‘ E-mail your .LGBT Parents - classified ad to Classified ads are offered free of charge to all individuals, but donations are certainly accepted. Businesses and commercial interests are asked to pay $15 a month for each classified ad up to 100 words. To run a classified ad, we must have your full name, address, and phone number. . All information will be kept confidential. classifieds@mountainpridemediaorg; send it to PO E>ox1078, Richmond, VT 05477; or fax it to 802-434-7046. Please indicate the number of months you would like the ad to run. Make checks- payable to Mountain Pride Media. We reserve the right to refuse ads. Place or respond to an ad at your own risk. Help Wanted - Paid Positions V Camp for Kids with Mountain Meadow Summer Camp. Two- week__ overnight camp in New Jersey. Need staff. People of color and men especially encouraged to apply. Staff applications to Karen Miller, 1521 Hubbard Ave. #5, Detroit, Michigan 48209, 313-843- 6854. Spaces also available for campers. For more info, visit our web site at vvww.mountain- meadow.org or e-mail . at inquiries@mountainmeadow.o rg. (04/01) V Breast Cancer Research — participants needed. Earn $20 for a 1.5 hour phone interview. Funded by the Susan G. Breast Cancer Komen Foundation, we are conducting 90 minute phone interviews to assess the experiences of les- bian and heterosexual women who have had breast cancer in the last 5 years. For more information, please contact Patty Delaney at pattyd@howardbrown.org or call toll-free 877-897-2777 to schedule an interview. (04/01) V Mountain Pride Media has numerous opportunities for individuals who are looking to get involved with a local GLBTQ organization. You do make a difference! FMI: e-mail mpm@mountainpridemedia.or g or check our Volunteer Page at wvvw.mountainpridemedia.org. (12/01) V Looking to make some extra money? ‘Mountain Pride Dykcs Towatch Outfor byA1ison Bechdel CHOWDEBHEAD Media is looking for part and full-time Advertising Sales Reps to sell advertising for our monthly newspaper, Out In The Mountains, and our web site, www.mountainpridemedia.org. Monthly expense stipend and commissions paid. Contact us today for more information. 802-434-5237 or ads@moun- tainpridemedia.org. (12/01) Help Wanted - Voluntary Positions V If you’ve ever been upset that most medical research does not even consider lesbian health, here is a chance to help change that. Lesbian volun- teers over 35 years with no per- sonal history of breast or cer- vical cancer are needed now for a Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center research proj- ect, which can be completed anonymously and in the priva- cy of your own home. The pur- pose of this study is to explore breast and cervical cancer risk factors and the presence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) among rural lesbian women. These findings will be com- pared with the findings of rural GOOD LORD . COULD THAT POSSIN-Y HAVE B294 AN ACTUAL ROMANTIC PROSPECT? o, 3'u5r-me won»! I CARPOOL with 1?: BUFFALO IAIAI2Izow's Ar YOGA, 9TUART5SPIN- ' TAKE ME ou1'—ro DINNER AND TELL ma AL ABOUT . PERFECT. I SHOULDA BEEN A wk of D CLAWS 5C\J‘FrLlNG ACROSS ’THE FLOORS . 0F sruam SEAS. april 2001 01TH - 33 lassifieds ‘straight’ women. Women who are interested in participating in this study should contact Kazuyo Masuda, Dr. Harper’s research assistant, at 603-650- 2807, Norris Cotton Cancer Center, 1 Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH 03756, or e-mail: kazuyo.masuda@dart- mouth~.edu to request a kit. If you prefer a more confidential option, you may request the packet from the Amel‘ia’s les- bian group by calling their info line at 603-863-1784 or e-mail- ing them ‘at aufs@quest- net.com. (04/01) V The Vermont Rainbow Connection Television pro- gram is looking for some help from community members interested in making a differ- ence and volunteering a few hours a month. We need some- one who is interested in updat- ing our web page monthly, someone interested in obtain- ing field footage, and a couple of people wanting to do “in- studio” work. If you are inter- ’ ested in joining our “Rainbow Corinection” crew, please call Sharon at 802-849-2739 or e- mail: lavender@together.net If you are sincere and can volun- oH. GIVE ‘EM Au. GENrL£ME~': C‘; AND BE Dom: wI1‘H IT. oII1G£R.‘l14£7'LI. snow uP'r2>B£ PRESIDENT IGET A FREE MEAL GOD. H;»/ CLASSIC IS THAT: P/NING AFTER A MARRIED WOW” I vbuLDN"|’ KNOW WI-lA1”lD DO WITH AN AVAILABLE PERSON IF ’ AND even Asxumwe Tuskfg azzyggsr LEFTT ‘MEET LOOK AT . I GET/mg: ’ no zveay I>Ay,r PM or! A HOPELESS DONBM/AKD SPIRAL, N30/“ED To SL136 THROUGH LIFE. ALONE AND _ ,_A,_ . __ 2 SPINSTER.’ °H,V£ JHE IS‘. comure. TEACH. 5:1 lN DEPARF BR, 6 HER A MENT MEETINGS» GRADE IWERS - commute A6AlN. GRADE MORE PAPERS, wi-l£N Dot HAv£’l7ME Kw 'FoNI<:,u1's .Soul> IS A LICHEE Nut cHovID£Q WITH _ PICKLED SEA VEGETABLES. CAN ‘ x I GET You A DRINK WHILE . yourze DECIDING? 3'UlCE on ‘I7-lE HOUSE-YOU LaoI< LIKE >00 cc>uLD USE SOME BIG 'I’uReEN or _ g r cm-zazrue UP. * - '_« THAT CHowPEK - r 4. _ AND Pouizr-r — IN HER LAP. Zrgb iv‘ {- * 1 . ;_%:,.fl//I///In / ‘ iifiriii "‘ ‘ .. '. ['5 r t/. . - S K _ , I _ you STARTED IooI<’ —r-us lSN'f easy K ’7FlA'l"S ‘mew WHY ARE you worzIrI‘=G HAl?Hli:M-lfi’)l-OI.’- SHE WHAT 5 “SCENE ’ “A GETQENG Ir MUST earns AuzEA4>v? ww l-‘OR ~16. snack. r DorJ"r ‘THE W A women‘: BOOKS ? ‘THE NEW oPrzAH PICK A WV W”? Hf; TES1'oS1'El2nNE l)lDN’T you wmr mu-Io cmweg _r WHOLE Av: )'oU'rDLl> a1zAwAyI2T'P Puausnzrz 5A ’ 0 ICE. . . T ran. ME 2 r we you me my POIIJT.’ oamze you GONG 1:; IA/A17" ouyz _ _ I I “ WW ’::_,» YOU ARE,’ THIS IS :---- r It 4 is _ ~- — _ _ l l l ,,,' / W ‘ I. _-.1; " " ’ v . , 5 ,, V,/ \ , . ‘ l , , 6 < , ' ' , I , - ,7? 4 1‘ /, l‘ E "rr (’@< * 1’ L, ‘ / ' ‘ ' -éx A \‘ :rEz.ArJI~IA?IT's “ME HUNH. BANK RETURNING: TAKE 11455: T TO MY DAD. writ you ? o1_D FOOL WATCHES HIS WIFE DIE or CANCER. THEN REFUSESTD GET A PRos1’ATE EXAM. _ 5w "4 -me CAI-Lt. I‘LI GE1 SM 30 K5 Tb TELLME 5OME1’HlNG. wiry’; A You E o youm; FELLA LIKE >bU wAI~n"ru WORK IN A LADIES’ BooI