to do more of them. _at 888-859-5136 (to.ll—free). 0 Then call The Sound Factory .Vermont’s gay, lesbian, bisexu- Curbsider a joy for me to participate in these events, and I would like ,I am OII HOIIIDI © 1"" ROBERT KIRBY t 'de f happy 0 provi re erences PHONE CALL. ®R£w HA5 Keoeveo A MOST uM€xre<:rr—:D from couples I’ve worked with. I also have an all—faith, New Thought church fellowship, The Life Enrichment Center, that has Sunday services in Manchester, VT and welcomes everyone. Any information will be appreciated. Contact Dr. Richard P. (Dick) Caldwell I Dou"r Know THAT WE HAVE ANYTHIMG TD TALK /\Bou T, NA11-iAN. I'D SAY we've 601’ T e H 3 To TALK ou1'. (04/01) NHATT‘/A MEAN? YOU'RE Movmic, ANAY ACRDSS THE _ _— - COUN1-RY NEXT V Disc Jockey Service. Need a DJ for your Civil Union ceremony or party celebration? LEAVE ‘T “T THAT: ° K ? _J.J Company! We are one of Vermont’s only gay owned and operated DJ services, with over 10 years of experience. The Sound Factory is very excited and motivated to serve DR€i~i..’~3‘us1' Meer ME TO’ MoP.Rov~I, oiIDN'1'.’ april 2001 OlTl;”1 - 35 by Robert Kirby ‘I Miss YOU. I WANNA SEE r\‘ V Web Design. Need someone to create, update or maintain your website? Reasonable rates. Free initial consultation. Call Mack at 802.482.7000 or email at (06/Ol) ‘Raw HAS AGREED -ro MEET up win-i NATHAN FOR cor-i=ee,A~1>To "TALK." ,/" ‘ Z’ ‘r, I worsoetz wt-iA-r WHY ow 1: A6i>.ee—ro1-His? _, v IJM Such A PU$HoV£R.. KEVIN, 1: NA: wi-ri-i HiM Foo. oxiewcrwo YEARS. MIND Youfl. - O wnl G oov AHMED ’ I'M scam, Izrusr HA-is SEEING You SE‘rY°UR- TI-us is So S1'uPiD...I WAS F€eLiNG PRETTY Goo!) BE- Foke ‘n-nA-r Pi-1 one C». LL. .. Now t NATHAN WERE Do in G THE AVOID - WHAT IF’ NA1-i-iA~’s STlLLIN'LOV€ Q wiTH M€....NouLDN'T THAT BE . A K|CK N THE HEAD... WHAT n= HE saw: THIS vJHOl_—€ THING HAS SEEN A BIG MlsTAi