.” None of that appears to mat- ter much to the staunchest opponents of civil unions. Five members of the Judiciary Committee appear to be com- mitted to supporting Flory’s bill, in large part because it would present an opportunity to amend the proposal on the 3, floor and simply repeal civil unions without offering a replacement. Rep. Sylvia Kennedy, R- Chelsea, believes the voters who elected her wanted the civil unions law repealed and they don’t want to replace it p with anything, regardless of the court’s ruling. “There doesn’t seem to be much sense to putting a bill like this out,” Kennedy said of Flory’s proposal. “I feel strongly that we need to make a move (toward repeal). I need to pay attention to what my people said.” Reason #8 1g; Should Subscribe. To Out In The Mountains... It just keeps getting better and better! Enjoy the convenience of delivery to your mailbox (in_an envelope). Support your community newspaper today! Subscription Total Additional Donation Your name Address Cl’fY State Zip Email Phone Cl 2 years ($39) CI 1 year ($23). Cl low income ($12) Total Enclosed Make checks payable to: Mountain Pride Media P.O. Box 1078 Richmond, VT 05477